**..unknowingly..{explorers}..jump/reach..~secret space~...{dyson sphere}...'theirs' unaware of -our-.. ~plans~..**
**..creation of ~second home~..(?)..-we- suffer..~memories~..**
**..-we-..seek ~revenge~..(!)..(pain)..**
**..amount of ~dead souls~..increase..(gratification)..**
**..-they-..count..erased 'darklings'..**
**..the -community- is pleased..(!)..~swords~..remain lethal..(warmth)..**
**..-entity-..calls..'Hass'..reports..~activity~..within {Bretonia space}..(!)..**
**..-ours- is amused..of 'their' ~ignorance~..(joy)..**
Wilde.McFadden: "Greetings police, I think we just nabbed you an arms smuggler!" Wilde.McFadden: "Oh, hello armed forces!" Wilde.Hass: "Indeed, he was about to smuggle them into Gallia space." Wilde.McFadden: "I just saw a ship full of munitions!" Wilde.McFadden: "Can you believe Libertonians these days?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Aye-aye, tell me more about your damn ship. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Drop your Wilds now. Wilde.Hass: "It was a smuggler, covered as passenger liner." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: They're illegal in Bretonia and have to be destroyed with harsh force. Wilde.Hass: "Our what?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Your Wild pilots. Wilde.Hass: "Oh, those pilots don't belong to us." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Good. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: You work for the Crown? Wilde.McFadden: "I'm just a miner whose lane was cut" Wilde.Hass: "I'm a honorable Freelancer." Wilde.McFadden: "When that Gallic fellow opened fire!" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Oh, drop also those human-modified nomad blasters. Wilde.Hass: "And I've been a victim of that smuggler." Wilde.McFadden: "There was an IMG transport that came by who also saw this smuggler" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: And the second one..? Wilde.Hass: "He tried to kill me, since I've seen his blackmarket munitions load." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I'm also quite curious where have you got them. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: And under which license are you operating? BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: You don't seem like MI5 guy to me. Wilde.Hass: "Why are you that interested in me, instead of that embargo breaker, we've killed for you?" Wilde.McFadden: "he saved me in any case!" Wilde.McFadden: "Clearly a hero." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Because you may be much more dangerous. Wilde.Hass: "What makes you think that?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Isn't that obvious anyway? BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Drop your second nomad gun, now. Wilde.Hass: "What's a 'nomad gun'...I'm confused." Wilde.McFadden: "It's a gun without a home of course!" Wilde.Hass: "Well, if Freelancers of my kind aren't welcome within Bretonia, I'll leave at once. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Alright, Hass, you're under arrest. You are to land your ship immediatly. Something's not clear. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Follow me to planet Leeds now. Wilde.McFadden: "But, he's a hero!" Wilde.Hass: "However, showing a bit thankfullness wouldn't have been wrong." Wilde.Hass: "If you say so." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: We'll show that thankfullness once we're assured you're not an enemy. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Wrong tradelane. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I said Leeds. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: So you're trying to escape, nomad freak? BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: This won't end well for you! BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: What's the meaning of this?! Wilde.Hass: "I thought it'd be wise to leave Bretonia as fast as possible." Wilde.Hass: "Since you're trying to blame me for something..." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: You're ignoring local authority? BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: This won't go easy. Wilde.McFadden: "What are you going to do to this nice freelancer?" Wilde.Hass: "It appears like you don't like my face, right?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: We're going to perform an anti-nomad check on him. I don't like his ship. Wilde.McFadden: "Maybe it would look good with one of those hats the BAF wear?" Wilde.Hass: "What is a 'nomad-check'...some kind of torture?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I think you confuse them with BPA hats, which's slighly more famous. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: No, not really. Just medical test. Wilde.McFadden: "Oh, yes, those are quite nice" Wilde.McFadden: "Are you after his liver?" Wilde.Hass: "Medical test? I don't trust you." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: You don't have to trust me, but you have to pass it. Wilde.Hass: "He's after my blood!" Wilde.McFadden: "But you need that!" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Oh, why'd I need your blood, it's done by usual medics, not by me. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I'm military man, not some kind of physician. Wilde.Hass: "But I don't need a doctor, I'm feeling fine." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I don't care how you feel, you're to land on Leeds at once. Wilde.Hass: "Leeds? I can't handle the smoke there." Wilde.McFadden: "I hear it is unhealthy" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Well, that's your problem. Wilde.Hass: "Can't we go to Planet New London instead?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: 2-3 hours of being on surface won't kill you for sure. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: No, you can't. Wilde.Hass: "And what if the Gallics start an assault on Leeds, just as I'm landed there?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Then it'll be your luck. Wilde.McFadden: "What if this fellow is actually a Gallic spy and is trying to put a Gallic surveillance device in your liver?" Wilde.Hass: "I find it a bad idea. I've also heard that the medicals on Leeds are awful." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I don't care how you see it. You choose to ignore local authority?! Wilde.Hass: "What if I'm your superior, being on an undercover mission in civil?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Get on moving, Hass. Wilde.McFadden: "I hear the Queen quite likes to pilot civilian bombers" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I'm not joking. Wilde.Hass: "To New London, yes?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: To the Leeds. Wilde.Hass: "How about Planet Cambridge?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I'm not going to listen to your excuses. Leeds. Wilde.McFadden: "I hear Curacao is nice" Wilde.Hass: "I mean Leeds really is the least place I'd like to orbit at." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: None of my concern. My job is to ensure you're not another infectee. Wilde.Hass: "Another? Do you often happen to see those?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Hey, what's that shield... Wilde.Hass: "It's half organic. A hispanic sold it to me." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Not really, but we're under instructions to check every potential infectee. Wilde.Hass: "He said it brings luck." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: So you deal with spaniards? BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Even better for you. Get on moving, I said! Wilde.Hass: "I'm a Freelancer, I deal with anyone, but I'm only allied with myself." Wilde.Hass: "Don't tell me, I'm the first of such kind you've ever met?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: It's none of your concern. Stop talking and get to moving. Wilde.Hass: "Okay, I'll proceed to Planet New London." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I said Leeds. Wilde.Hass: "Leeds is a nightmare." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: And I still said Leeds. Wilde.Hass: "I'd like to receive a bit respect." Wilde.Hass: "You'll put me into a mine there, don't you?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I'll put you in one of military hospitals for check, of course. [RS]Kersai: Gallic cruiser near Leeds Wilde.Hass: "Trying to get all the ressources out of that ugly planet, before it falls into the hands of the gallics." Wilde.Hass: "Speaking of..." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Roger that, I'll alert my superiors. Wilde.Hass: "How about we help you with that gallic, sir?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Eh? HX17-Sierra.Nevada: Copy, making an alternate Route. Wilde.Hass: "To show you our trust." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Don't try to get out of my reach. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I don't need your trust. Wilde.Hass: "I wouldn't." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I need you to comply with my demand. Wilde.Hass: "If we go to New London instead." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: To the Leeds, I said! Wilde.Hass: "I'd at least offer you my help against the gallic forces." Wilde.Hass: "Don't you think that bretonian civilians are in danger right now?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: If you're potential infectee, we can't guarantee safety of the Crown subjects on London. Wilde.Hass: "Considering that we just heard about gallics." Wilde.Hass: "Speaking of the crown's safety. Is Sprague already colonized?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: That's none of your concern either. Wilde.Hass: "Could you tell those ships to disengage?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I'm not really talkative, and you don't really make me to be. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: They'll get off you once we get to the Leeds. Wilde.Hass: "Just great, now they've damaged my engines even more." Wilde.Hass: "Should have told them to stop." Wilde.McFadden: "I know a thing or two about engine repair, should I take a look?" Wilde.McFadden: Since you saved me and all" Wilde.Hass: "Sure, go ahead." Wilde.McFadden: "Oh that's bad" Wilde.Hass: "Can it be fixed?" Wilde.McFadden: "We may need a lifter" Wilde.McFadden: "At Southampton probably" Wilde.Hass: "Mhm, I'll wait here." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Doesn't mean you'll simply get away, though. Wilde.Hass: "I could proceed to Leeds with my side thrusters." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Go ahead. Wilde.Hass: "Getting a lifter might be faster." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: It's unlikely we've got any spare lifters at the moment. Wilde.McFadden: "Maybe I could use my tractor to pull you along?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: That ship weighs too much, don't be naive. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Damn... Wilde.McFadden: "Are those Gallics there?" Wilde.Hass: "Did you just saw that?" Wilde.McFadden: "Good call on not wanting to be there for the invasion!" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Looks like it, but I can't leave you out. Wilde.Hass: "A black hole appeard, taking that ship." Wilde.Hass: "I could either wait here, or support you." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Your engines are broken, how'd you support me? Wilde.Hass: "True that." Wilde.McFadden: "It looks like only his cruise engines are down though" Wilde.McFadden: "See those springs that shouldn't be sticking out?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Then GET MOVING TO LEEDS NOW. Wilde.Hass: "Oh why haven't you told me that earlier?" Wilde.McFadden: "I thought you'd try pushing the forward button" Wilde.Hass: "Roger that. Proceeding to Planet New London." GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Bonjour... BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: To the Leeds, I say! Damn freak. Wilde.McFadden: "Oh, bonjour future overlords of Bretonia" Wilde.Hass: "I've heard that there's a small town on Planet New London, called New Leeds." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Yea, spread defeatism more. Wilde.Hass: "Do you happen to mean that location?" Wilde.McFadden: " I mean, not that" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: No, I mean PLANET LEEDS. Wilde.Hass: "That planet which is surrounded by large dirt clouds?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Aye. Wilde.McFadden: "Planet Leeds, the restaurant on Cambridge?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I'm from Cambridge, there's no such thing there. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Stop acting fools, both of you! GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Whoops... Wilde.McFadden: "You sure? I swear I had Rheinlandic food there once" Wilde.Hass: "You've been everywhere on the whole planet? Wow." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Aye, I had good childhood. Wilde.McFadden: "At least it seems Gallia is peaceful, eh?" Wilde.Hass: "Those gallics. They're following me - or you?" Wilde.Hass: "Are they invited to Planet Leeeds, too?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Try to guess. GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Listening to your chat is... interesting. GRN|Aurelia.Antoine: Cats hunting mouse. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I'm sure if they're looking to enlist in the Council, they're welcome. Wilde.Hass: "Yet another black hole." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Black hole? BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: You're high and in space? Wilde.Hass: "Disappeard as fast as it came." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: The hell was that?! Wilde.Hass: "You've seen it now?" Wilde.McFadden: "A Gallic superweapon?" Wilde.Hass: "Ha, I ain't high." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Alright, this won't work, such weapon can't fall into gallic hands! Wilde.Hass: "22k to go until planet Leeds." BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Eject. Wilde.Hass: "From there we'll proceed to New London, right?" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: I'm going to destroy your ship now. Wilde.Hass: "Eject -what?" Wilde.Hass: "Oh, that isn't nice." Wilde.McFadden: "What are you doing?" GRN|Aurelia.Antoine: Bretonia hero... ach... Wilde.Hass: "Killing civilians now?" Maxime.Clement: *laughs* Wilde.McFadden: "But he's a hero!" GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Well there it goes. Interesting what Bretonian expected from them? Wilde.McFadden: "No!" Wilde.Hass: "Murderer!" GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Amusing... BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: And your engines are in tact. Wilde.Hass: "Alright, I'll defend myself now! GRN|Aurelia.Antoine: Wilde... Wilde!!! GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Hmm? BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Damn it, this won't work. GRN|Aurelia.Antoine: Wilde will win this Maxime.Clement: Look at him runs... GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Perhaps smarter then he looks to be... Or no? GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Well, I am sure they will finish here... Unless you want to see how it gonna end, let's head to next way point. Maxime.Clement: Oui GRN|Aurelia.Antoine: Oui. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Good at least I've captured one damn good evidence on your head. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: You're going down, bastard, MI5 will get to you. Wilde.Hass: "Evidence? You almost killed me. A Freelancer has the right to defend himself, don't you think?" Wilde.McFadden: "You did attack this poor man" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: He has to comply with the law, not to fool authorities. BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Leave your fairytales about not working engine now. Wilde.Hass: "Ah, the gallics are boarding Planet Leeds now?" Wilde.Hass: "As I've told you." Wilde.McFadden: "See? Overlords" BAF|LtCdr.T.Eliot: Civilians, be advised Leeds is under attack; you may suffer friendly on unintentional fire. GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Hmm, you've let him run?
**..-we- remain..~disguised~..plans of 'theirs' fail..**
**..'blue-humans'..mean no harm to -our kind-..(?)..(confusion)..**
**..-ours-...return to..~rockhome~..(contentment)..**
** 'We' sow the seeds, preparing -their- demise **
** -human-minds-, unable to see through the disguise, intrigued by sweet offers**
Wilde.Frevel: Hello... Zoner, Colonial...
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Are you one of the Temporary Autonomous Zoners?
Wilde.Frevel: No, this ship belongs to a small mining corporation
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: What a pity, I wanted to compliment you for hosting such a nice meeting. Never mind. How's mining business going anyway?
Wilde.Frevel: Very good.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Is it so? Where do you operate most of the time?
Wilde.Frevel: The Tau Systems.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Your corporation must be tied with the IMG then, non?
Wilde.Frevel: It is an independent one.
Wilde.Frevel: We have been working for the Zoners in our past contracts.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Fully independent? And don't you fear that the Gauls or the Outcasts might extort your business operations?
Wilde.Frevel: Do you think this could happen?
Wilde.Frevel: We have always considered these individuals to be... reasonable.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I must admit, the Outcast clientele onboard the Freeport 10 is most exquisite
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: And most of them have a keen sense for business
Wilde.Frevel: Can you tell us more about them?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Us.... Us who?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I thought I was talking to you only
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Aw, bonjour, TAZ member
[TAZ]Microwave: James: Kallisti
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: My compliments for the summit.
Wilde.Frevel: You are, the information you give is going to be helpful to the corporation.
Wilde.Frevel: Thats why... us.
Wilde.Frevel: True, not even in a Wraith
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Well I do not know them pretty much. I can only tell that as long as you don't hit their nerves you would be tres bien
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: But I guess this applies to every party you may run into in the Taus, non?
Death: Nercro did their best.
Wilde.Frevel: That appears to be correct.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: You said your corporation would find that kind of information helpful, are you interested in opening a business contract with
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: them?
Wilde.Frevel: This stays confidential, right?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: No one respects secrecy more than the Commonwealth, monsieur
Wilde.Frevel: Perfect.
Wilde.Frevel: It has come to our attention that the Niobium ore from Tau 23 is a quite important part of ship building.
Wilde.Frevel: Thats why a deal with them could be a profitable option.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: A protection insurance, you mean?
Wilde.Frevel: No, something more direct.
Wilde.Frevel: An exchange of goods for example.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I find myself to be... Most intrigued
Wilde.Frevel: I am sure that we could find a spot for you as well, should you ever be interested in the mining business.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Perhaps
Wilde.Frevel: Imagine the wealth you could acquire in an incredibly short time.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Well, this is... tempting, what would your proposition be?
Wilde.Frevel: We always need capable men.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: For what exactly?
Wilde.Frevel: For the work that has to be done, dont you agree?
Wilde.Frevel: Wealth doesnt come from alone.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Oui. That would be obvious, but different men have different assets and capabilities. Different capabilities are suited for
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: different jobs, non?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: You need to know at least one part of the string to find the others
Wilde.Frevel: That appears to be true, but be assured that we could offer jobs that fit everyones capabilities.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I suppose.
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Zdraste Robert
Wilde.Frevel: We might be a small business, but we are expanding fast, so there is always an demand for freh.... eployees.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Bonjour, Zakir. Nice of you to plan a meeting with a contact of yours yesterday
Wilde.Frevel: Good afternoon Zoner!
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Though I would have appreciated if you would have announced me before hand
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : I was too much into the artefact
Wilde.Frevel: Artifact?
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Greets Fervel
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Now that I am thinking, Outcasts offer similar jobs with similar requirements like you, though... That is commonly known as
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Yes Artifact...
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Slavery. How's the view of your corporation on slavery?
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Have you been to the Omicrons lately Frevel?
Wilde.Frevel: Slavery... that is something we do not tolerate.
Wilde.Frevel: No, I have never been to the Omicrons, but I have heard about these artifacts, dangerous things...
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: You do not? Magnifique. But, if you view it in retrospective, you have to admit slavery offers some benefits
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Non?
Wilde.Frevel: Be assured that every man in our corporation is paid well, much better then the IMG might.
Wilde.Frevel: Not to mention the other benefits.
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : I can see some alien nanobodies on your hull...
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Or my scans are lying to me
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Excuses-moi, but, what other benefits are we talking about?
Wilde.Frevel: A... lets call it share of the company as a whole?
Wilde.Frevel: So... if the company is successful, you are as well.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: How unitarian.
Wilde.Frevel: Indeed.
Wilde.Frevel: One could describe it as a large community
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: How is your corporation called?
Wilde.Frevel: Maybe even.. family?
Wilde.Frevel: Excuse me? Did I not mention that earlier?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I think not
Wilde.Frevel: How could that happen...
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Rheinland Military?
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : What are these doing here?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I guess it happens, non?
Wilde.Frevel: What?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Excuses-moi, Zakir?
[RM-MND]Hans.Eckhard: *a Rheinland ship appears out of nowhere*
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Im picking up a RM Transponder
Wilde.Frevel: Thats usually trouble...
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Are you sure, Zakir? I wasn't expecting any rheinland ships in these parts
Wilde.Frevel: Our corporation has had problems with Rheinland in the past.
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Its what Im picking up on the scaners
[RM-MND]Hans.Eckhard: *the presence of a rheinland inteligence ship is making the zoners think twice who that miner is*
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Hmm... What kind of problems, monsieur?
Wilde.Frevel: This ships scanners dont pick up anything...
[RM-MND]Hans.Eckhard: *there is going a question inside their heads, what could possible a rheinland ship looking for in here....*
Wilde.Frevel: Trade embargos and assaults on our vessels.
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Thats probably because i have upgraded Scanners
Wilde.Frevel: Likely.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Why would they embargo a mining corporation?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I though corporations such as yours would only bring profit to a House
Wilde.Frevel: They never gave us an official statement.
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Anyway... Frevel Coul;d you tell me... Why you have Alien nanobodies on your hull?
[RM-MND]Hans.Eckhard: *but still, the rheinland ship is silent, what is rather unconfortable*
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Since you tole me you dont have been in the Omicrons
Wilde.Frevel: Alien Nanobodies?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: And Zakir, if you say we have a Rheinland ship in here. Tell me s'il vous plait, what could it be looking for in the Taus?
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Way to Liberty...
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Wildes...
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Or spying
Wilde.Frevel: We have only been mining in the Tau systems, maybe some kind of radiation altered the hull?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Wildes? Infectees you mean?
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Radiation is diffrent from Alien nanobodies
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Yes
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir ; Its somwhere here
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Probably cloaked
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Hmm, now that you tell me...
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I think you may be right...
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Silver?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: But, he is not like the others. I don't know
Silver':Reaver: Evenin'.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Bonjour
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Here comes the queen of the space
Wilde.Frevel: Do you have any idea where these nanobodies could come from?
Silver':Reaver: *Raises an eyebrow* Queen of space?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Monsieur, do you plan on encountering any nomads in the Taus?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I've seen them quite some times, they can be detrimental to mining business
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Nomad ships or Nebulas of Omicrons
Silver':Reaver: Uh. A miner.
Wilde.Frevel: Indeed.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Oui...
Silver':Reaver: And.. *Looks at the scanner* Hm.
Wilde.Frevel: Now, did you think about the proposal Zoner?
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : What brings the most deadly pilot of sirius here?
Silver':Reaver: Death, really.
Wilde.Frevel: Our corporation could grant you many benefits.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I am... considering it
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I doubt I could give a definit answer at this moment
Wilde.Frevel: Understandable.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: *he cleans the sweat of his forehead*
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Where are your mining ops Frevel?
Wilde.Frevel: The Tau systems.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: It... would... definetly require you to be a petit more specific on the requirements of your job before I could say anything
Wilde.Frevel: But we have done a few research operations... further into Outcast territory.
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : * Personall comm to Robert * I dont trust this. The more time im here the more prof i get that hes infceted...
Wilde.Frevel: We have a demand for skilled pilots, scientists, even for administrative tasks.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I see... Do you have... Health Insurances?
Wilde.Frevel: Yes.
Silver':Reaver: *Cracks her neck* Hm. That was diferent.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: You do? Hmmm
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: *bites his lip*
Wilde.Frevel: Its one of the many benefits.
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Could I know... Where is the HQ of your Op...
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Most exquisite to see you, madame. How's business for you?
Silver':Reaver: Deadly, Monsieu D'Autoine.
Silver':Reaver: How is yours?
Wilde.Frevel: It is in Coronado, the best place for an independent corporation, correct?
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Well, that pun was a bullseye. And mine? Profitable, I dare say
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I assume, oui, monsieur
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: But why would you set the headquarters of your corporation so far away from your main zone of operations?
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Frevel Could I mee tyour leader?
Wilde.Frevel: The Taus are controlled by too many different groups, a headquarter there would be dangerous.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Seems so
Wilde.Frevel: And I assume so, but not now.
Wilde.Frevel: The boss is a busy person.
Silver':Reaver: So.. Humm..
Silver':Reaver: A mining coorp, based out of Coronado?
Silver':Reaver: Ain't that somethin'.
CW|Star.Shield: Zakir : Im not buying it either...
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: Speaking of which, madame, have you ever been to the Taus, lately?
Silver':Reaver: Me?
Silver':Reaver: Why wouldn't i be elbow deep in that hell hole? Of course i am.
Wilde.Frevel: I have been called back to the headquarters, think about the proposal Zoner.
CW|Robert.d'Autoine: I won't say that I won't, monsieur
Wilde.Frevel: Perfect.
**'We' shall spread the -Communities- influence**
**More shall follow this example**
**-They- are left in the dark**
**'We' are successful **
**..-Seelenwanderer-..uploads..{visual content}..to ~mindnode~..(!)..**
**..{a huge gathering of human vessels prepares for a hyperjump as two unknown ships get into range of the jumpdevice just in time}..**
**..~ambush~ successful..(!)..no survivors..(satisfaction)..**
**..return from ~Gallia~..without..{hyperjump device}..not possible..(?)..(grief)..**
**..the community..orders {self-destruction of reproducible unit}..**
**..{data transfer} finished..{continueing reproduction/reinitializing}..(joy)..**
**.. -the community-... recognizes ~use~.. in 'hispanic beings'..(?)..**
**.. 'Natalie-named'.. uploads {log file}..to the ~node~..**
[57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *adjusting scaners due to imposible images* Wilde.Zweifel: Attack the Hessians feldwebel [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: Hmmm... I must be dreaming Wilde.Zweifel: one down Wilde.Kreuzritter: "A second one bit the dust." Wilde.Zweifel: and there goes the third one Wilde.Zweifel: We have more incomming. Wilde.Zweifel: prepare your shields Wilde.Zweifel: That was the last of them... [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *more screens adjustings* Wilde.Zweifel: Unknown vessel, identify yourself.... [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: Comisario Ladron here Wilde.Zweifel: *he looks towards kreuzritter* Wilde.Kreuzritter: "So, a hispanic." [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: With my radar broken Wilde.Zweifel: We can show you the way... [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: I see images of starnge sort [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: All ok with nav systems Wilde.Kreuzritter: "Are you under influence of drug-poisoned human meat?" [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: But you guys... [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *scratches* [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: odd... [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *shakes his screen* damn SCRA technology! Wilde.Kreuzritter: "Do you have any connection with the coalition?" [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: Hey I got an idea [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: hmmm...? Why? We are in war with them Wilde.Kreuzritter: "That is a connection." Wilde.Zweifel: That was not an answer on the given question... Wilde.Kreuzritter: "Can you tell us any informations about their fleet numbers, position and supply routes?" [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: We buy ship parts on open market. All MAde in SCRA, caramba! [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: I would like to know that too. As... [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: I'm in charge to cut their supplies Wilde.Zweifel: Are you?... Wilde.Kreuzritter: "So you probably already know a few things..." [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: si, Pepe Ladron on service! *proud* Wilde.Kreuzritter: "Just send me your flight log data files, so I can take a look on them." [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: I know they are supplied by smugglers Wilde.Kreuzritter: "Any specific names?" Wilde.Zweifel: ***...*other*-named....unaware-identity-'ours'....'we'-(joy)...*** [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: Hmmmm... Mr. Gr.... *fear* HEY! [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: VOICE IN MY HEAD!!!! [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *shoots random* Wilde.Kreuzritter: **{the thought flows through the spacedust like a waterfall as the node gets visible}** [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *scared more* [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *more shooting* Wilde.Zweifel: **....voices of centuries- 'we'-posses...physiology-*theirs*-'we'-used...** [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: WHAAAAAT IS THAAAT! *shakes* [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE! Wilde.Kreuzritter: **{the stream flows through the entity's synapses, knowingly of its destiny and purpose}** [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *less scared* [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *calms down* Wilde.Zweifel: Tell me... Wilde.Zweifel: What is it you desire... Wilde.Kreuzritter: **{suddenly a painful impact strikes through its flesh and the stream calms down}** [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: hola, hermano... are you a God? *sings* Wilde.Kreuzritter: "Your god. If that's what you desire." [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: yaaa-laaaa-laaaaa! I know my gooo-oood *sings* Wilde.Kreuzritter: "Name it." [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: I will be hungry never again! [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *whispers* you know... Santa Muerte [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *turns arround* The mighty DEATH Wilde.Kreuzritter: "Is she your deepest desire?" Wilde.Kreuzritter: "Do you wish to meet her?" [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: *scared again* do I? [57th]Pepe.Ladron[TBH]: When can I get food, God? Wilde.Kreuzritter: "First the children, then the elders." Wilde.Kreuzritter: "To what sort do you belong?"
** 'We' venture through space, conducting the operations tasked **
** -human-minds- attempt to disrupt our work, we punish -them-**
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: What the..
=LSF=Chimera: Wilde on scanners.
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: Oh my god..
=LSF=Charles.Manson: Scanner is red.
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: Jesus
=LSF=Alliance-1: Scanner is hostile.
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: I can't...this is too much...
=LSF=Chimera: All units arm weapons.
=LSF=Alliance-1: Weapons armed, targets unable lock, Out of range.
=LSF=Alliance-1: Orders sir.
**-They- are catious, unlike others -these- do not act blindly.**
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: Are they performing an experiment?
Wilde.Geist: "This situation will not end just because of you..."
Wilde.Geist: "We shall not give up all the work, just so..."
Wilde.Geist: " You have to come through us or go away....
Wilde.Paul.Richter: "This has come too far to stop now."
Wilde.Geist: "It is not you we are after..."
Wilde.Wanderer: "Gut. The weapon systems are now on 10% power."
Wilde.Wanderer: "Anti-fighter turrets fully functional."
=LSF=Charles.Manson: No chance sir... engagement is equal to suicide.
Wilde.Paul.Richter: "Most other systems still report malfunctions."
Wilde.Wanderer: "We need those engines working!"
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: They're near that old battleship
=LSF=Chimera: Who said anything about engage?
Wilde.Geist: *transmitting data....negative, connection blocked*
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: Are they trying to repari that ship...and steal it?
Wilde.Geist: "As we said, it is not you we are after..."
Wilde.Wanderer: "Shield systems failed. Trying to reactivate."
Wilde.Paul.Richter: "Reactors 1 and 2 are still not working."
=LSF=Alliance-1: So, erm what's wrong with your reactors?
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: Right, just confirmed, they're trying to steal the Order Battleship...wait, is that the Isis?
=LSF=Chimera: I assume one of you is recording this?
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: It's just a wreck now...I can't believe I missed this much
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: Roger that Major Brand
Wilde.Geist: " only a fool would try to steal a wreck...."
Wilde.Geist: " As we said it is not you we are after..."
=LSF=Chimera: Plans perhaps?
=LSF=Adrienne.Perry: Then what are you doing, trying to repair it?
Wilde.Geist: " There are of course certain things of interest, we do not want to loose...."
Wilde.Wanderer: "Ignore their attempts of communication."
Wilde.Wanderer: "We got to finish our task."
Wilde.Paul.Richter: " They appear to be closing in."
**The task has been finished**
**'We' are successful **
**-They- are left in the dark, not knowing about the danger**
Wilde.Zweifel: **...connection-*community*-'ours'....**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: What the ...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: *he rechecks the comm*
Wilde.Zweifel: **...neuron connectivity...sensitive....'we'-connected...(!)...**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: *he shakes his head in confusion* Are...*we*?
Wilde.Zweifel: **(many of the coalitioners were left tainted with unknown nomad tissue, they became sensitive to their presence)**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Must have been lack of sleep... this isn't happenin' *he shakes his head again*
Wilde.Zweifel: **(Joachim feels its leading it somewhere, he knows where to go)**
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: Shepards of the... Mein Herr. You have lost your mind...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I ,,, will be comin' *he has no idea why is he actually sayin that, the space seems a bit blury behind his cockpit*
[14.08.2013 21:25:25] Wilde.Zweifel: **...*they*-seek power....power of centuries....*(light)*-hidden from the-*others*...**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: *it feels tempting, like something you know you shouldn't do but you will still want to do it.*
Wilde.Zweifel: **( there is only one word repeatably crossing his mind....Baja...Baja...Baja...)**
Wilde.Zweifel: **( that has to be the answer, the planet Baja, Joachim has to know whats in there)**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: *he feels like if his mind is gonna go crazy* Slower, slower...
Wilde.Zweifel: **( the closer he comes to planet Baja the stronger he feels)**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: *he checks his map* Where is it... where is it
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: There it is...
Wilde.Zweifel: **....neurons effectivity increased....adrenaline release increased....the body is full of power...**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: *his fists clutch*
Wilde.Zweifel: **( Joachim closes his eyes and knows the goal lies in the northeast)**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: My brother... he means... harm...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Stop it, stop it why are you saying that *he says loud*
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: *his nails scratch into the leather of the pilot seat*
Wilde.Zweifel: **...increased adrenaline causes faster heartbeat, joachim gets uncomfortable...**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: He arrives to the source of his temptation* There it is...
Wilde.Zweifel: **...the hormone system cannot control the acidobase, the balance is slowly collapsing...**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Verdamnit, what's happenin to me...!
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: He watches the planet, trying to find out why did he even flew here
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I am ... being called
Wilde.Zweifel: **..community-calls...*other*-named...**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Have to... go
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: *he turns on his engines again thrusting them back, fighting the urge to stay here*
Wilde.Zweifel: **...community waits...**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Waits... for what...
Wilde.Zweifel: **...community demands (!)...**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Speak clearer.. I.. *he checks his radar*
Wilde.Zweifel: " You came alone....gut..."
Wilde.Zweifel: Tell me...
Wilde.Zweifel: What brought you here?...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: "Not sure for how long, I am disobeying direct orders and I don't even know because of what...!"
Wilde.Vergeltung: because of fear?
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: A voice... temptation... feeling ...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: A bit of everything... what..ARE..you?!
Wilde.Zweifel: Why did you come alone?...
Wilde.Vergeltung: the urge to believe that the commanding officers are lying to you maybe?
Wilde.Zweifel: Nein, we are asking the question here.
Wilde.Zweifel: Not you...
Wilde.Zweifel: Your questions are of no importance
Wilde.Zweifel: So tell me, why did you come alone?...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I don't have much time... if you have something to say, do it fast. Sooner or later my brother will appear here
Wilde.Zweifel: And what would he do?...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Shoot you
Wilde.Zweifel: Why should he?...
Wilde.Vergeltung: they've been lying to these soldiers
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: He doesn't seem to have friendly memories of you
Wilde.Zweifel: What would be the sense of shooting us?...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I ... *he tries to find an answer* I don't know...
Wilde.Zweifel: That answer does not satisfy us.
Wilde.Vergeltung: kamerad sturz we require your assistance at planet baja, we are engaged by an uknown force
Wilde.Zweifel: Try again.
Wilde.Zweifel: Speak!
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: He wants to kill you, he percieves you a threat. And so should bloody I *he clenches his teeth*
Wilde.Zweifel: And yet, you do not....why?...
Wilde.Zweifel: Tell me...
Wilde.Zweifel: What do you seek?...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I... a purpose... goal
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I joined and I really believed
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: but the dream perished
Wilde.Zweifel: Believed what?...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: it's just... GONE!
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Vision of better future, for people, universal happiness
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Equality
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: But it turned to ashes... It's just a routine now
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I feel empty
Wilde.Zweifel: Do you believe in equality?...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Yes, but I think people should fight for it and not take it for granted
Wilde.Zweifel: Then you are a fool...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: No one can give you freedom, you have to take it for yourself
Wilde.Vergeltung: another one who fell for the lies and propaganda
Wilde.Zweifel: Equality does not exist, even among you are some more worth than the others...
Wilde.Zweifel: You are not identical, you are different...
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: Approaching Planet Baja orbit. What is the situation?
Wilde.Zweifel: some deserve the gift, some do not..
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Got some unindentified vessels here
Wilde.Zweifel: some choose their way willingly, some do not...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Checking them now
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: What?
Wilde.Zweifel: but in all cases its not them who decide about their path...
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: Where is the fight?
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Fight?
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: Where is... *he sounds confused*
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: All I see is two Rheinland vessels
Wilde.Zweifel: ***(amusement)***
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: Rhein...?
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: I was called here by the codes of a Coalition strike wing...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Acutally correct that
Wilde.Zweifel: You will be given the decision...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: One civilian and one Rheinland
CRA|Thies.Sturz: Old codes but still codes. And who are these?
Wilde.Zweifel: Kill your brother, show me that you are worthy taking the right path...
**...option-given...*they*-choose the path....(!)...**
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I don't know yet
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: What?
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Wha-
Wilde.Zweifel: ***...option-given...community-demands...(!)...***
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: Joachim....
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: What is this?!
Wilde.Zweifel: Do it.
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: But.. he is my brother!
Wilde.Zweifel: Do it and you shall experience what only some of your kind could...
Wilde.Vergeltung: **.. true future demands it..*
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: What. Is. This. Madness Joachim. Who are these people.
Wilde.Zweifel: Do it
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: What are they talking about?!
Wilde.Zweifel: Do it now
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: If I do it I have nowhere to go
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I am an outcast *he says over close channel*
Wilde.Zweifel: Show us your strength, show us that there is nothing what ties you to their community anymore...
Wilde.Vergeltung: *..purpose requires sacrifices..*
Wilde.Zweifel: prove us your hunger for power...
Wilde.Zweifel: That is the only way...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Brother I think you should leave...
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: *he starts to realize* Wha-.
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: These are no rheinlanders... Are they.
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I don't think they are...
Wilde.Vergeltung: we are the true future
Wilde.Zweifel: your primitive connection is of no importance to us...
Wilde.Zweifel: finish it.
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: I think you will tell me who you are.
Wilde.Zweifel: there can be only one.
Wilde.Zweifel: or none....
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: I don't know brother... but they are right in some things...
Wilde.Zweifel: Some choose their path willingly, some do not...
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: Jah. There is only one. The glorious friendship of all peoples! All humans will be united. Under the red flag! Don't you...
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: remember?! Bruder?!
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: For how long have we been claiming that?!
Wilde.Vergeltung: false truths. Not the truest of futures
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: 300 years?
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: I know who you are. You are the mutants. The monsters these aliens created.
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: And you are listening to them Joachim?!
[Wilde.Zweifel: your primitive ideals and little conflicts are of no importance...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: All I see is more of my comrades dying every day
Wilde.Zweifel: choose your destiny.
ltung: we are the true future. We are your destiny
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: They die in the name of the revolution!
CRA|Joachim.Sturz: No...
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: They have right to talk
Wilde.Zweifel: The community decided...
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: Noone that doesn't follow our goals has the right to talk
Wilde.Vergeltung: choices have been made
SCRA|Thies.Sturz: I hate you Sturz. I hate you.
Wilde.Zweifel: ***(amusement)...*other*-named...decided...***
Wilde.Vergeltung: **.. community approves..*
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: Leave!
Wilde.Zweifel: Kill him
Wilde.Vergeltung: finish it! for there is only one spot in the future
Wilde.Zweifel: ***....the thought was planted...community will decide...***
SCRA|Joachim.Sturz: LEAVE!
Wilde.Vergeltung: **.. the future will play itself out..*
Death: SCRA|Thies.Sturz was put out of action by SCRA|Joachim.Sturz (Gun)
BAF|Cdre.Ryan.Williams: I repeat I'm outgunned, outnumbered and surrounded, requesting immediate support now!
Wilde.Zweifel: others shall pay for you.....
BAF|Cdre.Ryan.Williams: No don't touch that transport!
** -human-minds-, unknowing in their very being, become willing servants**
Boggart: Foolish Miners, you steal Bretonian ore...
Boggart: You should know better.
Boggart: Are you supplying the Gallics with this?
Dimas_Vidaloka: Well I'm ok with making more trouble now, so, I'll just be leaving
Wilde.Geist: You should better stop and answer the questions...
Boggart: You will not ignore a Bretonian Intelligence officer.
Dimas_Vidaloka: Do you want the damn ore?
TP~Henry.Morgan: Not your day ey?
Boggart: We want the questions answered.
Dimas_Vidaloka: No, not
Dimas_Vidaloka: What questions?
TP~Aidan.McGann: I swear we toootally haven't anything to do with them intel officers, aye aye
Boggart: Whom are you going to sell this bretonian ore to?
Boggart: Well?
Dimas_Vidaloka: I'm going to take it to...
Dimas_Vidaloka: Let me check
Boggart: The Gallics, whom else.
Wilde.Geist: You dont even know?...
Boggart: Now that you have answered this truthfully, why do you steal Bretonias ore in times of war?
Wilde.Geist: There might be even more shaddy deals happening here than we were afraid of...
Boggart: And why do you supply Bretonias enemies with it?
Dimas_Vidaloka: well
Boggart: Silence isnt helpful.
TP~Henry.Morgan: You did?
Dimas_Vidaloka: I'm just doing my job here officer
Boggart: It only makes us more suspicious.
Wilde.Geist: Speak up your mind, miner....
Wilde.Geist: So far you havent said anything.
Boggart: If your job is stealing Bretonias ore to sell it to our enemies, then you are in for a lot of trouble Miner.
Dimas_Vidaloka: Now if you let me check my trade routes I just may be able to tell you who the buyer is..
Dimas_Vidaloka: I didin't even know this is bretonian ore, really
Boggart: Her Royal Highness herself has granted us privileges no other military members have, especially when dealing with treason
Boggart: We will not require a court trail in order to deem you guilty.
Boggart: So better tell us the whole truth about your shady dealings here.
Dimas_Vidaloka: Well, if you want, I can jettison the cargo..
Wilde.Geist: its not about the cargo if you havent noticed already....
Boggart: That would help, but it wont help you to escape the claims of treason we hold against you.
Boggart: You are a traitor and in times of war, those are punished by death.
Boggart: So convince us that you are unguilty, should you be.
Dimas_Vidaloka: But what was my crime of war?
Boggart: Treason.
Boggart: The worst of all of them.
Boggart: You have been caught redhanded, stealing the ore that rightfully belongs to the Kingdom of Bretonia.
Dimas_Vidaloka: My friend, my job as a miner is to take these damn ores to a system buying high
Boggart: No.
Dimas_Vidaloka: I don't work for no damn side of the war
Boggart: This is Bretonian ore, so you deliver it to Bretonia.
Boggart: Considering that you are nothing but a greedy individual you certainly do not care about our soldiers dying.
Dimas_Vidaloka: And to where?
Boggart: Dying because you steal the ore that would be required to produce their equipment.
Boggart: Bretonia has plenty of bases.
Dimas_Vidaloka: Well, if thats your vision about me I can't do nothing about it, but I call it business
Boggart: This is correct and you do appear to be nothing but a criminal.
Dimas_Vidaloka: Tell me about one base, and I'll deliver it to it
Boggart: Kensington.
Dimas_Vidaloka: Ok then, I'm heading there right about now
Boggart: You should also inform the Royal Navys high command about this encounter to wash your record clean.
Dimas_Vidaloka: So if you'll excuse me
Boggart: Otherwise there will be no guarantees for you.
Wilde.Geist: If we wont receive the confirmation message, we will find you and bring you to justice.
Dimas_Vidaloka: And where and how am I supposed to do that?
Wilde.Geist: is that clear?...
Boggart: Once you delivered your goods to Kensington you send a transmission to the Navy Command.
Dimas_Vidaloka: How do I send this transmisson?
Boggart: Use the neural net.
Boggart: You should find the required codes at Kensignton.
Boggart: Now be on your way.
Dimas_Vidaloka: Ok then, I'll see what I can do
**'We' assist -Communities- plan**
**More seeds will follow**
**-They- are willing tools, unaware of their blindness**