_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: Gallic Junkers From: Capitan Diego Rodriguez, 9th Cruzados Maltesas, Holy Knights of the Crimson Cross
Buenas noches, junkers of Gallia:
Hola. I am Capitan Diego Rodriguez of the Crimson Cross, and I come to you with a potential opportunity. We are looking to strike a deal with the junkers of Gallia: namely, for the junkers to spread the Orange Dream into Gallia in return for...new recruits...
We are also willing to pay you extra for this transaction, if you find the profits a little lacking. If any of you out there are interested, contact myself on this frequency.
Dirty filth, I will not let you spoil our kingdom with your orange drug of disaster. Keep out of Gallia, and focus on when our glorious kingdom will roll you drug fanatics into oblivion.
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Andre Satin
Bonjour monsieur Rodriguez,
Your offer is quite appealing, but an issue stands inbetween us.
At this point of time, the Gallic Junkers has experienced a mass split of Crown Supporters, Profiteers and Simpleton Scrap Miners. While I count as a Profiteer, many others have pledged their allegiance with the Crown and will continue to do so. At this point of time, we have no "official" body to represent the Junkers of Gallia.
Onto the deal, however. The Orange Dream is also known as cardamine, oui? We have been seeking cardamine for a long time, hoping to lead it into Gallia to combat the Unione Dorks on the Black Market. I'm sure you've met the Dorks, so we'll move right on. Slave trade is usually handled by the Brigands and their chain of command has recent fell ill of late, not to mention their anarchy style of leading, where each station governs its own rules. Despite this, I'm sure we can something together.
As for willing participants, I'm here. I may be able to rally up a few other willing Junkers, but that'll be all.
Some old colleagues recently pointed out this transmission to me,
and thought it only wise to respond. I have in fact had dealings
with Outcasts before regarding the movement of "cardimine" (which
is the formal term?). If you are interested, I can direct you toward a
conversation I had with a Monsieur Alcantra of a cartel know as the
Counted Spears, I think it was. However the deal fell through after
a lack of response on his part and a failure to open shipping lines
and docking procedures for us. I trust you will be more faithful in
your interest in this subject.
But onto business, non? Mon ami, I would be willing to set you up
with a few family friends for mutual smuggling operations, however
I don't take jobs that risk lives without .... benifits. What is on the
table for us?