(03-12-2013, 03:39 PM)xXCecOXx Wrote: Well, can you give us a list of all commands for SP or smth?
Sure. Here are all the ones I know of.
All singleplayer commands are typed straight into the chat, without the forward slash.
Quote:Help Command
Use: Displays a list of commands.
Quote:Save Commands
Use: Saves the current game as the autosave.
Use: Loads the autosave.
Use: Saves the game. Slot and a name for the save game may be entered using the format save slotnumber name Example:save 1 Commissar - A save game with the name Commissar is created in slot one.
Use: Loads a saved game, useage is identical to the save command. Example:load 1 Commissar
Quote:Base Commands (Use only when docked.)
Use: Selects a parked ship to fly. If only one ship is owned, it is selected automatically, otherwise a list is displayed. You can only drive a ship that is currently parked at the same base you're on. See the hitch command. Example:drive Starflier - Current ship set to the Starflier, if owned.
Use: Moves the player to the specified base. Shortened variants of the base name can be used (e.g, Manhattan instead of Planet Manhattan). Example:hitch Manhattan - Moves the player to Mahattan.
Use: Parks the current ship for storage. When used in conjunction with the drive command, it allows the player to use multiple ships on a single account.
Use: Sell a ship in storage. Example:sell Starflier - Sells the parked starflier.
Use: Transfer equipment between a parked ship and the currently selected ship. Example:xfer Starflier - Opens an exchange window with the parked starflier.
Quote:Ship Commands (Can be used in space.)
Use: Performs an animation. The default is to open/close the cargo bay. If a ship has foldable wings (such as the Wraith), anim wings retracts/extends them. Example:anim or anim wings
Use: Moves the character to the requested base or, if no base is supplied, provides the id of the current base. Terminology is similar to hitch. Think of it as a hitch command in space. Example:base or base Manhattan - Moves the player to planet Manhattan.
Use: Display or set cruise speed. Doesn't seem to work to change cruise speed in Disco singleplayer. Example:cspd or cspd x - Where x is the desired cruise speed.
Use: Display or set time to accelerate to cruise speed (doesn't affect charge time). Example:cacc or cacc x - Where x is the desired time to cruise speed in seconds.
Use: Toggle collision detection on/off. Useful when your battleship's stuck in a Freeport.
Use: Toggle invincibility. Takes effect on the next load.
Use: Moves the character the requested distance from their current location (in metres). Negative numbers may be used. If no numbers are provided, moves the player to the targeted object, ship or waypoint. Example:jump or jump z x y - Where z is distance forwards/backwards, x is distance right/left and y is up/down.
Use: Returns the position of the character in space and rotation. Can also be used to move the character to a specified location when supplied with co-ordinates. Example:pos or pos x y z - It can be a bit tricky to use. Personally, I recommend just putting a waypoint where you want to go and using jump.
Use: Returns the position of the character in space and rotation. Can also be used to alter the rotation of a character when supplied with angles. Example:rot or rot y z x - y is degrees rotated vertically, measured from the ship's current facing. z is degrees rotated left. x is degrees rotated centrally.
Use: Jump to a system, or provide the id of the current system. Position and rotation commands can be incorporated into this to give you a precise location. Example:system or system California - Player moved to California or system Magellan Mactan - Player moved outside Mactan base in Magellan or system Magellan pos - Where pos is the desired position.
Quote:HUD Commands
Use: Options for the display of non-targeted brackets on NPCs. Useful for screenshots. Can be set to on, off, or sight (sight will show brackets when the mouse moves over the ship.) Example:ntb off - Brackets are disabled on non-targeted NPCs.
Use: Toggles the display of all everything on the nav map. Station info isn't provided though, you'll still need to visit to get that.
show houses
Use: Toggles the display of house names on the universe map.
show paths
Use: Toggles filtering of patrol paths on the nav map. Didn't seem to have an effect when I tried it.
Use: Shows or, if a time is provided, sets the time to zoom the nav map. Example:zoom or zoom 5 - Nav map zoom time set to five seconds.
Quote:Player Commands
Use: Sets the amount of cash on a character. Example:cash 1000000 - Player's bank is set to one million credits.
Use: Use a different character instead of Trent. Unfortunately, all the animations are set to male characters, so don't try to use a female character, unless you're a fan of brain bleach. You'll need to save and reload the game after entering the command for it to take effect. Example:costume Orillion - Now you can have your own personal bald of awesome.
Use: Give Trent a monkey's head. You maniac. You blew it up!
Use: Sets rep with a single faction, using the format rep factionvalue where the value is a number between -1 and 1. 1 will be friendly, and -1 hostile. You'll have to comb through your initialworld folder until you find the appropriate faction id. I might get around to posting up a list of faction ids later, if there's need for it. Example:rep fc_ln_grp 1 - Player friendly with the Hellfire Legion.
rep =
Use: Sets rep with -all- factions. Example:rep = -1 - Player hated by everyone.
rep undo
Use: Resets reputation to it's value prior to the first use of the rep = command.
Just booting up FLServer (which should be in a directory looking something like this C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Freelancer Discovery\EXE) will automatically start FLHook as well, and all the associated plug-ins.
You can then connect to that server in your local list.
I don't know where you'd get the management software to muck around with characters there; however. That's a question you'll have to ask one of the resident server-monkeys.
That faction code list would be really nice, I'd appreciate it.
What's the faction code for the Phantoms? I looked in that initialworld folder and they might as well be written in Greek and I ain't got time to resort to trial and error!
Just download FLStat - select the faction tab, and look up the factions and their associated IDs.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
((MODS: Please forgive this necro. Took me hours to find this information and this thread seemed the best place to put it.))
Below is a list of Costumes Trent can use taken from costumes.ini in DATA/CHARACTERS. I am not entirely sure every one of them works... but the ones I've tried do.
USAGE: Hit enter in single player, in the console window type "costume <costumename>" Example "costume orillion" or "costume tobias" or "costume ozu" (WITHOUT the quotes). Hit F1, Save your game, Load your game. That's it!