Name:"Izay Vyu" Affiliation:None Profession:Hacker Height: 1,65 m Hair:black Eyes:blue Date of birth:23th February 796 A.S. Place of birth:Crete, Omicron Gamma
Short biography:Born in the starving slums of a Cretan city, this tough little girl had to fight for her survival. She was often about to die to starvation, until a noble Lane Hacker showed her some of his tricks to get daily meals and everything that needed for survival. Unlike her, he was not trapped on Crete. She learned quickly, adapted his hacking skills and since then always tried to improve them with great ambition. Proud of her new abilities, she called herself "Izay Vyu" - I save you - as it were the first words this noble Lane Hacker said to her. Tragically, at one point, both of them were fugitives, fleeing from those they had betrayed to get what they needed to survive. Hiding in a dark, dirty place for too long, they were about to starve again. But then she did what was necessary to survive. She betrayed him, calling those who hunted them just for her own survival, and they killed him.
She knew the Lane Hacker must somehow have reached Crete, obviously with a ship. Using the skills she adapted, she hacked it, stole it and left the world of hunger, looking for new ways to collect the ressources she needed, and her hacking skills were coming in handy. Here some credits, there an intercepted package. It took some years, but sharing her ressources with others to save them, she not only made friends but also got a trustworthy crew. This crew was now maintaining two of her ships: A gaian Claymore she bought from a Junker, and a Platypus, her mobile home and CnC.
But then things changed.
Using the Claymore, Vyu managed to make more money by extorting traders and collecting bounties. She got herself a reputation in the unlawfuls shadow realm. Not only because of her unpredictable and partially sociopathic behavior and her propensity for staged and dramatic scenes, but also for her 100.000.000 Credits bounty. She definitely pissed off the wrong guys - Xalo Nunes and the guys of FL-ER - which caused her to seek shelter for a while. The hospitability provided by Lady Hisano Kimura of the Blood Dragons came in handy here. Selling her Claymore, as everyone and their mother would recognize it, she took the Platypus to the Blood Dragons and remained there for quite a while.
But hiding all the time felt wrong. Something was missing. The action. The profit. She didn't want to be a freeloader. Lady Kimura was a blessing, but Vyu had nothing to give her in return, which felt wrong.
Months after her disappearance, most people had forgotten about her. A fortune, as it allowed her to make a new move. One day, she returned to Crete. After all, it was her home. She was not the little girl anymore. Now, she returned a a small woman, her body still showing signs of shortweight, her tongue still speaking their language. This was the world where she was born and raised. And there were so many things to do here. Noone should die to starvation in the slums she lived, while fat and drunk corsairs were ruling over the planet.
One day, Vyu invited herself to a feast in Crete's capital. High-ranked people were there. Even Ladron and Beltran and their henchmen. Two living legends of Crete, one being the most attractive Corsair captain and pilot out there, Hector Beltran of the Falcon Negro. The other was working on being attractive as well, however more to mass than to women - Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron. The two of them were sort of capable leaders, actually doing something and partaking in raids and skirmishes in person. Other than some Dreadnought captains that prefered to sit in their commanding chairs and send other people to do the dirty work while collecting the fruits of their work. One of those guys was Capitán Costa Corazon.
This captain was soon finding himself in bed with a small woman that showed incredible affection for him. She remained at his side for weeks and eventually he decided to take her to his ship, the CNS-Guerrero.De.Luz. Even there she remained at his side. Matter of factly, people on the ship were not too happy with their mostly drunk, egoistic, lazy and general incapable captain. Not too many people were shocked when they heard about the entire bridge crew being shot, one after another when Vyu ordered them to enter the Captain's room for a talk. A container filled with frozen corpses was sent to Crete two days later, to be forwarded to the so called Chili Sausage Factories. The very same day, Omega-3 was pirated by a dreadnought. A day later a convoy of two Essedarius was sent from Omega-5 to Crete, filled with Food Rations and Luxuary Food from Stuttgart and Cambridge, intercepted in Omega-3. Another day later, a young female captain ordered the people of the Rhodes Shipyard to give the Guerrero de Luz a new paintjob. And a new name:
CNS Sokol
The confusion was rather big about the name, as it was definitely a name one would expect from a Coalition ship. Vyu refused to explain it, telling stories that weren't true. In fact, it was the nickname her ukraninian mother gave her. Her memories about her are almost gone. What she remembers was her mother hiding her, trying to feed her until the day she never returned home, only to find out she was killed, by the man who brought her to Crete.
The very same man later died to his exiled daughter, who then took command of his ship.
Notable equipment:
# Izay Vyu's Claymore, a Claymore-class Gunboat
- Sold to a ship vendor, now in hands of Luciano Vasquez
# The Sokol, a Platypus-class Bustard Carrier
- Sold to another guy.
# The CNS-Sokol, a Legate-class Corsair Dreadnought
- And Bretonia will burn.
# Independent from ship
- A highly valuable automated hacking software, able to access above-medium encrypted local data. Don't worry, I don't need to metagame. ;)
when you receive this message, my ship got destroyed, and it's very likely that I died. I tried my best to survive, but Sirius is a hostile place. Don't try to find my corpse. I don't want to be seen that way, whatever horrible death I died. Just make sure you won't forget me that fast. I wasn't the best human. Most people surely hated me. I was always an outsider. I was used to it.
Danny, if you receive this message, then you're hereby the new captain of the Sokol. Find a home four our people, far away from Creta. Let them have a happy life. Make sure you take the money from my account. Get yourself some reliable equipment, feed our friends, make them happy.
Please don't be sad. I'll miss you. All of you. Sorry for failing you.
Not searching for your remains? Forget it. As long as there is the chance of you alive, I will find you. So here we are, Vyu. We're tractoring your rescue pod in now, just hold out for a little longer! Also, we found most of the debris of the Claymore. We can fix it, just give us a week. However, our spare parts will only be enough for this one repair. After that, we won't be able to repair the Claymore in case it get's heavily damaged. The guys in Puerto Rico could help us getting new spare parts, or you just ask your gaian friends, Izay.
However, first we will get you back on your feet. It's good to have you back. You're alive, Izay!