Family: Andre's family consists of a father, mother and a small sister. They have lived on Bourges all their life and are committed to EFL in processing goods on the planet surface. Andre is the only one in his family who showed interest in leaving the planet.
Personality: Andre expresses loyalty to his superiors and has a fascination with collecting receipts. When asked about his receipt collecting, he explains the Gallic Tax system and how every receipt is worth millions of credits. Andre is quite friendly to co-workers but shows hostility to enemies of the Junkers (particularly the Union Corse) and people who betray or harm him. Once an individual has abused his trust, he is rare to give said trust back or even express any friendly feelings towards them. Andre works hard, has dabbled in being a Privateer, but finds scrap mining his purpose in the Gallic Junkers.
Ships registered:
Combat Service Freighter Commissioned: 12/12/733 Purpose: Standard Scrap Mining Notes: Currently equipped with a CNORx-50F Engine Mk I
Junker Salvage Frigate Commissioned: 23/12/733 A.G.S Purpose: Large Scale Mining Operations Notes: Currently equipped with a set of Yellow Warning lights to indicate work in process.
Birthplace: Unregistered, 701 A.G.S. Age: 32 Previous Occupation: Hired Mercenary Current Occupation: Gallic Junker Privateer and Agent
Family: Whether Amalle has a family or not is undefined and when asked he gives no answer.
Personality: Much like many other mercenaries, Amalle is aggressive and angered by a range of people. Despite this, he still remains a shy (anti-social?) character around other Junkers. He has however, been spotted smiling and enjoying time with other mercenaries, possibly old work friends. Amalle listens and respects his boss, Andre Satin, and doesn't respond to other officials orders. Many of the Juges and Administrators know Amalle by name for many reasons, which has caused him to be slightly disconnected from other Junkers.
Ships registered:
BXJ-5 "Cougar" Gallic Royal Navy Bomber Commissioned: Est 13/12/733 Purpose: Privateering and "Personal Business" Notes: Registration lost after purchase, contact needs to be made to the Gallic Authorities.