The Core is a Private Military Company operating within Edgeworlds and some Borderworlds. They're relentless and willing to do whatever it takes in order to crush their enemies and obtain alien technology within the Edgeworlds and Borderworlds. Any who oppose The Core, namely factions such as The Order and the Corsairs, are exterminated without mercy.
AP Manufacturing: +1
Bretonian Armed Forces: 0.8
Buro der Marineintelligenz: 0.8
Kempeitai: 0.7
Liberty Navy: 0.6
Rheinland Military: 0.5
Other House Law Enfocement: 0.4
Bounty Hunters: 0.3
Temporary Autonomous Zoners: 0.1
Zoners: 0
Sirian Corporations: 0
Junkers: -0.3
Gallic Corporations: -0.4
Gallic Law Enforcement: -0.4
Crimminals: -0.7
Corsairs: -0.9
Outcasts: -0.9
Artificial Intelligence: -0.9
The SCRA: -0.9
Red Hessians: -0.9
Nomads: -1
Infested Forces: -1
The Order: -1
We would like the ID on Durban Station in Omicron Rho please.
The Unione Corse is an old quasilawful organization that focuses on trade, financing, and mercenary work. Smuggling goes alongside as they, with the Brigands, jointly control most of the Gallic black market. While covertly aiding enemies of the Gallic Crown, the Corse remain neutral by occasionally supporting the authorities in hunting down mutual annoyances. Internally, a senate comprised of many "shareholder" families ties them together and oversees operations in space. The Unione Corse are closest to the Maquis and Brigands, rivals with the Gallic Junkers, and get accosted by Solar Engineering. Ties to the Council, Hogosha, and IMG also exist. Detested are the Outcasts and their associates.
For full description and diplomacy, read here. Above is a condensed description, and below is a rephack-molded diplomacy. Generic and Special IDs are in bold. We understand that +.3 and +.7 don't exist in the current rephack system, and if that remains so, have the Hogosha and IMG as +.9 and the rest as No Rephack
ALLIED (+1.0) - Unione Corse ALLIED (+.9) - Gallic Brigands, Maquis FRIENDLY (+.7) - Colonial Republic, Council, Hogosha, Independent Miners Guild NEUTRAL (+.3) - ALG Waste Disposal, Deep Space Engineering, Gallic Metal Service, Order, Samura Heavy Industries NEUTRAL (0) - Angels, EFL Oil & Machinery, Ile-de-France Shipping, Independent Neuralnet Department/Division, Interspace Commerce, Kishiro Technologies, Kusari Naval Forces, Kusari State Police, Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Incorporated, Neutral NEUTRAL (-.3) - Bounty Hunters Guild, Bounty Hunters Guild Core, Bretonia Privateers, Farmers Alliance, Freelancers, Gaians, Gallic Royal Navy, Gallic Royal Police, Hellfire Legion, Kempeitai, Kruger Minerals, Lane Hackers, Liberty Security Force, Mollys, Planetform Incorporated, Zoners UNFRIENDLY (-.55) - Blood Dragons, Bretonia Armed Forces, Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Bretonia Police Authority, Bretonia Intelligence Service, Borderworlds Express Shipping, Gateway Shipping, Marinenachrichtendienst, Pirates, Solar Engineering HOSTILE (-.7) - Gallic Junkers, Golden Chrysanthemums, Sirian Junkers HOSTILE (-.9) - Outcasts, Nomads, Wilde HOSTILE (-1.0) - Administrators, Fugitives, Phantoms, Terrorist NO REPHACK (N/A) - Ageira Technologies, Artificial Intelligence of Gammu, Bundschuh, Coalition, Corsairs, Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Daumann Heavy Construction, Gas Miners Guild, Landwirtrechtbewegung, Reapers of Sirius, Reavers, Recruits, Red Hessians, Republican Shipping, Rheinland Federal Police, Rheinland Military, Synthetic Foods Incorporated, Unioners, Universal Shipping Incorporated
=== Work in Progress, but easier to discuss it when it is here ===
Description of your faction (a short paragraph, in line with their approved lore, so no "our faction's the best thing that's happened to Sirius ever" stuff)
The Independent Miners Guild is a loose confederation of miners that have banded together to operate in the Borderworlds, outside of House Space. The IMG| sees itself as the main body of the Guild, which consists mainly of moderate, law-abiding workers who want to keep their neutrality with the Houses and thus avoid confrontation with the House Corporations. Therefore, their shady links to unlawful groups like Mollys and Hessians are kept secret. The Guild holds significant influence in the Borderworlds, while at the same time pushing into uncharted territory in the quest for undiscovered resources. The Guild is locked in an existential struggle against the Outcasts in the Taus.
Full list of your diplomacy/rephacks you want on your ID
Own Faction (+1.0)
Allied (+0.9)
Colonial Republic
Friendly (+0.6)
The Council
Bounty Hunters Guild
Union Corse
Neutral-Friendly (+0.3)
Red Hessians
The Order
Junker Congress
Neutral (0.0)
Blood Dragons
Synth Food
Solar Engineering
Interspace Commerce
Bretonia Police
Liberty Navy
Kusari Navy
Kusari State Police
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Republican Shipping
Lane Hackers
Hellfire Legion
Gallic Brigands
Deep Space Engineering
Vereinigte Widerstands Armee
Anyone not explicitly listed
Description of your faction (a short paragraph, in line with their approved lore, so no "our faction's the best thing that's happened to Sirius ever" stuff)
The Colonial Republic originated from a deep space mission prior to the Alliance/Coalition war. Forced from the system they were settling, they came to Sirius in 801 A.S. and found it already settled by humans. They have since tried to establish themselves several times, now though permanently settled in Coronado. The Colonials are allied with the IMG, TAZ, and Council. They are enemies of Gallia and the Outcasts.
Full list of your diplomacy/rephacks you want on your ID
Own Faction (+1.0)
Colonial Republic
Allied (+0.9)
Independent Miners Guild
Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Friendly (+0.7)
ALG Waste Disposal
Gas Miners Guild
Kingdom of Bretonia
Republic of Liberty
The Order
Unione Corse
Neutral (0.0)
Kusari Exiles
Blood Dragons
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police
Hellfire Legion
Bounty Hunters Guild
Guild Core
Gallic Birgands
Independent Neuralnet Division
Those not listed
Unfriendly (-0.3)
Lane Hackers
Buro Der Marineintellegenz
Artificial Intellegence
Rephacked to No-docking (-0,55)
Golden Chrysanthemums
Farmers Alliance
Pirate IDs
Hostile (-0.6)
Ile-de-France Shipping
EFL Oil & Machinery
Gallic Metal Service
Solar Engineering
Liberty Roges
Kusari State Police
At War (-0.9)
Kusari Naval Forces
Gallic Junkers
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Wild Factions
A sellpoint for the ID (has to be an NPC base, but not necessarily a guard base)
The GMG was originally formed by former Honshu agriculturists and fishermen forced to expand into the unclaimed Sigma systems by dire circumstances on their home planet. The lucrative gases in the nearby Crow Nebula allowed them to amass riches quickly, while their business sense drove them to create a guild that would assure their prevalence in the newly discovered star systems designated as the Sigma systems. But as the Guild expanded and grew, they encountered new threats. Pirates and terrorists throughout the border worlds saw GMG convoys and stations as opportune targets for many organized attacks and raids. With the appliance of resources into its paramilitary division, the GMG would open a new chapter in their history by leading the way in nebula warfare for centuries to come, and creating some of the best trained pilots in all of Sirius. These foundations allowed the Gas Miners Guild to become one of the largest and most profitable corporations in the sector today.
Own faction
Gas Miners Guild
Kishiro Technologies
All Zoner Factions
Interspace Commerce (IND, IC|)
Deep Space Engineering
Independent Miners Guild
Colonial Republic
Daumann Heavy Construction
Republican Shipping
EFL Oil & Machinery
The Order
Reaver Mercenaries
Junker Marauders
Blood Dragons
Golden Chrysanthemums
Junker Congress
Bounty Hunters Guild
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police
Other Rheinland Corporations
Red Hessians
ALG Waste Disposal
SCRA - Coalition
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Liberty Police, Incorporated
Other Liberty Corporations
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonia Police Authority
Other Bretonian Corporations
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Other Gallic Corporations
Everyone not mentioned
Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers
Samura Industries
In 234 A.G.S., a giant corporation named EFL Oil, of which the Crown owned a majority share, was formed to control all extraction, transportation, and processing of oil throughout Gallia.
In 440 A.G.S., when space colonization was on the rise, EFL absorbed several large shipbuilding and engineering companies, becoming EFL Oil & Machinery. In its new state, the corporation was responsible for building many of the currently operating Gallic space station, including several shipyards and space colonies.
Nowadays, EFL is the largest corporation in Gallia, with the total value of its enterprises estimated to be five hundred billion credits, and the number of employees counting as high as six million.
While the Gallic Crown possessed a monopoly on the extraction, transportation and refining of this "black gold" during the early years of the Empire, a company named EFL Oil and Machinery quickly made it's way to the top in the second century of Gallic settlement. Through the assimilation of many smaller companies the originally rather small company soon became the economic powerhouse it is today, owning whole stations, trade lanes and even shipyards.
Diplomacy FRIENDLY
IDF Shipping, Gallic Royal Navy, Gallic Royal Police, ALG (+07)
Gallic Metal Service, Kishiro Technologies, Mollys, OSI, Phoenix, Solar Engineering
Corsairs, Daumann Heavy Construction , Gaians, , Gas Miners Guild, Independent Miners Guild, Kusari Naval Forces, Kusari State Police, Kruger Minerals, Republican Shipping, Rheinland Federal Police, Rheinland Military, Samura Industries, Synth Foods, Temporary Autonomous Zoners, Unione Corse, Zoners
Ageira Technologies, Blood Dragons, Deep Space Engineering, Farmers Alliance, Landwirtrechtbewegung, Lane Hackers, , Liberty Rogues, Orbital Spa and Cruise, Red Hessians, The Council, The Order, Unioners, Gallic Junkers
Artificial Intelligence, Bounty Hunters Guild, Bounty Hunters Guild Core, Hogosha, The Core
Bowex Shipping Company, Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Bretonia Armed Forces, Bretonian Intelligence Service, Bretonia Police Authority, Bretonian Privateers, Coalition, Colonial Republic, Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Gallic Brigands, Gateway Shipping, Golden Chrysanthemums, Hellfire Legion, Interspace Commerce, Junkers, Junkers Congress, Junker Marauders, Kusari Exiles, Liberty Security Force, Nomads, , Outcasts, Planetform, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, The Crimson Cross, The Maquis, Universal Shipping, Xenos, Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Incorporated
Any unlisted with some relevance to EFL to be set as 'Unfriendly'
The Büro der Marineintelligenz, short "BDM", is the intelligence division of the Rheinland government, tasked with gathering information, assassination of wanted criminals, safeguarding Rheinland as well as attacking those who wish it harm. The BDM accomplishes these goals through the use of both covert as well as overt operations throughout Sirius. Members of the Büro are some of the best in Rheinland. They are experienced, capable and highly motivated to protect the fatherland.
Like the Rheinwehr also the BDM is known for its proud military tradition. Although their fleet size isn't as large as the Rheinwehr fleet, they are still fast, powerful and precise in their attacks. The so called "U-Korps" or "Untersee Flotte" is famous for its guerilla and economic warfare. If necessary, they even cooperate with criminal groups to achieve their goals, deep within enemy territory. It is assumed that the BDM plays an important role in Rheinland's secret alien research plans, which couldn't be entirely confirmed however.
Krüger Mineralien is a Rheinland corporation, with an increase of competition by other corporations that exploits mining fields for valuable resources, the Krüger Mineralien faced themselves a hard time. Daumann Heavy Construction was one of the major competition of Krüger Mineralien, along with the Independent Miners Guild they made it hard for Krüger Mineralien to survive. While they did struggle they managed to make a deal with ALG Waste Disposal to overcome their financial state. The ALG Waste Disposal proved to be a good puppet, after Krüger Mineralien discovered them having close ties with the Independent Miners Guild. Krüger Mineralien did not mind, after all they were almost back on their feet again. With recent intelligence the Krüger Mineralien gathered, resulted into a deal with the corporations of Gallia to find a way to be less dependent on one source of resources. Trying to get a steady flow again into Rheinland, with resulting the economic situation of Rheinland to increase.
With the assistance of Samura Heavy Industries the Krüger Mineralien managed to scale up the Production of their Mannheim station and increased the amount of Fuel they produce for Rheinland. With the discovered collaboration of ALG Waste Disposal, the Krüger Mineralien decided to work more closely with Daumann Heavy Construction against their joint enemies the Red Hessian Army.
Full list of rephacks you want on your ID
Own faction (+1)
Kruger Minerals
Allied-friendly (+0.7)
ALG Waste Disposal
Bounty Hunters Guild
Daumann Heavy Construction
Republican Shipping
Samura industries
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Police
Neutral (no rephack)
Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonia Police
Border Worlds Exports
Gallic Junkers
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Gateway Shipping
Kusari Exile
Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Solar Engineering
The Council
The Maquis
The Order
Zoners (general)
Unfriendly (-0.3)
Ageira Technologies
Bretonian Privateers
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Reapers of Sirius
Unione Corse
No Docking (-0.55)
Colonial Military
Gas Miners Guild
Hellfire Legion
Independent Miners Guild
Universal Shipping
Hostile (-0.7)
Blood Dragons
Farmers Alliance
Gallic Brigands
Golden Chrysanthemums
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Liberty Security Force
Liberty Navy
Liberty Police
At war (-0.9)
Red Hessians
Additional Requests
We would like Omega-3 to be added back to our ZOI, as it once was. For some reason this got removed?
The Rheinland Federal Police space forces serve as the main law enforcement authority within Rheinland borders, with focus on fight with criminal activities such as contraband smuggling, cardamine trafficking, slavery or use of illegal equipment. Second and equally important task is to secure safety of civilian and commercial traffic against pirates as well as all criminal or terrorist groups. RFP| is the elite primary department, which includes also high command of all police forces, and officers which serve in it are equipped with top quality gear. Its goal is to attract into ranks the best police officers from whole house to achieve excellent results and be true pride of Rheinland.
Own faction (+1,0)
Rheinland Federal Police
Allies (+0,9):
Rheinland Police Guard
Rheinland Military
Büro der Marineintelligenz
Friendly (+0,7):
ALG Waste Disposal
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kruger Minerals
Republican Shipping
Neutral (+0):
Border World Exports
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Bretonia Police Authority
Colonial Military/Colonial Republic
EFL Oil & Machinery
Gallic Metal Service
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Gateway Shipping
Gas Miners Guild
IDF Shipping
Junker Marauders
Kusari Exiles
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Solar Engineering
Synth Foods, Inc
Temporary Autonomous Zoners
The Order
Unione Corse
Neutral negative (-0,3):
Bretonian Privateers
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Deep Space Engineering
Gallic Junkers
Independent Neuralnet Division
Interspace Commerce
Independent Miners Guild
Independent Neuralnet Division
The Council
Unfriendly (no dock -0,55):
Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee