NEW TOKYO -- In a press conference this morning on the steps of his residence, Kusari Prime Minister Shimura Yokitara addressed the public regarding the stance of the current Administration in regards to the controversial Itabashi Station in orbit of the Capital. Transcript follows.
When the Black Dragon Society took on administration of Itabashi, it was thought to be a good move, given that it would allow the State Police to affect their attention where it was more needed, such as maintaining our travel network against the rising Blood Dragon threat, securing our public from the Chrysanthemum drug cartels, protecting cargo from marauding pirates, and keeping our citizens safe in Kyushu from rioters. In spite of all these dangers, our Nation is a great one, supported by strong economics and a smart alliance with our newest friend, the Kingdom of Gallia.
The last year has been a trying time for our people, however. You, our citizens, finally chose to do away with an old, corrupt government and institute a republic of the people, and it is to you which we ultimately answer. It is your best interest in which we serve, and to you who we are responsible to for when we fail. Unfortunately, doing away with the transgressions of our predecessors is not as easy as waving our hands, for now that we are a Republic, there are still those who would seek to undermine the desire of the people.
The turning over of Itabashi to, of all groups, the Black Dragons, was a decision pushed through by those still holding on to vestiges of the old ways. We were led to believe that the Hogosha had changed and were willing to be an outstanding example of the power of the people. Unfortunately, we have been misled, and our faith had been misplaced. The current administration of Itabashi has seen fit to turn its weapons upon some of our closest allies and fellow countrymen. Loyal men and women of the Navy and honest civilians in service to the Gas Miner's Guild, hard-working shippers for Kishiro and travelers visiting us from abroad alike have been target of the station's armaments, all within view of the very planet we stand on. And this is not something that should be tolerated. The Hogosha have clearly shown that their interests are more self-serving than the greater good of Kusari.
As of this moment, a majority in Parliament and my Office are in agreement - Itabashi's status as a lawful base in Kusari will be suspended unless it complies with the wishes of the Republic and its people. We are at this time mandating the following actions:
Itabashi's defense armaments are to be dismantled immediately, and the base's defense be entrusted to the State Police and Naval Forces.
Itabashi's administrative responsibilities be returned to the Kusari State Police, who will then determine the future of the station.
The station administration has one week to comply with these requests, else further sanctions be placed.
We will do our duty to ensure the safety of our people, and show that your faith in us is not misplaced as well.
The Prime Minister did not receive any questions from the press, and returned to his residence at the conclusion of the statement.
The Itabashi controversy has been rooted, for some time, in the Hogosha's subjective take on station diplomacy, and the station's security systems have been known to fire, sometimes unexpectedly, at transports legal by the regulations set forth in the Kusari Codex and, as the Prime Minister indicated in his speech, sometimes even upon Naval Forces ships. The administration has been slow to respond to objections regarding its handling - or lack thereof - of Itabashi Station, and has been criticized severely for it by groups throughout Kusari.
Kusari News has submitted a request for comment from the Itabashi Station Administration in regards to their response to the Prime Minister's demands.
Okane Financial has questions for the Prime Minister.
We have interest in the government attitude towards Itabashi as our corporation provided the immediate liquid asset funding for its purchase by the honorable Black Dragon Society. From the moment of its acquisition until final payment made, Okane had representatives working with the base administration.
Thus we have questions, some of which we list here:
Quote:The turning over of Itabashi to, of all groups, the Black Dragons, was a decision pushed through by those still holding on to vestiges of the old ways.
Was it not Kishiro who uupon gaining control of the government who elevated the status of those known as the Hogosha to be considered lawful entities within house Kusari? Was it not the Kishiro led government that empowered the Hogosha to assist in enforcing Kusari law? By what vestiges of the old ways does the Prime Minister mean? As far as I personally am aware, the "old ways" were the emperor and the Samura led government.
If the Kishiro appointed prime minister wishes to negate the actions of the Kishiro led government, why does he do so in a way so as to cover the Kishiro led government's actions as that of the former government?
Quote:We were led to believe that the Hogosha had changed and were willing to be an outstanding example of the power of the people. Unfortunately, we have been misled, and our faith had been misplaced.
By what evidence is this statement made?
Quote:The current administration of Itabashi has seen fit to turn its weapons upon some of our closest allies and fellow countrymen. Loyal men and women of the Navy
Would the prime minister please provide evidence of this? The only situation that Okane Financial is aware of is a rogue ship with KNF identification papers that fired upon the base. Prior to this rogue shooting, Itabashi's guns were silent and responded only to defend itself. It is a recorded fact that a genuine KNF officer ordered this rogue to cease shooting at Itabashi.
Quote:hard-working shippers for Kishiro and travelers visiting us from abroad alike have been target of the station's armaments
Again, would the prime minister please provide evidence of this?
Itabashi does not fire upon lawful Kusari ships or non-hostile ships visiting from other houses. The government is well aware of this. It is also aware that the management of Itabashi has always been willing to provide exception clearance to anyone who asks provided they are lawful traders within Kusari.
Would the prime minister please provide evidence of any lawful trader being denied such clearance after asking for it? The records of Okane Financial do not show any such denial.
Quote:The Hogosha have clearly shown that their interests are more self-serving than the greater good of Kusari.
Again, would the prime minister please provide evidence? The Black Dragon Society made to purchase the base to keep it from falling into the control of foreign corporations, to keep it in Kusari hands. The prime minister as well as parliament is well aware, I am sure, that from the 20th of January Itabashi station was utilizing KNF transponder codes. Okane Financial initiated this change due to news of some complaints. The prime minister an the parliament were made aware of this change and the observations recorded during that time.
Thus, if the Hogosha are so self serving, why did the BDS agree to the change? After showing the government that certain elements purposely antagonized the base to activate the weapon platforms the defensive armaments were shut down for a period of time. These same antagonists still fired upon the base.
So, again, what evidence does the prime minister offer to support his declaration? What evidence of Itabashi indiscriminately firing upon Kusari navy and civilian ships?
On behalf of Okane Fiancial we ask that the prime minister provide evidence of his extraordinary claims.
On behalf of and as legal council to the Black Dragon Society we ask for a court injunction of the prime minister's demand until such evidence is produced and shown in court. For the government to make such extraordinary claims it is then the responsibility of the government to provide evidence to back its actions.
It is somewhat confusing. At one point you claim to be Interspace Commerce. At another point you claim to be an independent freelancer trader, and also claim to be Border Worlds Exports.
Border Worlds Exports cannot of course trade legally in house Kusari space. Interspace Commerce and the Hogosha have no hatred of each other and the two stations exist side by side outside planet New Tokyo. Interspace Commerce ships travel past Itabashi constantly every day without being fired upon.
If you personally had a hostile reputation to Hogosha you could have gotten it fixed but instead make baseless accusations. Have you any video evidence to support your claim? Please be advised that Interspace Commerce ships trade at Itabaashi before you continue your allegations.
Without proof of your allegations I move that your accusations be disregarded and any hostile actions that Itabashi might conceivably taken would have been due to your own hand, not that of Itabashi defense systems.
Also note, in your documentation provided, the sole image exhibited
Okane Financial's legal department has been retained to speak on behalf of the Black Dragon Society. As such, it is our job to seek out information. Specifically that information is in regards to actual substantiated evidence in the form of unmodified video. It is your lack of such evidenciary proof that your story is considered just that, a story.
Now, as for transponder affiliation in use by freelance traders, that is not unusual. However, it is also common that in continued change of transponders that some persons reduce their reputation with certain groups while improving it with others. Thus I posit that *if* Itabashi's guns fired at your ship it is due to your own hand, not the hand of Itabashi, the Kusari Government, or Interspace Commerce. Good and safe piloting dictates that a captain always be aware of his or her transponder and deal with any unwanted negative reactions due to unforseen changes in it. Thus, you had opportunity to correct your hostile transponder or to ask Itabashi for a passage exception but did not do so. That then would be your issue to deal with the consequences of your choice.
Also, as Interspace Commerce has not contacted BDS or deemed to reply positively towards your alleged complaint, I see no reason to view your allegations as anything but fabrication.
Nelly Sachs, president of ALG Waste Disposal speaking."
"As one of the frequent flying allied with Kusari shipping companies of Rheinland, Ich would like to say we had no to very little issue with Itabashi Station."
"Ich remember not so long ago seeing with my own eyes how the platforms opened fire on one of my employees vessel, but this was due to his own fault, having bought the ship second hand and forgot to change his receiver and transponders. He managed to evade the fire and made it to safety und upon arrival back at Wuppertal Refinery the engineers altered his transponder befitted an ALG transport should have."
"In effect this was his own fault und not that of the Hogosha or Itabashi. Luckily, he made it to safety, no harm done except for a grey hair or two extra. Ich was always content with the safety the station offered in the region, where lately numerous threats have been sighted, from an increase of members of the Blood Dragons, disgruntled women from the Golden Chrysanthemums up to the lowlife pirate here and there."
"Ich hope this matter can be solved accordingly with honor to all parties involved."
My name is Julia Morrow and I would like to thank the Kusari government for taking steps to increase the safety in the vicinity of Planet New Tokyo.
As a supplier of Planet New Tokyo and also Roppongi station, I pass the defense installations every day and I have witnessed countless acts in which the defenses opened up on targets that I felt were no threat that would call for a miltary high tech defensive grid technology
I vividly remember a tragic case when I picked up an inexperienced trader in a small transport of Bumblebee class with Freelance paperwork and offered him to take him with the convoy I was leading at that time.
Having the experience and some well-tuned up-to-date IFF adjustment software, I completely forgot about Itabashi as it has never caused myself trouble.
But exiting the lanes, the inexperienced trade commander found himself under intense crossfire by all guns.
I ordered the heavily armored Battletransports to shield the small craft and steered my own ship between the heavy platforms and their target, shielding him until he managed to dock at Ropongi with extensive damage amd medium damage to my transport.
I am not exaggerating when I say that dozens of rounds of heavy platform fire hit Ropongi shielding while the transport dodged for his life towards the base. I don't want to imagine what could have happened if the crossfire had found a lowered shield, hit a hangar or any passing civilian ship without military grade armament plating.
But this was not the worst part. The commander had his ship fixed up, undocked and before he even managed to regain control, Itabashi defense grid had already incapacitated his trade vessel. It lay burning in the hangar, half way in the undocking process when it was hit and destroyed. Only shielding the vessel with bulky ships against incoming fire allowed him to make it out of the base intact later.
I agree with the Hogosha that the dangers that Itabashi Automated Defense grid poses can be managed by careful adjustments to the IFF interface. The statement is true.
But how would those know who are new on the bridge of their ship? It took me months to understand the way my IFF settings work on my surroundings and many more months to finally grasp the complete concept.
Consequently, I heartily welcome the decision and I hope that a solution can be found that makes every side in this issue happy.
Good luck to all of you and lets hope the senseless shootings end soon.
The Gas Miners Guild would issue a statement in response to the press release made by the Prime Minister Shimura Yokitara of DPK earlier this week.
The Guild in its entirety will fully support the decision made by the current Kusari Administration concerning their move against the highly controversial base of Itabashi, New Tokyo. No longer will the Hogosha be able to hold the planet hostage, forcing their crooked way unto outsiders and extorting others. Once again, Guild vessels will be able to haul their products to the planet and beyond, without forcing through an illegal blockade in one of the very core systems of Kusari.
On behalf of the citizens of the Guild, we would offer congratulations to the most just people of the Republic of Kusari. A true and shining example of justice system at work.
To the ALG, thank you Miss Sachs for your input, it is much appreciated.
To the IMG:
The IMG had previously requested and received a green list pass from the Black Dragon Society to ensure that IMG vessels with troubled transponders are not harmed. The IMG has convoyed with BDS transports on multiple occasions. Thus, the IMG is well aware of issues with being hostile to Hogosha regarding their station.
I am curious about your statement regarding this freelancer individual. You are saying that the IMG with its experienced pilots and escorts in convoy, with full relations with the BDS and full knowledge of the defense settings on Itabashi...that IMG purposely took an inexperienced captain to the base without inquiring as to that ship's status with Kusari or the Hogosha?
You are saying, in effect, that the IMG chose to take this inexperienced pilot into Kusari space without checking with that pilot regarding their transponder, without suggesting that he fix possible transponder issues prior to arriving in New Tokyo. You are saying that the IMG and it's highly experience ship captains and escorts purposely led an inexperienced ship captain into harms way will full knowledge of possible events to unfold, without any warning or assistance to that pilot to fix problem issues beforehand?
Could not the IMG have had that pilot dock at any number of stations in Kusari to fix their transponder? Could not IMG have contacted the BDS to ensure that the rookie pilot was placed on the green list to prevent an incident? You are saying that instead of doing anything that could have prevented a problem incident the IMG led a rookie pilot into harms way?
I find this to be a rather disturbing revelation that an organization as prestigious as the IMG would do such a thing to a rookie pilot that it claims to have been helping.
Can the IMG provide a date of this incident? Also can the IMG provide photographic evidence that this incident actually took place?
Quote:I agree with the Hogosha that the dangers that Itabashi Automated Defense grid poses can be managed by careful adjustments to the IFF interface. The statement is true.
The Black Dragon Society has informed me that it thanks the IMG for this comment.
To the GMG:
The Black Dragon society has always been willing to provide green list access for those who ask for it. No one who has asked has been denied, not even those whom we find distasteful but whom are still considered lawful traders by Kusari law. The Hogosha are empowered to enforce Kusari law, and have not denied green listing to any lawful ship in Kusari who has requested it.
The GMG was approached in early January regarding a treaty to ensure that the GMG was green listed to avoid problem issues with guild shipping in the New Tokyo corridor.. It is the GMG not the Black Dragon Society that chose not to continue the discussion or sign a treaty.
What the GMG calls an illegal blockade is simply a continuation of the security measures put in place by the KSP previously. The weapon platforms have proven time and time again to provide protection from Blood Dragon and Outcast capital ships as well as pirates.
But then, GMG supports the Blood Dragons doesn't it? It would be in the interests of the GMG for the New Tokyo defense grid to be reduced or disabled to allow for your Blood Dragon allies to return to making their assaults right at the docking gates of our capital planet would it not?
It is fact that the GMG chose not to continue negotiations with the Black Dragon Society regarding ensuring safe passage. It is not the responsibility of the BDS Hogosha if the GMG chooses not to obtain secure passage for its people.