Yes, ladies and gentlemen. The moment you've all been anxiously waiting for* is finally here, and since people appear to be so hooked up on green these days, I'm gonna do the next line in bold green:
Player Owned Bases will be re-enabled on December 27th, 2013
And yes, the timing couldn't have been any worse. Here's a few things you need to know about the POBs once they come back though:
Existing player bases already have the repair materials on them switched to the new commodities. This means if your base had 30k of Basic Alloys on it back in 4.86, the existing cargo on your base will automatically switch to the same quantity of Reinforced Alloys once the bases are turned back on. Same applies to other repair commodities which were changed in the base plugin overhaul, so you would not have to worry about having to rush all the material to your bases once they're reactivated.
A new "hostile list" is added to the plugin, and it works the same way as the existing "green list" worked in 4.86, but as the name suggests, the new command defines which exact ship names or tags would be considered permanently hostile to your base regardless of their reputation toward the faction of your base IFF.
A thread to request relocating player bases will be posted once the bases are back, but this would be only limited to bases located in systems which received drastic changes in their layout with the new mod version. Further details will be included in the thread once it's posted.
This serves as an advance notice for base owners so they can prepare for once the bases are online again. Note that the database rollback to August 10th also included the player bases, so if you had lost your base after that date it will be automatically restored, but we will not be restoring any bases if you fail to supply them properly after the plugin is reenabled, as we've already notified you one week earlier for you to hit the gym and get back in shape so you can go back to doing endless hours of senseless supply runs and keep telling yourself that you're actually having fun and it's not even one bit annoying or frustrating at all.
So, enjoy your last days of freedom and see you in a week.
* Either to go back to living the stressful life of a base owner/supplier, or to go back to complaining about how bad of an idea bases in general are and how big of a final nail implementing them was to this rusty coffin of Discovery which we admins sleep in during the day.