A.a.1.ii : [TCB is: 1) Work necessary for the continuation and enhancement of AFC as a whole. For example filling bases or completing a timed event that advances AFC standings. 2) A mission or a job order(mission, RP, or a job order) issued from a high ranking member that would serve to protect, improve, enhance (etc) the club’s reputation, economy, respect, or other similar things. A TCB can be a legal or more regularly an illegal action that would be performed in secret or in public depending on the requirements. Examples include: The Golden Dragon Casino brawl, hunting down exotic entertainer kidnappers, demanding and taking cardamine and slaves, beating up or shooting someone who has done the club wrong, making drug deals etc. 3)To take-care-of-business is to do objectives for the Club to prosper.]
Funny Sunny Wrote:Order From:Sunny Order Target:Elridan Rank of Sender:President Rank of Target:Road Runner Category:Smuggling Description:I've got a job for you and it's quite important. Consider it a sort of... advertising if you will. We've got packages of 100 packets of prime Synthetic Marijuana down on Blackport 66 and we got clients ringing for em. Can't keep them waiting, can we?
I need you to take 100 grams of the stuff to the following Planets: Manhattan, New Berlin, New London, New Tokyo.
Tell you what as well. If you meet someone along the way and sell some to them and their happy, I'll give you a bonus.
Report back to our Message Dump when you have completed the job with relevant screens. Time Limit:2 weeks
Funny Sunny Wrote:Order From:Sunny Order Target:Alex Rank of Sender:President Rank of Target:Mule Category:Diplomacy Description:I have an important job for you I would like you to complete.
You do not mind a little danger as well, do you? Best not to get too drunk on this. You will need your piloting skills but also a very sweat tongue.
Your job is to go down and find smugglers. Look for them and fish them out and then talk to them about doing some business for The Club. We need more money rolling in and that means more hired peeps.
Give them a job to do for you that will make you some money. You're goal is to make them interested to work for the Archangels. Do not, however, mention Blackport to them unless you would have their full trust. I would suggest not to for now.
I will give you a nice bonus as well if you get a slaver or cardamine smuggler to work for you instead of the Outcasts. Catch them in the act, get them to drop what they are doing, and have them work a job for you instead. Make them happy about the job and you'll get the bonus.
Report back to our Message Dump when you have completed the job with relevant screens. Time Limit:You have an additional 2 weeks for this.
Funny Sunny Wrote:Order From:Sunny Order Target:Hyun Rank of Sender:President Rank of Target:Mule Category:Smuggling Description:I've got a small task for you to handle and it's something that may turn out to be a rather interesting advancement. There is a new exotic gas I had seen here and there called Azurite Gas. I'd like you to locate where to get some and go and fetch it for me. This will fetch you a nice bonus, dont worry. On top of that, it will give us some more advancement on the speed wing projects.
Report back to our Message Dump when you have completed the job with relevant screens.
Time Limit:3 weeks
Funny Sunny Wrote:Order From:Sunny Order Target:Gambit Rank of Sender:President Rank of Target:Mule Category:Smuggling Description:I've got a bit of a task for you to complete. There is a man named Tom Roger on Manhattan that is hosting a little special event at the local bar. He has asked us to help him get ready for the event, and in return we'll be getting a share of the party earnings. Not so bad, is it? The way I see it, you'll keep most of the cash since I'm handing the job to you.
Deliver the following supplies to Manhattan:
- 20 Exotic Entertainers
- 100 Nox containers
- 1000 Synthetic Marijuana packets
- 1000 of your choice of other 'party items'
Be creative with the last part of the job. And yeah, if you have not noticed, this party isn't really for everyone. Keep it on the down-low.
He wants this party soon, so the faster you get the job done, the faster you will get paid for it.
Report back to our Message Dump when you have completed the job with relevant screens. Time Limit:2 weeks
Funny Sunny Wrote:Order From:Sunny Order Target:[Gypsie's Character here] Rank of Sender:President Rank of Target:[Unknown] Category:Smuggling Description:Hey there bud. Glad to see you rolling around again.
I need you to do me a little something. I'd like you to do some Black Market Light Arms work for me. Bring about 20,000 of that stuff to Blackhack Hangar intact and in good quality.
We've run low on the goods and this month's shipment needs to be ready to be shipped out to Crete. Take care of it, and you'll be receiving a tight bonus from me.
Report back to our Message Dump when you have completed the job with relevant screens. Time Limit:2 weeks
[color=#FF0000][font=Oswald][size=12]Order From:[/font][/size][/color] [font=Open Sans][color=#FFFFFF][Name of Character][/color][/font]
[size=12][font=Oswald][color=#FF0000]Order Target:[/color][/font][/size] [font=Open Sans][color=#FFFFFF][Name of Targetted Person(s)][/color][/font]
[size=12][font=Oswald][color=#FF0000]Rank of Sender:[/color][/font][/size] [font=Open Sans][color=#FFFFFF][Rank of Sender Here][/color][/font]
[size=12][font=Oswald][color=#FF0000]Rank of Target:[/color][/font][/size] [font=Open Sans][color=#FFFFFF][Rank of Target Here][/color][/font]
[size=12][font=Oswald][color=#FF0000]Category:[/color][/font][/size] [font=Open Sans][color=#FFFFFF][1 Word Description. Ex: Smuggling, Escorting, Bountying, etc][/color][/font]
[size=12][font=Oswald][color=#FF0000]Description:[/color][/font][/size] [font=Open Sans][color=#FFFFFF][Describe Here][/color][/font]
[size=12][font=Oswald][color=#FF0000]Time Limit:[/color][/font][/size] [color=#FFFFFF][font=Open Sans][N/A or Time Specific][/font][/color]
Funny Sunny Wrote:Order From:Sunny Order Target:Hyun Rank of Sender:President Rank of Target:Mule Category:Delivery Description:Hyun, I hope everything is going well for you.
I have a simple job for you that I need you to complete. Rather, you probably are familiar with it, but we need this rather sooner than later.
Being very simple, you are to complete the job for the Order by bringing them to Akbat:
- 2000 Crates of each Booze and Drink
- 1000 Crates of other substances such as Cigars, Marijuana, Tobacco, etc.
Finish this in 1 week or less and you'll get a bonus from me.
Report back to our Message Dump when you have completed the job with relevant screens. Time Limit:2 Weeks