This is a work in progress, but I wanted to get some kind of forum presence. Feedback and suggestions will be welcome of course. Nothing here is final yet, and honestly it is pretty bare bones. But it is at least something.
Full faction name:Cryer Pharmaceuticals and Medical Technologies Tag: [CPMT] ID/IFF: Cryer Pharmaceuticals Headquarters:Crichton Springs, Planet Denver, Colorado System Operations:Pharmaceutical and medical production. Emergency medical relief. High-tech laboratory supply shipments. Research and education. Assisting other companies or customers with medical and biological research and development. Kidnapping Cardamine addicts. Human experimentation. Synthetic Marijuana production. Cardamine theft and experimentation. Studying Nomad biomatter.
Cryer Pharmaceuticals is the single largest medical corporation in Sirius, holding monopolies across nearly all drug and medical equipment markets. Cryer has also been at the forefront of biological and chemical research throughout all four houses. Cryer not only manages the esteemed Cambridge Research Institute, but also has devoted itself to assisting corporations like Planetform and Samura in their own research and development. With the recent research breakthroughs surrounding Cardamine, Cryer has developed a suitable alternative which has been trademarked as Stabiline, which is now one of the most in demand drugs on the market. Cryer Pharmaceuticals and Medical Technologies concerns itself not only with drug production and research, but also supplying high tech facilities with sensitive technology that needs the utmost care in transit. The technology shipping department focuses on ensuring that various research and production facilities are able to securely procure machines and equipment needed for research and development.
Cryer Pharmaceuticals was founded in 330 AS by a Rheinland biochemist, Maximillian Cryer, supposedly using earnings from the invention of 'synthetic marijuana' on New Berlin in 312 AS. Following that, Maximillian Cryer moved to Liberty space and founded his own pharmaceuticals company using the fortune he had supposedly acquired from the questionable drug production allegations in Rheinland. Over the next few hundred years, Cryer Pharmaceuticals grew into the Sirius wide medical monopoly that it is today. Official statements and public documentation assures the public that this is because of Cryer's superior research and development department, vast pools of resources, and extremely high standards (and not that synthweed is making people addicted to the drugs).
As the newest addition to Liberty's vast commercial empire, Cryer maintains an array of production and research contacts with other companies, but most notably Ageira Technologies, Samura Heavy Industries, Planetform, and Synthfoods Inc. While Cryer serves as a laboratory provider and research contractor for most companies, some assist in joint medical technology development and production. Smaller, private groups are also welcomed to contract Cryer directly or purchase or rent laboratory equipment and spaces. Over the decades Cryer opened several private and public research facilities across Sirius which have unquestionably aided in most if not all major biotech research breakthroughs in the last five hundred years. These famous institutions include the Denver Research Institute founded in 332 AS and the Cambridge Research Station which opened to the public in 642 AS. Additionally Cryer maintains its own private research facility in the deep Sigmas. Atka station is rarely visited by anyone other than Cryer, the Bounty Hunters Guild, and Samura employees. It has become an ideal base to conduct research far from the eyes of any law enforcement and ethics committees...
Daily Business
The most common Cryer ships you will meet in space are cargo transportation vessels. Research ships are not uncommon, but most of the ship budget is put into transports which move Cryer products and supply various scientific installations throughout the colonies. Cargo shipments vary from pharmaceuticals and medical stasis bands to high tech lasers and bio-neural processors. Additionally, Cryer has become involved with supplementing emergency war relief efforts in Bretonia and assisting Rheinland with recovering from the Munich disaster.
Our Wonderful Products
Cryer's latest creation, Stabiline is the first true fully legal alternative to Cardamine. No longer must addicts be forced to rely on smuggled shipments of dangerous and mutative narcotics. Stabiline is a safer, non-mutinigenic substitute which can be legally carried and consumed. However Stabiline is not just a mere substitute for drug addicts! Non-Cardamine users receive considerable benefits from even minor doses. With Stabiline you can enjoy faster reaction times, increased alertness, better knowledge retention and memory, and more energy in your daily activities.
Synthetic Marijuana-
A key component in the production of several other pharmaceuticals, Synthetic Marijuana is also available independently in pill form. Synthetic Marijuana is one of Cryer's oldest and most profitable creations. The drug itself replicates the original effects of marijuana, and is the only drug in Sirius capable of doing so. Although it is not legal to produce in house space, the drug has numerous recreational and medical applications that have made it one of the most in demand substances throughout the colonies. Contact your local Cryer representatives and see just why so many people enjoy Synthetic Marijuana!
Medical Stasis Bands-
One of Cryer's most widely used medical devices. The Medical Stasis Band is a small, self contained unit which can be used as not only a bandage, but as a sophisticated patient monitoring system. The band contains an array of vital sign monitors which can relay that information back to a doctor and even administer drugs to the patient on its own accord as vital signs change.
Crucial for any space station, the compact and power efficient Cryer MediBed comes equipped with everything you need to make a hospital for one! Combining complex biocomputers, scanning and diagnostic tools, advanced patient monitoring, drug administering apparatus, robotic and surgery suites, the MediBed can stand in for or supplement a real emergency medical professional. At the dimensions of 1.5 by 3 by 2 meters, the unit itself is small enough to install on freighter ships and stations with little effort.
The Nightingale Mk 9-
More often than not, doctors find themselves overwhelmed when the aftermath of a disaster rolls into their station or hospital. To help combat under-staffing and provide much needed help to medical staff, Cryer brings you the Nightingale Mk 9 Medical Robot. A cooperative effort with Sirius Robotics, the Nightingale represents some of the most advanced robotic technology on the market. Capable of diagnosing and treating practically any injury, the Nightingale comes equipped with multiple built in examination, treatment, and surgical tools. In addition the Nightingale comes equipped with a specialized social software that allows it to adjust its voice, tone, syntax, and bedside manner to each individual doctor or patient.
Medical Pharmaceuticals-
This is where Cryer excels. Our drug manufacturing facilities are second to none. Cryer scientists have painstakingly worked for over four hundred years to create pharmaceuticals that can practically be called perfect on the molecular level. Nano-chemical engineering has allowed for the maximum effective drug delivery per mass that is physically achievable. One of the most widely used drugs manufactured by Cryer is our patented R-Shield line. The R-Shield line of drugs focuses on protecting the body from harmful levels of radiation, it is typically bought in large quantities from anyone ranging from deep space explorers to military personnel.
Recreational Pharmaceuticals-
Has the stress of life ever gotten to the point where you felt like you just wanted a break? Here at Cryer we understand. Our lines of relaxation drugs offer a wide variety of ways to relieve stress ranging from mild sedatives to dream inducing formulas.
Military Grade Augmentations-
Sometimes being human is just not enough. We offer rich bounty hunters and house armed forces just what they need to push people past their normal human abilities. Muscle weaves, bone reinforcement latices, enhanced sensors, and neural uplink computers are all available to make a better fighter out of our clients. We assure you that with Cryer technology the best soldier on the field is better than human.
Cybernetic Prosthesis-
Life changing injuries do not have to be life changing. Get back on track with Cryer Cybernetic Prosthesis units. Replacing anything from a lost leg to an eye, Cryer can ensure that you get back on your feet and feeling better than ever in no time. Cybernetics are available in a wide variety of styles ranging from photo-realistic recreations of limbs to much more obvious but stylistic cybernetic replacements.
Body Modification Treatments-
Ever wanted to be taller? Shorter? Thinner? A different gender? Ever wanted a way to permanently and safely change your body to just the way you want? Cryer has the answer for you in the form of body modification therapy. Treatment costs and time vary wildly from procedure to procedure. Some easy changes take a couple pills, others require several weeks of work.
Corporate Organization
Board of Directors-
The board of directors consists of the staff that have been appointed and elected to oversee the activities of Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Each director oversees a different department of the company, and they all work together to decide the direction the company takes in the future.
Shipping Department-
When Cryer does not work through contractors like Universal, the company's own ships are used. Cryer maintains a small fleet of transports and freighters that supply numerous research facilities throughout Sirius. These same transports are also charged with ensuring that vital medical supplies reach our paying customers in a timely manner.
Research and Development-
R&D is arguably one of the most beneficial departments of the Cryer. Several companies and organizations keep long term contracts with Cryer Pharmaceuticals in order to benefit from the assistance we offer their own research teams. These organizations include but are not limited to: Planetform, Samura, and SynthFoods. Cryer maintains large scale laboratories on Planet Denver, Planet Cambridge, and privately owns the Akta and Cambridge Research Stations.
The production department oversees all equipment manufacturing and drug production inside Cryer. We have several long term contracts with Ageira Technologies, Samura Heavy Industries, and Sirius Robotics, all of which assist in our production of state of the art medical equipment. Drug production is done entirely in-company however, and our primary production plants are on Planet Denver with several smaller facilities on Atka.
Security Department-
The security department has two main duties. The first is ensuring the safety of Cryer assets such as stations, ships, and personnel. The second role of the security division is smuggler interdiction and capture of Cardamine addicted pirates.
Quality Assurance and Testing-
Practically a subgroup of the R&D department, the QA and Testing department assures that all Cryer products are achieving their maximum potential.
Other Endeavors
Of course medicine would not advance without the sacrifices we are willing to force other people to make. For years Atka research station has been partaking in sensitive activities, mostly in regards to Outcast pilots. The Bounty Hunters Guild and other compliant mercenary groups are paid handsomely for the kidnapping of Outcast pilots. Years of human experimentation has finally allowed for the production of a Cardamine alternative, dubbed Stabiline. Sometimes non-Cardamine addicts find themselves on Atka as well, though less often for experimentation and more often for organ harvesting. And of course there is Synthetic Marijuana. We cannot make it in house space, but we do have the authority to transport it throughout the colonies. Cryer ships frequently bring the drug in from Atka in order to mix it in with regular pharmaceuticals during their production. This ensures that the people buying our drugs will remain hooked and coming back for more.
Cryer Pharmaceuticals normally fields Liberty built transports such as the Mastodon and the Bison, however the CTE line manufactured by Samura and DSE is open for use. CTE transports can be commissioned on demand and fill roles in the shipping department as needed. Pending deals with the Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing Company, large Bretonian ships such as the Shire and Shetland may become available for use in the future.
Defensive craft are largely CTE models as well, but deals are in the works to permit the use of a small number of Liberty Navy craft.
Transportation ships are normally named after rivers:
Standard small ships are not to be named by pilot, but instead go by color call sign.
[CPMT]-White-## (Color sign for fighters)
[CPMT]-Blue-## (Color sign for bombers)
[CPMT]-Silver-## (Color sign for freighters)
[CPMT]-Black-## (‘Wildcard’ ships, they can be of any type and are used to intercept Cardamine smugglers. Black squadron ships will be encouraged to change numbers every month to prevent smugglers from familiarizing themselves with ship class.)
Public Relations
Cooperative business ventures: Planetform Inc.
Samura Heavy Industries
Synthfoods Inc.
Interspace Commerce
Associates: Bounty Hunters Guild
Ageira Technologies
Universal Shipping
Liberty Police Inc.
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Bretonian Police Authority
Gas Miners Guild
Neutral (for the most part): Rheinland Federal Police
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kruger Minerals
Kusari State Police
Independent Miners Guild
Gateway Shipping
The Council
Liabilities: Criminals and thieves
Farmers Alliance
Gallic Corporations and Authorities
Unione Corse
Targets of Opportunity: Outcasts
Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers
Golden Chrysthanthemums
Cardamine Smugglers
People are talking about Cryer right now!
"Cryer fights everyday to push back the tide of nature and prolong the lives of the good people of Liberty. That's why our vessels run twenty-four hours a day delivering much needed Pharmaceuticals to everyone in Sirius space. People are always going to be sick; it's part of nature's cycle." - Captain William Thrift
"At Cryer, we feel your health is our top priority. That's why we're shipping our Pharmaceuticals throughout Sirius around the clock. From hypo-sprays to bionic eye replacements, Cryer is ensuring a healthier life for everyone." - Doctor Brandon Hall
"We're doing all sorts of crazy research back in Cambridge." - Jared Goorney
"I realize that people become desperate for medical supplies when they are sick, or one of their loved ones is injured, but that does not justify the piracy of Cryer goods. I mean, if you can't afford to buy medicines, should you really be living anyway?" - Doctor Brandon Hall
Looking good so far, of course there's a fair bit to write still.
I can't claim to have kept up with all of Cryer|'s RP over the years, but the Planetform as a specific ally seems rather out of the blue to me. I know that Synth and Planetform have a corporate alliance (seems to be a 'not played too much' club of sorts) if you were looking to institute a healthy-eating program, along with some physiotherapy planet creation and holidays (along with Spa & Cruise). Other than Outcast pilots, collecting Slaves (perhaps already addicted) and other human cargo for Atka would be another shadier aspect to the testing. Maybe piss off the Gaians with some animal testing (this actually sells pretty well).
Samura from S-17 cooperation I understand, but in that area Cryer are tolerated by the Corsairs and have been friendly/allied with the GMG for a long time if you want to build upon that. You also seem to have missed out Kusari while mentioning the other four houses.
What I found interesting from the tech-chart is that they do appear to have been re-assigned to a Bretonian corporation in that regard, didn't realise that was carried across from the Lore Dev document. That'll work out well for getting your transports from Bowex (or Gateway/IMG now that they also own the designs, but less likely) and the medical relief to Leeds in particular.
Well from what I remember Cryer was working with Planetform at least somewhat on Gaia, but I guess something I thought (wrongly about) was that Cryer was working with Planetform on Carlisle, but it turns out that it is Cryer alone there. I also was operating under the assumption that they had a hand in the xenobiotic filter work in Hudson but I need to double that check stuff. Not to say that the two companies cannot get involved more directly due to their overlapping fields of work.
I like your idea about getting the Gaians mad with animal testing as well, because, well... we need lots of test subjects after all.
The diplomacy area needs some refinement as well... I will revise some stuff in short order.
Thanks also for the feedback, that was pretty quick!
Okay Cryer is working with Planetform, I am pretty sure of this now given what I am seeing on Cambridge Research Station
What started as a pretty broad discussion of lore in the Bretonian Lawful chat evolved into a discussion of Stabiline, the main points of which I thought I'd share with you for inspiration. The "basic facts" about the effects and advertisement is based on a 4.87 dev doc, most of the rest is my (perhaps viewed as sensible) personal opinion.
Stabiline itself is pretty much like Cardamine, except obviously it isn't made by the Outcasts and will likely come in the form of a pill rather than being gaseous. Increased physical and mental ability, age-extending properties and will likely make you infertile by using it, and dead by not using it. Cryer might have scrubbed the actual 'high' from it, so people only 'need' it for... non-death, and in some sort of steroid-style addiction to becoming superhuman.
A nice example of the effects would actually be NZT from the film Limitless, although perhaps not the full "100% of your brain" over being a bit sharper, faster, less sleep required etc. This is how Cryer would be hoping to advertise it: a perfect pill to increase a high-flyer's ability to cope with the pace of life; for a House to improve the quality of its armies at little cost.
Due to the low spread of the drug and lack of time for anyone taking it, no side effects are yet known. Prepare to deal with stockbrokers collapsing after a week of non-stop trading in a year's time, with previously-tired wannabe-mothers unable to conceive in a few more. In a similar vein to Bowex selling off their ship designs to make up for profit shortfalls caused by taking control of the evacuation to Leeds, short term boom which will have severe long-term repercussions.
The downside compared to Cardamine for the moment is that there isn't an awful lot of it (only a small production facility on Atka for now) and the governments haven't got a proper classification for it etc.
For now, consider it like early-days Viagra (Love and Other Drugs is a film I enjoy that has a decent mention of it). Everyone wants some to get that extra edge (compare: 'edge'), but it's only on prescription for Cardamine addition (compare: erectile dysfunction) and whoever has doctor friends.
I will bump this, I did some edits, added a section on background... though this could still use some work. We have been a bit more active in game and on the forums over the past couple weeks as well. We have some plans in the works to make some smuggler hunting ships, and then maybe after we see how that goes we have been thinking about setting up a recruitment thread.