I've noticed much angst concerning silent traders lately. I can understand that. This is a role play server and when people refuse to role play in an encounter, it can be frustrating.
A couple situations have come up recently with traders that are concerning.
1. The trader that tells the pirate to just kill him and get it over with. (This seems very OORP to me)
2. The trader that refuses to talk. Either he flees or he just sits there, but in both cases he remains silent. (This seems OORP to me as well)
Both situations are not sanctionable, but should they be? What is the trader's reasoning for not talking and is it justified?
If these situations were sanctionable under this rules heading:
Quote: 2. Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP is a roleplaying server. Roleplaying is required while playing here
(12-30-2013, 01:24 AM)Garrett_Jax Wrote: I've noticed much angst concerning silent traders lately. I can understand that. This is a role play server and when people refuse to role play in an encounter, it can be frustrating.
A couple situations have come up recently with traders that are concerning.
1. The trader that tells the pirate to just kill him and get it over with. (This seems very OORP to me)
2. The trader that refuses to talk. Either he flees or he just sits there, but in both cases he remains silent. (This seems OORP to me as well)
Both situations are not sanctionable, but should they be? What is the trader's reasoning for not talking and is it justified?
If these situations were sanctionable under this rules heading:
Quote: 2. Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP is a roleplaying server. Roleplaying is required while playing here
what would be the ramifications?
I want pros and cons to this.
Absolutely agreed since its a roleplay server, and anybody who plays here need to show some kind if roleplay.
Some traders are doing AFK trading and they will QQ every time when they will be sanctioned. You know, the usual: "my little brother did it" , "the cat ate the mouse", etc.
Some kind of force on people to do some roleplay is a nice idea, since its a roleplay server. I dont know how could you make rules about it, but I'll be happy to see, when some will arrive soon.
stupid idea to make "remaining silence" a sanctionable offense. it is very much inRP for a trader to remain silent.
being silent does not mean he is apathetic. it can very well mean he is very busy planning his escape without leaving an open channel to tell the pirate his life story ín the meantime.
surely however - if we assume that there are multiple ppl on a tradeship - there might be a comm officer chatting with the pirate while pissing his pants, but unfortunately it is only one player who can hardly RP all that.
but in a more practical sense, all you really create is a chore - just like you get for "must make a demand before destroying..."
so teh trader will reply in a "one-liner" to satisfy the rules, - and then you ll get another discussion what kind of content is necessary not to be sanctionable - and in the end, you just create griefing and players who are unhappy with YOU for punishing them cause they may have said too little and were fined "a random amount or a warning"
the rule that pirates must make a demand has not exactly improved the pirate/trader RP much - has it?
edit: mind you, killers introducing themselves to their victim is stupid, too - and also a rule. it is as stupid as japanese anime characters shouting out their attack style right before they execute it - even if its a sneak attack.
(12-30-2013, 01:37 AM)Jinx Wrote: stupid idea to make "remaining silence" a sanctionable offense. it is very much inRP for a trader to remain silent.
edit: mind you, killers introducing themselves to their victim is stupid, too - and also a rule. it is as stupid as japanese anime characters shouting out their attack style right before they execute it - even if its a sneak attack.
You actually answered yourself for me, so I'm just going to reinforce that point. Everyone else has an obligation to drop roleplay of some sort on this server, so why not traders?
Onto Garrett's post in general, though:
The pros would be that the silent moron powertraders would start appearing in the sanctions forum, which sounds like music to my ears
I'm not even sure there are any downsides, at least for reasonable folk. If there are any cons, they probably only exist for the kind of people who think typing something as simple as "No way pirate, I'll take my chances! Gunners, open fire!" or a similar line is too much. Which, frankly, is a bit of a joke, and those people deserve to be inconvenienced.
tl;dr If you literally can't roleplay as a trader being pirated (no English etc), tough. Go away.
If you just can't be bothered to roleplay as a trader being pirated - not even to drop the bare minimum that would be necessary - then you bloody well should have to, and sod your attitude.
Just like it is required to RP before engagement, RP before killing a trader, it should be a necessity for traders to roleplay back. However, I would not agree that simple silence should be a reason to sanction someone.
The problem, as I described beforehand, is that many players take it out to not roleplay with a pirate out of spite or on principle. Which in my oppinion, is retarded.
If we cannot implement a ruleset where the interaction should be two-sided, then remove the "Cannot attack without roleplay" part from the rules. It would be only fair.
Jokes aside, I would suggest simply sanctioning the above mentioned players if and only if the sanctioner provides enough proof that the player in question has a full grasp of english and does do player interaction with lawful characters.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Is it possible to involve in picture proof that the trader is at the computer (not AFK), so he is fleeing/shooting/docking/etc, but not saying anything? If it is, then it is sanctionable in a supposedly fair way.
Trader is not answering, yet he is maneuvering/shooting? Possible sanction, as player is not RP-ing, but at the computer.
Trader is not asnwering, and not doing anything? Player is AFK (phone call, doorbell rang, any RL thing), and not sanctionable.
are you guys serious? - you want to SANCTION someone who is choosing not to reply to a pirates story?
some pirate introductions are not witty or smart, they are a mess - chances aer that replying to them makes things just worse. - many ppl THINK they have amazing RP and transparent rethoric skills - but in fact they come across just awkward and strange and you don t even know what they are supposed to be ( unless they wanne come across like psychotic madmen like the joke (from batman))
and you really wanne sanction people who choose not to reply.
for the admins thats a lot of interpretation what silence might be spiteful and what silence might be inRP. combine that with a punishment scale that is all but transparent ( some get a warning, some get a temp ban, some pay a small fine, some pay a huge fine - all for the same violation )
and disco is and has not been known for reviewing cases from multiple angles very well.
the reporter can usually write down his side of the story ( as in the report ) - the reported however can only really defend himself AFTER the punishment was made - a bit late to try to justify a situation. malicious silence is about as easy to spot as malicious reporting - and i daresay the admins cannot spot that one very well either ( if so - then only the tip of the iceberg at best )
in short - too much interpretation and way too vague as a basis for sanctions.
a much better way is to appeal to the players how it should be done - if they don t get it - there might be something wrong with the teachers.
@jax: in another complaint thread - someone said he gets angry when he meets a trader on his trader - and he greets the other trader - but the other trader remains silent. while arguably good manners to return a greeting - is that ooRP, too? - and should we greet everyone back who greets us in space, too?
do we do that in RL? - imagine driving on a lone road - after 10 hours driving you pass another car - will you wave and greet that foreign driver? or just pass him.
If you are on an RP server, RP.
RP crappily if you must, but don't be a mute.
For god sakes, it has been in the rules since whenever.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502