Guten tag, this day has been a very succesful. On my hunt, I made up 3 kills which one was a Hessian gunboat.
First encounter was when a bounty hunter moved towards Omega 3 gate, now these hunters don't launch their ships for nothing, zo I decided to check it out aswell. Turned out we had 2 Corsair bombers, which one of them is already in bits and pieces. The second one decided it would be best to run and did some impressive manouvers to avoid my distruptors and guns. Hope that leaving few alive doesn't have negative effect on my payment, ja? When I was back at the Omega 7, I saw the hunter being under attack by the Red Hessians. He asked for meine help and when I stationed myself near the battle, I was dragged into it when the Hessians opened fire on me. After a fearsome struggle, the gunboat exploded. The lone fighter did not give up, and attacked us with even more fury. But their flight error made then explode into my nuclear mine and I was able to pick the badly damaged Odin.
Now, you owe me 11.000.000 from these destroyed targets. I would like to recieve ze money bitte. Oh und direct 1.500.000 to Sea.Serpent, they've been more than helpful. So it's 9.500.000 you pay me.
Guten tag mein herr Alboran, i am glad to see you donig greate work. Here is your credits and keep up ze reate job out there. We like to keep our miners safe from hessians or other threats like taht./i]
Your Name:Alboran Proof of your engagement notice: Don't have a guncam shot of that... I was asking them to leave but no reply ever came. Zeta 6 was present, he can attest as to what happened. Proof of Kill:
Guten tag mein herr Alboran, i am glad to see you donig greate work. Here is your credits and keep up ze reate job out there. We like to keep our miners safe from hessians or other threats like taht./i]
Thanks for the payout. But I think a clerical error has occured. I was sent 2 million. Whereas I shot down a Gunboat (3 million) and a Fighter (2 million).
I think a small mistake has occured here. If the remaining 3 million could be sent over i'd much appriciate it.
Sehr gut tag. Even though the small ammount of targets I've managed to pick out few Hessian pilots in the Omega 7. The first one is no big deal. Fools thought it would be a good idea to make a quick buck. They we're wrong und just got a quick death. One kill for me. (2.000.000)
The second one was when a Bowex transport was getting trouble from a Heimdall and a Hessian snub, I did not manage to pick scans off it so I assume it was a fighter. After some assistance from the military, the gunship was forced to retreat and the snub pilot greeted the cold space.
ID:[color=#FFCC33]Aufsicht Hands Ludwing, Kruger Mineralien Security Department TO:Alboran, Kurt Bohlmann, Troy O'Neill Subject:Bounty board update
Guten tag hunters. I am glad to see you doing such a good job in our fields, bringing down pirates and criminals who wants to harm our miners. Keep up ze good job out there. is your payments: Herr O'Neill, Herr Bohlmann . Herr Alboran I am sorry but it seems that ze bank didn't processed ze transaction but don't worry I've contacted them and they fixed ze problem. Here is ze contracts that they sent to me to show me that the mistake was fixed. Bank files
This is Enforcer Jack Payton of the Emergency Defense Group Enterprise. We are bounty hunter group operating mainly in Tau-Coronado corridor with extension to Bretonia and Liberty space. However, we want to extend our area of operations to Omega systems as well. That is why we would like to register our Enterprise on your board. As for the formal requirements, we currently posses 37 ships in our fleet. Obviously delivering all the necessary documents for each ship would be impractical at best. However, I believe that our reliability is a fact already proven. If you want to cross reference contracts fulfilled by us already, you can visit our External Communication Channel as well as our Corporate Channel for more detailed information.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Jack Payton
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