Soth's head emerged from the shadows, from underneath a table as his eyes opened, and he performed a quick survey of the situation, as is post hibernation procedure.
From his vantage point on the floor, he could vaguely identify four figures: Two human shaped shadows at the entrance to sunbucks, and closer to him just 4 tables away, was some buff ranger dude pointing a taser at some other dude who seemed to be kneeling down... worshipping?
Soth could not discern. All he knew was something was happening - something police-y. Something he did not want to be a part of, he was already working overtime as it is. He glanced around for his shipmates, and seeing no trace of uncloaking residue he decided that he was probably the only one to come out of hibernation so far. And while he would have preferred to go straight back into hibernation, the coffee which he ingested four months ago began to take effect.
Soth was awake for good. But if his superiors found out he was awake, he might have to get on patrol again - no, he decided to do this stealthily.
Like a sloth-mannered snail, Soth slumped his way towards the direction of the service door, hoping his spiltdrink-darkened blue uniform would provide some degree of camouflage, and his body fat would dampen the noise enough so that he would not get noticed by the situation.
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Doc turned toward Sgt. Valent and semi-intercepts him, "I do believe, Sir," motioning to his partner, Garrett Jax, "that it was my co-worker that allowed Mr. Tal to have those keys so I do believe, Sir, that it isn't your place to order him to give them up."
Doc never turned away from the Sergeant, one hand reaching over for his coffee to take a swig and the other leaning over the back of his chair. His robe slightly opened, his pistols were visible but he was making no motion to go for them. Still, Doc's "quick draw" rep was well known.
"Sergeant," he motioned, "do join us for some coffee. You do brew a fine cup out here."
......Communication Channel Initiated........
..........Synching Video Channel.........
..........Background Music Intialized.......
..........Activating Advertisement Module..........
..........Loading Sunbucks Ad 8647 - "The Hunger"............
Location: Sirius Sector, New York System
Camera zooms to a LPI Liberator patrolling the edge of the New York System.
A light starts blinking on the control panel inside the cockpit. The officer looks down at it and sighs."Great another Comet. Hours on Patrol with nothing to scan but comets.
But something else is bothering this officer. The boredom is nothing to him. The regular routine of operations of Liberty Police Inc. has conditioned him to that. No the situation is much more severe then boredom. He is faced with possibly one of the most terrible situations that can befall a LPI officer.
............. Dramatic Reveal Music Initialized...............
No more Donuts
A tear forms in his eye as he thinks of those tasty donuts. The warm gooey dough, The Chocolate glaze, and most importantly the sprinkles combine to form the most perfect culinary delight. The thoughts of these delicious donuts drive the Officer to the brink of desperation. He breaks out into a cold sweat as he thinks of the distance to the nearest Sunbucks. He takes a deep breath but he cant shake this need, this hunger that is consuming him. He sits alone in the vastness of space with no hope of donuts in sight.
Hours pass with the Officer growing increasingly delusional. He begins to see donuts everywhere he looks. Asteroids, Planets, the Sun, and the Stars seem to resemble those tasty delicious donuts. His mind so preoccupied with this need for donuts he doesnt notice the light blinking on the control panel. The officer eventually notices a light in the distance. Minutes pass and the light turns into the silhouette of a ship. The officer snaps back to reality and remembering his duties begins a cargo scan of the vessel. The results of this scan brings the officer to the brink of tears.
A transport loaded with Donuts.
The transport pulls alongside and the Officer sees that emblazioned on the side of the ship are the words Sunbucks Cafe.
Receiving a hail he opens a comm channel with this ship. A beautiful woman wearing a Sunbucks uniform appears on screen
Greetings Officer. Would you like some coffee and donuts?
It was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever said to him.
Sunbucks Cafe
--Home of the Best Coffee and Donuts in Sirius--
A wholly owned subsidiary of Liberty Police Incorporated
A recruit, rather experienced by now slowly approaches the door.. He seems to be rather nervous, gripping his holster with taser in it. Why? Well, he's heard the rumors.. the terrible rumors about recruits getting electrified on their first visit.. He stops by the door as he grips his taser even tighter. He then takes a deep breath, as he pushes the door open. He walks in, nervously looking around himself.. But everything seems normal, it is just his fellow officers eating endless, delicious donuts and sipping coffee. Perhaps they've forgotten.. or maybe nobody saw him? He could only guess. He shrugs slowly, taking a peek around himself once again and lets go of his holster, before proceeding towards the Barman..
The Barman greets him with a wave.
-"Heya, new here, sir?"
-"Well, guess you could say so, yeah.."
-"Alright, what's your name then?"
-"James, James Vorter.. Oh, and I'm just a recruit, no need to call me sir" he responds.
-"Heh.. a shy person, eh?"
-"Ohh.. you bet."
-"Anyway, what would you like, Mr. Vorter?"
-"I dunno, I guess a cup of coffee and a few donuts would do.. I'd like to try them, everyone seems to be loving them around here.."
-"They're the best donuts in Sirius!" Barman responds with a smile.. "You won't regret it.."
Barman walks over to the coffee machine with a cup in his hand.. He presses a few buttons on the thing and puts the cup directly under the nozzle. A few seconds later coffee starts pouring into the cup. As it's full, the Barman takes it and walks over to the counter again. He puts the coffee cup on it and takes a container full of fresh donuts from under the counter, placing it in front of James as well.
"Now I see why everyone loves them.." James says as he looks at the tasty donuts.. "Thank you.."
"No problem, Mr. Vorter, come back any time you want."
James takes his package and proceeds to the nearest table, putting the container with donuts and coffee on it.. He then sits down on one of the chairs and proceeds to enjoy his meal.
A shiny new Liberator slowly lands into landing bay 4 in the Police Plaza, the engines cut out as the landing gear connects with the ground. As the cockpit slides open Recruit Officer Jason Calfwalk climbs out and proceeds out of the hangar towards Sunbucks. Calfwalk pushes open the door, walking in slowly. His eyes instantly dart towards Vorter sitting at one of the few empty tables. Calfwalk nods towards his friend before walking over to the counter.
The Barman looks over with a smile, "Hey there, can I getcha anything?"
Calfwalk returns the smile, "Uh yeah, coffee please."
The Barman turns back towards the coffee machine, placing a large paper cup underneath the machine's nozzle, "You new here son?" he asks.
Calfwalk looks around at the other officers laughing in the corner, "Y-yeah, seems nice." he replies with a stutter.
The Barman turns back with the coffee in hand, "Oh don't worry, you're welcome here."
Calfwalk smiles once again, grabbing his coffee, "Thanks man."
The Barman returns the smile before saying "Good luck out there." as Calfwalk walks over to Vorter.
Calfwalk takes a seat opposite Vorter, bringing his coffee up to his lips as he does so. The sweet smell of Sunbucks coffee races up his nose. Calfwalk lowers the cup
and looks over to Vorter, "Today is a good day."
James raises his head towards Jason.. "Good day?.. Well, I guess you could say so, it's been going pretty well so far today.. So far.."
He lowers his head again as he raises the cup towards his lips, sipping from it. "Usually we get swarms of outcasts with warships, not today though.. Do you think they're planning something?" James turns his head towards Jason again.. "Something big."
As Jason was about to answer that question, a very loud alarm goes off:
"Alert! Station is under attack, assume defensive positions immediately!"
"Ah, I knew it!" James thought to himself as he ran towards the Docking Bay. He ran as fast as he could and jumped straight into his Liberator. Then, he tried to start the engines.. and they just didn't.. Something seemed to be broken, or perhaps he was doing it wrong? No way, he's done it so many times before and it has worked just fine so far. He tried again and again, but it wasn't working, not even a slight indication of the ship systems being online.
"You have to be kidding me!" James exclaims as he disembarks his ship. He takes a walk around it.. Two.. Three. He looked at it in detail, but he couldn't find anything. Everything was in order! Or.. that's what he thought at least. He tried to get into the ship once again and start the engines.. Still no response at all. He kicked back, looking around himself, trying to find some sort of a clue. A few seconds later he did it. He looked at the newly installed coffee machine in his ship. It seemed alright at first, but then he noticed that it was turned on. The power supply on it was set to "MAX POWER - ONLY EMERGENCY USE".. James thought to himself.. No way he could have left it on.. In fact, why would he ever set it to Max anyway? He shrugged, and after a moment of thinking he extended his hand towards the power supply and turned the machine off.
The engines of the ship started as soon as he did that.. "Power Online, welcome back, pilot." could be heard emitting from his on-board computer. "Uhhhh..." said James as he shook his head. He knew it definetly wasn't him whom turned the beast machine on, but who did then? Maybe it is some kind of a newly invented prank for Recruits.. He could only guess..
He shook his head once again, before finally taking off. As soon as he flew out of the docking bay he saw an explosion. That was the last remaining Rogue attacking the station. The explosion was followed by his fellow officers cheering.. Indeed, they must've been some kind of psychopaths if they decided to attack the Police Headquarters... or any Sunbucks cafe in existence.
Stodgy Davis slowly opens the door which leaded him inside a newly opened Sunbucks.
Stodgy Davis orders a whole box of donuts, and then slowly goes back into his now stinky Liberator.
The new Recruit Officer James O'Brian, slowly pushes the door open to the Sunbucks Cafe, looking around at all the pilots and LPI Officers in the cafe, he walks up to the counter and asks for the best Sunbucks Coffee they had to offer. After recieving his coffee he turns around and see's a seat over near to the window, as he walks over feeling nervous around all the senor officer and pilots. He greets them with a high and continues walking over to the seat.
As James reaches the chair, he sits down and pulls his PDA of his hook on his belt and opens up his data base and continues to read through his training field manual while drinking his Sunbucks Coffee slowly
As Wyatt Zachery enters the cafe, the other officers look at him strangely.
Two officers come up to him and say 'Are you the recruit that almost got blown up by his own mine?'
Wyatt didn't respond and acting as if he didn't hear them, goes up to the counter and asks for a fresh Sunbucks Coffee.
As soon as Wyatt sat down at the nearest table, the two officers came back and asked him the same question again. 'Are you the recruit that almost got blown up by his own mine?'
Wyatt, still acting as if he didn't hear them, takes a sip of the best coffee he has ever drank in his life.