I made the player base on my own non-official server.
But everytime i switch chars, the old ones that were docked with it will spawn 100K under the sun.
But the station isnt destroyed.
It also happens to my friend.
We did everything, the station has lots of materials to survive.
Why are we spawned like the base is gone?
Even when i now press F1, and choose the same char in char select, i will appear 100k below the sun....
Someone with more texhnical nohow than I could better explain the answer, as I don't know it myself
However, the reason for the 100k below plane thing, is because you "technically" dont dock with the POBs themselves. When you dock with a POB or a player with a docking module, you're actually docking with an invisible proxy base, all of which are located 100k below plane of every system's center.
Everything else with POBs is smoke and mirrors, and its much MUCH more complicated than the way I explained it but thats the long and short of it.
Now, as to why you're having issues, I'm afraid I don't know, thats something you'd have to wait for a reply from one of the devs or someone better versed in freelancer's code than I to understand
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
Man, i came to this forum for awnsers, posted a few things...
And i am NOT getting anything usefull back.
And it doesnt look dead here...
Am i skipped because its not about the official RP server?
"oh this guy is not on our server, lets not give him a awnser"
My appologies if this isnt true, but it feels for me like this way.
Because all my questions are left unawsered.
And the forum seems active...
Playing on my server is messed up bec of this base stuff, i cant let a ship dock there and select a other char...
My friend is starting to ask if we can play Crossfire again bec of this.
It might be useful for you to pm Alley. She appears/is the fountain of all knowledge (was/still is a Dev that has done a lot of work/wonders with the Game).
I am afraid that is the best I can do for you.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
Probably try the basecfg debug mode, set it from 0 to 1 and restart the server then try it again
No clue what it technically should do but it says debug so it gotta be helpful if someone wrote a function block behind that call lol
Try :
Discovery Folder\EXE\flhook_plugins\base.cfg\ -> there set debug from 0 to 1
And honestly I believe no one is answering you, because they have no idea what to do as simply running CCleaner over your FL server doesn't resolve the issue