From: Kako Shimakaze
To: Hijikata
location: Fujisawa, Okinawa
Konnichiwa Admiral Hijikata-san.
I'am Commander Kako Shimakaze of the GMG para-military force. I believe you should remember me...I was the one that was talking to you and your forces in Okinawa. Now after reviewing over the Treaty of Aomori I found that it contradicts what you said to me. ( Aomori Treaty ) . You said that KNF forces could enter GMG space to hunt down an enemy vessel but the treaty says differently. If you take a look at rule 2.5 of the treaty it states that KNF forces can only hunt a enemy vessel fleeing into GMG space from Kusari space. GMG and Kusari has had a long beneficial relationship with each other and I hope that it will stay this way for years to come. Now since this has not happened before we do not want punishment or anything of the sort. All that GMG wants from Kusari Forces is that they respect and remembers where GMG sovereign space begins. Sayonara!
>>>>ID: Kaisho of KNF
>>>>Encription: Naval
>>>>To: Kako Shimakaze
>>>>Subject: Chase of vessel
Konnichiwa Shimakaze-san.
Hai, we recieved trasmission from independant samura captain that outcast destroyer
almost destroyed him in the middle of lane from honshu gate to gas miner in sigma-13.
Unfortunatelly by article 2.1 we have no GMG present to offer our assistance and moved in,
since that cruiser posed a threat to ships that were coming from and to Kusari.
Using network of jumpholes and jumpgates he managed through sigma 17 and sigma 19
reach okinawa and in sector e3 due to interference caused by ion storm we lost it.
In any case, if our help is not welcome in GMG space, next time we will just chase hostile vessel away
from trade lane and will leave it there, not follow him deeper into GMG space.
You must understand if we woudn't chase him away, we would have to redirect all traffic which is not acceptable.
On the other hand, to prevent such situation from happening again we would like to discuss possible solutions.
To: Admiral Toshizo Hijikata, Kaisho of the KNF
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa
Konnichiwa Hijikata-sama!
I am Guild Master Taro Katsuo, and I will speak on behalf of the Guild in the continuation of this matter.
The Gas Miners Guild have in good faith followed the letter of the Treaty of Aomori, and we've been doing so even after that the Samura-loving-Emperor, may he remain in exile, declared the Treaty to be null and void due to the Kurile Incident. Nullified unjustly, I will add.
Though I feel obligated to admit that I've never been a supporter of the Treaty of Aomori, I have always respected the majority decision of my fellow Guild Masters to sign the Treaty, and thus followed it to the letter.
As you can imagine, we are a little skeptical when it comes to KNF vessels operating in GMG space, and even more so when doing it outside the written articles of the old nullified Treaty. In addition to Commander Shimakaze's own detailed description of the Treaty, the article I'll be referring follows:
' Wrote:2.3 Patrols. The GMG has unrestricted patrol rights within the 7.0k radius of Aomori in Honshu. The GMG has restricted patrol beyond this region to the edge of the Chuyu Cloud. Restricted patrols must act in compliance with Article 2.2 and must respond properly when hailed by the local KNF/KSP authority. With this singular exception, neither entity patrols the others' territory.
I highlighted the last part that I feel is relevant to this matter.
But it is indeed pointless to argue over a nullified Treaty being violated, no matter the circumstances. For the sake of our relations we'll consider this not as a violation, but rather a confirmation that the Treaty of Aomori, with all that it was, no longer to be in effect.
With that put behind us we can do as you're proposing, concentrate on finding possible solutions that will please both the GMG and the Kusari Republic. As it may be, I've heard that there are currently ongoing talks between the Houses of Kusari, Rheinland and Gallia all happening in New Tokyo. Know that the GMG are always looking to better our foreign relations, especially with neighboring Houses such as the Republics of Kusari and Rheinland.
Guild Master Taro Katsuo, I am afraid that Kaishō Hijikata is otherwise engaged with classified operations. For your consideration in these matters, arigatou.
As you say, this incident highlights the need for a new agreement between the Republic and the Gas Miners Guild. I have passed on your recommendation to the relevant government officials, who I believe are eager to include your guild. I hope that a resolution can be reached in those talks.
I would stress that we are duty-bound to protect Kusari citizens and to fight criminality threatening Kusari sovereignty.
May your way be clear,
To: Prime Minister Shimura Yokitara
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa
Konnichiwa Yokitara-sama!
After a great time of deliberation, we Guild Masters have agreed accept your invitation to send a representative to New Tokyo. Our representative will depart shortly.
Hopefully this will mean that we can pick up the pace, and avoiding any more delays.
Incoming transmission '¦ GMG Encryption '¦
Konnichiwa Prime Minister Yokitara-sama,
As Guild Master Katsuo-san mentioned, the GMG would like to participate in the New Tokyo Talks.
I am glad to represent the GMG and discuss opportunities.
I will be departing Niigata today and expect to arrive on New Tokyo later tonight.
Please forward the location and any security information my escorts may need.
I look forward to meeting you and the other representatives.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me for further discussions.
Hoshi Tanaka Guild Master, Gas Miners Guild End of transmission
Incoming transmission '¦ GMG Encryption '¦
Konnichiwa Prime Minister Yokitara-sama,
I have arrived on New Tokyo.
Please inform me when the talks will reconvene.
I will be honored to attend per your invitation.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.
Hoshi Tanaka Guild Master, Gas Miners Guild End of transmission