The IMG and GRN player factions are on probation until further notice:
As per the discussion between the Admin team, faction heads and Dev representative, the you are being put on a probational period during which we will evaluate your ability to function as the representatives and leaders of your chosen NPC factions. During this period you are welcome to post requests regarding the current situation in your region if you need help from the staff or the development team to fix your current issues.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Omi and I spent a lot of time discussing how to move forward and we managed to pinpoint some problem fields that have been responsible for the negative approach our factions and we had for a while.
We (Omi and me) will be pointing out approaches to issues here, and we will also accept the Admin's offer of assisting by requesting some changes. It will be a step-by-step process, which we document here.
Problem fields and solutions:
1. Java Docking of IDs hostile to GRN
We agree that Java, as well as Holman, are so well inside of GRN territory that these enemy-dockings should not happen. History has shown that the fiercest oorp fights came from such incidents. IMG is unwilling to FR5 whole IDs, single-FR5 procedures are no fun and take long, and GRN of course does not want to just watch its enemies abusing the IMG base. The situation has been repeated so often that it created a lot of bad blood and hardened fronts on oorp levels.
=> Solution we agreed on:GRN has a small number of soldiers (~ 50) on these two IMG stations (Java, Holman). They are positioned in/close to the hangars and do not normally interfere with "on station business", but they have a watchful eye on the hangars.
They GRN troops there impound enemy ships and arrest crews that docked there illegally automatically. This keeps the roleplay that we both see as undesirable and that is prone to rekindle the problems from appearing hopefully. An enemy docks on Java, he is arrested. Done. And that is the roleplay IMG will be giving in these situations.
=> Request: Change to Info Cards: We need the following additions to the infocards of Java and Holman, if this approach is considered acceptable (there has been some feedback that this approach could go towards powergaming another character, but he 'powergames' IMG and GRN by putting us in that situation in the first place, as it would not happen that way in reality).
Quote:Since the successful GRN invasion of the Taus, the Hangars are patrolled by contingents of GRN Marines who uphold and enforce Gallic laws, search suspicious vessels, impound enemy vessels, confiscate contraband and arrest crews of illegal ships and haul them off to interrogration.
Posting to confirm that I've agreed & looked at what Jack said. Other stuff is in the pipeline, but being bogged down by my being a lot busier during the week these days & trying to juggle unrelated faction matters (and stuff related to other factions) at the same time.
Just an update on Omi and me fixing things.
It's somewhat slow, but there is a lot of work in RL for him and also for me.
Just saying: this has not been forgotten.
2. Feeling that GRN wants to screw over IMG gameplaywise and IMG's reaction of avoiding GRN
There used to be a widespread assumption that GRN did some things to make IMG's game less fun on purpose, and we also talked about these aspects. They were mainly rooted in Gallic Laws and their execution that led to IMG evading interaction in order to mask lawbreaking behaviour that could have had major consequences. A vicious circle was created by "law => break it in normal everyday play => possibility to be caught => avoid interaction". The results were bad for both factions.
The exact points that were causing trouble for IMG gameplay and fun were:
a) GRN's ban on IMG Cruisers in their space. This was especially 'painful' to IMG as the Taus used to be "free" and even though the IMG has the Cruiser, there is literally no single system any more in the IMG ZoI where it is legal to use it due to House laws.
=> Solution: Omi and I agreed that this part of the law is not enforced for gameplay reasons.
b) GRN's direction that all Tau ore must be shipped into Gallia:While this makes sense irply, it is destructive to IMG's way of playing because the route to Gallia is too short to make convoying useful, to make roleplay on the flight worth it. The longer routes that connect the Tau and Omega holdings are a lot nicer for the IMG and more conducive to a positive IMG gameplay experience.
=> Solution:GRN will make a post about this, levying irp only tarifs for ore that is transported to any other locations than Gallia. Liberty is of course still illegal, but to Rheinland it would be legal - however irply more expensive because of taxation.
=> Solution until then:We agreed that IMG can fly ore to other locations. The law is not enforced as it is for gameplay reasons.
c) IMG's lack of roleplaying the role of the inferior party in the Tau occupation. Points a) and b) bred frustration that made the motivation to roleplay the inferior role very undesirable, also because there seemed to be very little cooperative but mainly punitive roleplay. Mutual bad expectations spiraled out of control. Furthermore, the "counter GRN" roleplay escalated when I did not communicate the intention behind the Frumentarii roleplay (which is to keep IMG| intact for cooperation with GRN, but give IMG players who like the resistance angle a chance to do that, too).
=> Solutions:
> The IMG promises to roleplay the lore-wise role in the occupied Taus (with the concessions and a new conversation mentality and some new and better understanding, this is possible)
> The GRN and IMG agree to open roleplay that is cooperative (Omi will post the reconstruction rp the next few days, and we do not want to keep it just there)
> The leaders agree that if things go bad, they talk about it asap (if necessary with a neutral mediator) to avoid future downward spirals.
Again thank you for the update and the effort that has went into the discussions. If this plays out in an amicable fashion then the factions will move away from the probated phase.
GRN| is happy to return to the status quo plus a little bit, but there is no wish for anything beyond that at the present time.
The ongoing issues having been worked out are more than enough to be getting on with - but there is neither any desire nor any plans to push the boat further out and further gainsay either faction's RP stance. I have any number of other things - both within Disco and beyond - to deal with, and since there is not a single other GRN| HC willing to take over this job there is pretty much zero chance the appeasement policy will progress further.
If any further issues come up or the green team has any further questions, I'm happy to either deal with or answer them to the best of my ability.