"I will give you one chance and once chance only to apologize to me. Heed my words."
"According to Liberty law, section one, article 1, armaments are NOT contraband. I was carrying armaments, not 'weapons', as you so eloquently yelled at me, multiple times."
"Second of all, your colleague that showed up later at the scene should be your example ON HOW YOU SHOULD BEHAVE, ACT AND BE INFORMED ABOUT. Atleast he didn't pout like some teenager with erratic voice changes. My ears still bleed from your high octaves."
"Your colleague, Zeeroi Talbot, said I was free to go yet you probably felt so hurt in that behind of yours by the TRUTH you tried to stop me. So did that LNS ship, but I won't demand anything from him because jarheads are welll... exactly that. He wouldn't understand anything I would say. I suspect you won't too, but I'm giving it a shot."
"Apologize for your rude and incompetent behaviour. I want to see you grovel. If not, I WILL make sure you get FIRED. YOU GOT THAT?"