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Staff roles: Moderator
Ramandanta has been sanctioned for:
Quote:5.9 Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as well as in any other situation that involves player interaction, is not allowed. If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.
Consequences: Don't F1 out of piracy....EVER!! It's expensive! Based on the evidence, I KNOW it wasn't a disconnect either! Since you didn't have enough for the fine, you lost the silver ore in your hold. I have 3 separate reports on this so I stripped the ship as well.
If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised
that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions
up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other
legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE
dear admin
i f1ed in space when nobody around me at 10k
and why wouldnt i do it
no pirate engaged me or even talked to me
so please undergo a full investigation and please give back what i lost
dear admin ,
i am well aware of the rulz and if anyone pirate me i never use f1 in space
this is a false decesion on me , please undergo a full investigation , you can check the chat log
no pirate pirated me or talked to me , or even i didnt find any one within 10 k
5.9 Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as well as in any other situation that involves player interaction, is not allowed. If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.
tell me which part i broke admins
since i am not engaged in any pvp
and there were no player interaction
you can check the chat log for more details and please remove the saction notice , and please return what i lost
and please take action against the boys who filed a saction report against an innocent barge captain
if they want to pirate me they should have interact with me ,
for gods sake please check the chat log
Consequences: Don't F1 out of piracy....EVER!! It's expensive! Based on the evidence, I KNOW it wasn't a disconnect either! Since you didn't have enough for the fine, you lost the silver ore in your hold. I have 3 separate reports on this so I stripped the ship as well.
dear admin
i am sure there is no evidnce at all, coz i didnt done anything wrong ,
if the reporters filed any evidence then it is a framed one, for gods sake once check the chat log
check the chat log, check the chat log
hmm , that is in sigmas,
that means it was daybefore yesterday, so my friend was flying that thing
damn i am going to kill him now
alright i apologise,
i thought some one reported a sanction yesterday while i was carrying silver ore
and that time i used f1 when no one around me
" i still wonder why my idiot friend f1ed when he is empty "