Wisp Innovations, LLC. is a corporation formed in 819 A.S. by John Anthony Wisp, a Bretonian entrepreneur and scientist. In the beginning known as Wisp Pharmaceutical Solutions & Innovations was started on Atka Research Station in Sigma-17, far enough from governmental control to allow any and all studies, even the ones whose humaneness could be only labeled as "questionable". At the beginning of February, 822 A.S., just before the annual general meeting, Wisp officially retired from the CEO position in the company, which was almost entirely bought by Cryer and rebranded to Wisp Innovations.
Cryer shareholders allowed Wisp to operate almost independently, considering the secretive nature of Wisp's research that, if presented to the public, could cause substantial damage on the company's image. In general, little is known about Wisp's chain of command, however it seems to be divided into sections operating independently from one another. Above all stands a shadowy board of directors simply referred to as The Board. The general public does not know who sits on it and very few members actually know their fellow boardmates. The representative function is fulfilled by the CEO. Additionally each section has one executive (or "head") overseeing it.
In March of 822 A.S., the Wisp R&D department achieved a breakthrough in researching drugs meant to increase the subject's mental capabilities, reflexes and increase pain tolerance. Their product, labeled as AlderFluid is a liquid pharmaceutical, whose composition is protected by trademark, however it is suspected that it's the result of research on epinephrine, amphetamine, morphine and Liquid Cardamine. Those ingredients were substantially modified and, supposedly, devoid of any addictive side effects. AlderFluid currently undergoes testing and was given to Wisp's security pilots on a voluntary basis. The drug is served in auto-injection, single use "pens", that can be taken before a physically- or mentally-challenging tasks, such as combat. The effects seem to last for about thirty minutes.
Another breakthrough was achieved through cooperation with the Order O'Rhu cell and discovery of a special branch of alien microorganisms, which paired with proper nanobots could potentially lead to physically enhancing the human mental capabilities. This endeavor, dubbed Project Vergil is currently one of the main foci of Wisp R&D.
Apart from AlderFluid research, Wisp also is involved in the distribution of Pharmaceuticals, Stabiline, Human Organs and medical equipment to Sirian houses. Whilst this is not the main role of Wisp, it is a task which has been set to all sub-companies by the Cryer Board of Directors to ensure their monopoly of the medical industry. The department within Wisp which carries out the task of shipping various Cryer products is generically named Logistics.
Wisp play a large role, within Cryer, regarding the eradication of Outcast threats to Atka Station and also Cryer convoys. The Sigmas are riddled with piracy and terrorism from various factions, Wisp take pride in removing these threats as well. On the other hand, a lot of unprotected Outcast Cardamine transports pass close to the proximity of Atka Station which has turned into a free source of Cardamine for the lab scientists. Nowadays, Wisp Innovations is a large holding organisation owning or investing into many smaller companies of varying fields, however many of its sub-branches are technology and science companies, often on a local level, or suppliers for them. Among the enterprises owned or funded by Wisp are Kellis Biotech, SYNC News and several universities across Sirius, including Cambridge University and Denver Research Institute.
PMK Att. #023.67 - Diplomacy
House Police
House Militaries
Independent Miners Guild
House Corporations
Bounty Hunters Guild
The Order
Everyone else
Gallic Royal Police
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Corporations
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Golden Chrysanthemums
IM 821.01/26 - Designations
The designation of regular Wisp Innovations employees. They are assigned various tasks, ranging from escort duties to marketing. Usually they are escorts of Logistics ships or members of the Main Division on various individual assignments.
Ships of gunboat class belonging to Wisp Innovations. Gunboats are often deployed around Cryer bases to provide with security, but sometimes are used to guard more important shipments or sent on special missions.
Standard designation of Wisp Logistics transport vessels. As it might be expected, these ships move various cargo around and make deliveries of Wisp products - mostly pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.
IM 821.01/24 - Sections
<to be updated>
PMK Att. #335.21 - Equipment
Civilian Ships - Snubcraft
The best designs are timeless. Wheel, lightbulb, sliced bread - the CTE-class ships rank among them. Their use spanning over decades - maybe even centuries, the perfect intersection of ergonomics, reliability and power. Because of that, their usage was also adopted into corporations. The ships that forgot to become obsolete and still operate withing Wisp escort squadrons and special operations wings. Thanks to their popularity and minimalist yet effective design, most of the repairs can be done with nothing but a simple screwdriver which only adds to their usefulness.
Liberty Ships - Snubcraft
Thanks to Cryer these ships can be seen across Sirius. From Bretonia in the south-west to the Sigmas in north-east, the Li-class fighters and bombers are used by Wisp for their agility, firepower and finesse. Unfortunately, the Navy ships in Cryer possession are dated and every week fewer and fewer are suitable for use. Their repair is costly and borderline impossible in the rigid Border Worlds, as contrary to civilian ships, Navy uses sophisticated systems that require high-tech facilities to maintain.
Civilian Ships - Transports
From Pelican to Stork, the civilian transports are all verified by the market. Proven to be best of their kind, the civilian transports are the best for moving any quantity of cargo to any place in Sirius. Based on the necessary security of the cargo on board as well as the quantity that needs to be delivered, Wisp deploys different kinds of transports for different tasks.
Civilian Ships - Gunboats
Seen across Sirius gunboat is no doubt one of the most versatile ship class in Sirius. With appropriate equipment they're able to take on anything, from a group of fighters to a battleship. Few gunboats are in service of Wisp as these ships require a lot of space and effort in maintenance and eventual repairs. Gunships are mostly deployed around the Sigmas, to defend Atka Research Station and to guide Cryer transports through the most dangerous step of the way.
Liberty Ships - The Defiant
The largest Liberty Navy ship that was put out to other use than strictly military, the Defiant is in a class of its own. Wisp currently owns one, gunboat shell of the Cyclone-class, the Defiant's predecessor, that is currently in a drydock on Atka Research Station in Sigma-17. The ship has seen its fair share of service, however with the ever-so-older systems on board, it needs to be modernized and that cannot be done by anybody other than the Navy themselves.
IM 819.12/22 - Zones of Operation
Home Systems - Sigma-17
Sigma-17 contains the most important Cryer facility - Atka Research Station. Wisp Innovations exclusively owns about one third of the station which includes hangars, medical facilities and research labs. Cryer ships are often seen patrolling around Sigma-17 to combat any threats that could potentially harm their operations on Atka. Most of the Stabiline is also produced on Atka, because of the Alien Organisms mined in nearby Omicrons or bought from the Corsairs. Atka is supplied by transports coming from Planet Kurile and Freeport 9.
Home Systems - Colorado and Cambridge
Denver Research Institute on Planet Denver and Cambridge Research Station on the orbit of Planet Cambridge are other two large Cryer-owned compounds, however Wisp maintains little more but offices and security wings on both sites.
Primary Zones - Taus and Sigmas
Wisp Innovations maintains substantial presence in the Taus and Sigmas, assisting IMG and GMG against Outcasts and disrupting their smuggling convoys. There are several security wings stationed on friendly stations in the region. Wisp's efforts in the Border Worlds are mostly focused on curbing Cardamine traffic coming out of the Outcast home systems.
Secondary Zones - Kusari
Kusari is the house closest to the Outcasts and because of that most endangered by Cardamine. Wisp is mostly involved in assisting the authorities against hostile ships - mostly Golden Chrysanthemums.
Secondary Zones - Liberty
As a company originating from Liberty, Cryer transport and security vessels are often seen around the Republic. Wisp occasionally assists the local authorities against criminals and transports medical equipment and supplies to civilian planets within the House.
IM 822.08/24 - Directives regarding Cardamine users
Members of the following groups:
• Outcasts
• Golden Chrysanthemums
• Liberty Rogues
• Lane Hackers
As well as any other ships in possession of Cardamine, any ships assisting the aforementioned groups or any other pilots visibly showing influence of Cardamine are subject to the following:
• When encountered in House systems (Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, Rheinland) - to be offered an option of surrender. If done so, the pilot is, if possible and convenient, to be transported to the nearest Cryer-operated facility, where they will be given introductory Stabiline treatment. After that they are to be delivered to the nearest penitentiary, preferably informing the local authorities about the situation.
• When encountered outside House space, if the pilot refuses to surrender or if the situation doesn't allow for the above, and if the circumstances they are to be unconditionally executed.
Our IT has been hard at work for the past few days to set up new mainframe for our employees. Outside - any change will hardly be visible, however access to that mainframe will be given over the next few days to all employees in order to maximize efficiency in our network resources usage and to provide maximum connection speeds, stronger security and fewer errors.
Currently the main service running on that mainframe is our Communications Center central server. It is possible that recruitment and other publicly available services will be conducted with that mainframe in the future, however there is little to say on the subject for the moment.
Please keep in mind that compromising the mainframe could be disastrous for the entire company (although that's not very likely) and the access should only be limited to Wisp employees.
A small startup company from Cambridge has reached out to Wisp Innovations with a request for investment. Upon reviewing their request the Board of Directors has elected to accept their request and invest a sum of credits for their operations.
The company is called Kellis Biotech and they operate from Cambridge Research Station. Their main field of expertise is production of various medical equipment and high quality Med-Stasis Bands. Wisp Innovations transports can now acquire the Med-Stasis Bands from Cambridge Research Station at a premium price.
Additionally, our design department has created the following wallpapers for our employees to use in their terminals.
The Board of Directors wishes everyone happiness and fulfillment in the upcoming year 823 A.S. The previous year was immensely successful for Wisp Innovations, as we noted over 550% net income increase in comparison to 821 A.S. The New Year bonuses will be paid out shortly as well.
The initial date for the annual general meeting of the year is 11th of January, where, in addition to the discussions on company's strategy for the next year the new CEO will be announced.
The Wisp Innovations mainframe has been updated with the newest version of the software. The IT department is still working on adding more functionality.
Additionally we would like to congratulate Mr Clarke on his new position as the CEO of Wisp Innovations.
As of today, the Security Division of Wisp Innovations is being dissolved. The assets previously being part of the Division will receive their instructions shortly. All information will be updated accordingly as soon as possible.