Doing another competition, similar to the last one.
There will be two 150 million credit prizes given out. One to the winner of each side, the pirate side and the trader side.
This competition will begin at 2013-06-01 00:00:00 SMT server time, and end at 2013-06-02 00:00:00 SMT2013-06-05 00:00:00 SMT server time. This means the competition begins in roughly 80 hours from the time of this post, so you have plenty of time to plan and prepare.
The rules for the PIRATES:
You must time stamp at the beginning of your interaction with the trader, and time stamp as soon as you receive the credits from the trader.
No cargo piracy, credits only.
Credit demands can not exceed 5 million credits.
Must screen shot the ID and cargo of the trader, as well as the chat log of your interaction with the trader, and upload them and post them here.
All piracy interactions must happen between "2013-06-01 00:00:00 SMT" server time, and "2013-06-05 00:00:00 SMT" server time.
The rules for the TRADERS:
You must begin with zero credits on your character. Buy your first commodity, send any remaining credits to another character, then screenshot your cargo hold showing your current cargo and zero credits WITH A TIME STAMP.
No transporting of ore or any other mined commodity.
No transporting of the same commodity more than three times.
You must screenshot yourself buying each commodity that you buy, and then screenshot yourself selling that same commodity wherever you choose to sell it. Time stamps must be included on ALL SCREENSHOTS.
No giving yourself credits from another character, or having someone else give you credits.
If you are pirated, you must screenshot the pirate's demand, screenshot yourself giving the pirate his demand, or if you get destroyed, you must screenshot your blue message. Remember, time stamps must be included on ALL screenshots, Time stamp EVERYTHING.
The pirate to pirate the most money will win 150 million credits.
The trader to have the highest amount of credits at the end will win 150 million credits.
Obviously, if your screenshots do not match up, such as you have more credits at the end than you screenshotted, then you will be disqualified and barred from any future competitions.
(05-29-2013, 02:27 AM)Veygaar Wrote: There are over 170 commodities Ryoken. 20 of which are minable.
Lets not forget that like 80 of them are pilots/dropped from ships only. Pretty much one for each faction, guard pilot, generic pilots, a different gunboat/cruiser commander and admiral per house, nomad brain, gunboat brain, battleship brain.
So you're left with less than 80 commodities, and even then I doubt there's that many. I'd say closer to 60. 45-55 if you don't count duplicate M0X/Passengers/Vehicles/Unobtainable commodities (liquid cardamine), and probably even LESS since I'm sure 2-5 of these commodities I counted are mineable (Boron? H-Fuel? Hydrocarbons?)
So round it down to around 40 commodities.
But lets not talk about how stupidly annoying it would be to go and run every non-mineable, easily purchaseable commodity in Sirius, especially when Gallia and all of the illegal commodities are included.
The traders got the short stick of this competition.
SMGSterlin made it.
Its ooRP event.
It will lead to lolwut piracy even more.
It will lead to powertrading even more.
This event not brings activity to factions that could use that.
and again
SMGSterlin made it.
(05-29-2013, 06:44 AM)JayDee Wrote: This event will fail 'cause
SMGSterlin made it.
Its ooRP event.
It will lead to lolwut piracy even more.
It will lead to powertrading even more.
This event not brings activity to factions that could use that.
and again
SMGSterlin made it.
my 0.0018834552 cents.
Do try to remember, this isn't Flood.
After thinking about it a bit, Saronsen makes a decent point about pirates camping ore routes, and just charging 10 million each and winning. So I put in a 5 million credit limit, in an effort to counter this.