[color=#FFFFFF]Transmission from Omicroners Trade Department:
Omicroners have started an important technological project in Omicron-74.
This project will be achieved through several steps and will require a lot of materials.
That's why Omicroners are proposing to all traders to supply Omicron-74 until the project is finished.
Traders will be rewarded according to their reputation with Omicroners and to the type of commodity they transported. All traders are welcome to participate but we may refuse to deal with traders that have a bad reputation with Omicroners.
At first, interested people will need to register their ships and pilots to the Omicroners Security Board as to be allowed to enter Omicron-74 and receive payments. Commodity prices are available on private request.
After registration, traders will have to deliver the goods to Freeport XV (excepted neon to Freeport 9). //cargo screenshot with timestamp took just before docking will be required as a proof of delivery
//screenshots must be sent within 48 hours after shipment
Project Phase III: will begin as soon as phase II is done.
An update of the needed goods will be made each 48h after this message, thus traders should send their trade reports before the next update. And, yes, niobium is asked twice.
Because it is a classified project, no information will be provided about the nature of the project. So it is useless to ask about it. We can only say that it is not a military project and that it will not have direct consequences outside omicron-74.
Deal with traders are confidential, no third party will be informed by Omicroners that you are supplying us. We won't publish any public list of authorized traders. All communications in the current channel after this transmission will be encrypted however for maximum encryption you may send private message to Dankien Moebus (neuralnet account moebus). Updates of the required commodities will remain public.
Registration procedure
Zoners and allied don't need to ask authorization to enter Omicron-74 however they need to provide bank account name as to received their payments.
All other traders need to ask an authorization to enter Omicron-74 and provide a bank account name. They are invited to do it in the current channel or in private communication as specified previously.
I may take that. I will try to put both of my ships on space but will be dificult. We recently lost some of our people, due to an unprovoke attack, and i not only lost my Corvo class cruiser ass also loss some people on the crew, but that is been taking care!
I will try to start as soon as possible. I will send news in short time.
Greetings, I am an agent for the CrossBones, a relatively, and thankfully, under the radar faction. Our relationship with you (If you did not already know) is a good one, or so we hope to believe. I would be willing to deliver these goods for you, not only to help you further your construction goals, but to also further cement our relationship. Right now our Agents find ourselves utilizing your docking ports, and renting your rooms. When this chance presented itself, I thought it only appropriate to return the favors that have granted to us. Please, if you feel inclined to hire me, contact me via private communications. There I shall reveal the name of my ship, and be added to your security list.
Good day, my name is Geroge Darwin, I operate an independent transport, The.Escapist, moving anything anywhere. I'd be happy to assist you in your operations. As soon as you give me clearance to enter your space, I will begin transporting your required materials.
Posts: 3,140
Threads: 274
Joined: Dec 2009
Staff roles: Server Administrator
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: David Grigori, ICMG Director of Commerce
Subject: Omicroners
Greetings, good Omicroners — I am David Grigori, and I represent the Independent Communist Miners' Guild. We're more than happy to assist our Zoner friends in any way necessary. Expect lots of materials your way soon. Any vessel with their IFF transponder bearing the tag of "ICMG" would be required to have access privileges to your lovely system. Once you confirm that our vessels are permitted access, we'll begin shipping these materials immediately. Any additional details can be handled here or over more private comms.
I have made some deliveres, but i must say that i can't make a full job. Is too many stuff and some items are dificult to get, like the oil. For now i only manage to made these drops
The bank account is on the name of Lusitano. I notice now that the list was updated ... no problem! You don't need to pay for the excess cargo. I will try to get more stuff but .. like i said before, it will be dificult. Even i had to pilot one of the ships.
..incoming transmission
Zoe Cromwell
Freeport XV
Dankien Moebus
subject: Trading job offer
Dear Omicroners,
My name is Zoe Cromwell and I would like to accept your job and deliever the goods you need.
bank account: Zoe.Cromwell
Either me or one of my transports are going to enter the system.
Norderstedt - Heron class Train
Moorbek - Albatross class Transport
I am looking forward to a good collaboration,
Zoe Cromwell
§1 - no taxing
§2 - no shooting
§3 - no exploring (non zoners)
§4 - no offending behavior
Payments will be sent at the end of the current project phase or the end of the month (the first that happens). You can transmit your bank account name if not already sent.