To:Natio Octavarium Civil Response Sender:Sarah McFarlen Origin:Docking Bay 2, Seasons Base, New Caledonia
Vagrant Refugees
Now, I'm not quite sure how to go about saying this, so I'll go with the direct option. I'm currently sitting in docking bay two with around four hundred ex-slaves in Donnerkind's cargo hold who probably aren't at their best right now.
Eramas indicated to me that Seasons was the best place for getting these people back on solid ground (in the loosest possible sense of the word), and that's largely why I'm sitting here right now. A not insignificant number of them have some difficulty or another in Liberty, so your group were really the closest I could get to.
I'll be happy to explain the whole thing out a bit more once these people are safe. In the meantime, I've kept the hold locked down to stop refugees swarming your station, but beyond that and picking up some food and water on the way, there's not much more I can for them without a medic to clear them and somewhere to house them that doesn't stink of fertilizer.
Erm... Sorry to drop that on you like this, by the way. I just want to see these people sitting somewhere better then they were this morning.
End Message
"This is really sort of a personal project of mine."
- James Arland, on single-handedly engaging an enemy regiment.
=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: wat ==
Uh. Hi. Harold Kane here, Raiders Taskmaster and Natio Minister.
This is certainly... odd. I can have someone take over for the dockmaster whenever to get these people organized, cleaned up, given civilian documents, and sent down to the planet. Just let me know when we can make this happen. Sooner is better for those folks, I think.
To:Harold Kane Sender:Sarah McFarlen Origin:Docking Bay 2, Seasons Base, New Caledonia
Re: Vagrant Refugees
Hi Harold,
Er, we're ready to go as soon as your dockmaster gives the word. I'm still in the bay, so we're not really going anywhere in a hurry. I talked to some of the bay staff, and we've shuffled a few people through for ablutions and check-ups, but other then that we should be okay to move whenever you give the thumbs-up.
End Message
"This is really sort of a personal project of mine."
- James Arland, on single-handedly engaging an enemy regiment.
=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Not as open as our arms. ==
Dockmaster's got the OK to let you drop off the refugees and will transfer compensation for them to your neural net account. Your humanitarian efforts are worth more than credits, but as a token of our esteem, your bar tab at the Razor's Edge Pub will be free forever.
To:Harold Kane Sender:Sarah McFarlen Origin:Docking Bay 2, Seasons Base, New Caledonia
Re: Vagrant Refugees
Hi again,
We've just finished offloading the last of those people. All looks okay, though you've got a couple of cardamine-dependents there. I didn't really think to pick up anything to support them on the way out, but I've heard Cryer's got a drug that can help with that now. I'll see if I can source some before I head back for Bruchsal. It's not ideal, but it's the best I can come up with for now.
You didn't need to pay me, you know. The whole reason I turned up was because I'm against paying for people in general. That said, I'm not really in any position to be fussy about credits, so thank you. I'll make sure they end up back in Augsburg's bulkheads.
And I might have to try that bar later.
End Message
"This is really sort of a personal project of mine."
- James Arland, on single-handedly engaging an enemy regiment.