From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: California Minor
To whom it may concern
Dear members of Liberty Government! Planetform and the Republic of Liberty are working together for many years to build better future for all of the humanity. All this work is now jeopardized by Gallic threat. We fight the invaders from the very beginning, in Edinburgh, Tau-31 and Leeds and lost one battle after another.
This has to stop here and now. Our most important project, Planet California Minor, now threatened by Gallic forces looming over Magellan. It is just one lane away from the gate to the system and has no orbital defenses or stationary fleet. On the other hand, it has a full blown space port with infrastructure for resupply and repairs for all kinds of space vessels, including capital ships, which is a great prize for enemy. We cannot allow this to happen.
Planetform came up with a plan for reinforcing California Minor and, consequentially, the system as a whole, before the Gallic threat. Here is the short summary outlining the plan.
* We ask for permission to enlist and transport to the planet up to 70,000 workers and security personnel to beef up planet-side defense and provide maintenance services to Liberty Navy forces.
* We ask for permission to create several compounds on the planet and stockpile light arms and ground military vessels for potential planetary siege. Planetform will share complete inventory and locations of all of the compounds to Liberty Navy and Marine Command.
* Planetform will fund and deploy a mixed fighter/bomber security wing on Cali Minor. The wing will be tasked with patrolling the vicinity of the planet and the adjacent trade lanes, from Magellan gate to Riverside Station. In case of full scale invasion, the command of this squadron will be passed to Liberty Navy. Default tactics for them will be take cover in Tahoe cloud and cut enemy's supply routes in hit-and-run manner.
* We ask Liberty Navy to dispatch a battleship to the low orbit of California Minor for protection of docking ring facilities. Full supplies and repairs will be provided to the battleship and any supporting vessels by Planetform.
Let me know if this plan makes sense to you, dear members of Liberty cabinet. I'm ready to set it in motion as soon as it is approved.
Yours sincerely Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated
From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: California Minor
Dear Mr Livingstone,
I appreciate your attention to this matter. However, with the recent horrible developments around Freeport 4 and Magellan/Cortez corridor in general, it looks like there is basically nothing is between California Minor and the horde now, and we are running out of time. With all due respect, I would ask to expedite my request if it is possible.
Looking forward to hear from you, dear sir.
Yours sincerely Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated
The Department of Defense understands your concern regarding the safety of the system of California. However the system has been reinforced and fortified by the Liberty Navy in case that any attempts on Gallic incursions are stopped before they gain any momentum. In any case, the Department of Defense finds your proposal of great interest in further securing the system and especially planet California Minor.
There fore your request for the creation of a paramilitary wing and the creation of a stockpile and fortifying planet California Minor is approved. Further Liberty Navy Reinforcements will be underway soon as well.
You will also be notified about any possible threats, the likelihood of such is not high at the moment as progress is being made in the New London systems where the Gallic Navy is focusing their attempts.
Any further questions or comments are to be addressed to this channel.
From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: California Minor
Dear Mr McKay,
I am sure that you and your department are doing everything to secure California system along with Liberty armed and security forces, and I'm absolutely grateful for that. However, I want to make sure that Planetform does the same. We will commence the efforts in question immediately. Expect information about armaments stockpile and contact frequencies for the paramilitary units in several weeks, when preparations will be underway. I sincerely hope that you won't have to use it.
Yours faithfully, Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated
From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: California Minor
Dear Mr McKay,
Planetform Inc. came up with another request related to Planet California Minor defense project. Our effort to create a spaceborne unit to secure the system and the immediate vicinity of the planet is moving slower than I anticipated. However, the threat did not become less imminent. Therefore, I'd like to request permission to put 2 Weapons Platforms with space-to-space missile and laser armamaents by the Docking Ring facilities of California Minor. The construction will be funded by Planetform Inc., and the blueprints and access codes for the platforms will be made available to the Department of Defense of the House of Liberty.
I'm looking forward to hear from you, dear Mr. McKay. Have a great day and week.
Yours faithfully, Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated
From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: California Minor
Dear Mr McKay,
Apparently, with arrival of Battleship Alma to the high orbit of California Minor, the last request is no longer actual and therefore cancelled. I apologize for bombarding you with requests, but I hope you understand the urgency of our situation. Thank you for your time and best regards to you, Mr. McKay.
Yours faithfully, Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated