To: Republican Shipping personnel
From: Johnny Smirnoff
Subject: Pirate activity
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: High
Gut day,
Our transport convoy was attacked several times by the pilot of the ship " Bonaventure ". It is gun boat . All pilots are recommended to observe vigilance. Similar attacks are possible in systems Omega-3, Omega-7 and Omega-11.
With best wishes,
Johnny Smirnoff, President of Republican Shipping
Report: I was slated to deliver 20,000 units of superconductors to the Danica POB in Tau-37. I am reporting that the task is completed plus I delivered a surplus of aprx 3,330 units. I had no incidents worth mentioning but I do have to add that the Gallics need to work on their tradelanes. They kept throwing me out at random points and there was no one around who could've disabled them. With that said, I have attached the delivery invoices to this message as required. Grayson out.
My ship was sent to deliver 20,000 Industrial Hardware to Danica outpost in Tau-37. The cargo has been delivered safely. Nothing notable incident happened except from the navigational computer what turned the ship many times into the wrong direction. This happened after we passed the radioactive part of the Hokkaido system. I suggest we should use better insulation materials to protect our systems. Iam also attaching the invoices as you required. Adrian out.
Begin Report
I have split up and sent each participant in the Danica delivery contract except Kathryn Watson their split of the profits. Kathryn Watson will receive her share from Bombay next time they are on together. Snaps available upon request. Thank you.
Here kramer, I need a Loan of approximately 200 million for the acquisition of a Transportation and also to equip it, as I had already stated in my resume, was present and I'm out of money but if I accepted the loan is the be back in the shortest time possible. Kramer Out for the moment
After receiving the loan in my bank account, I headed to acquire the Transport "Stork" to start with my work in the business, this is all new to me, the cabin environment is different than I'm used to but with the me time for themselves to adapt to it. I'm currently in Alster so my business travels I are about to begin, and so .. to return the loans they acquired a few hours ago. I decided to name it "Nuremberg" by the place where I was born and raised.
Here an attached photograph of my new acquisition:
This is all to the Vice President now. I'll have updated. Kramer out
As per the papers I have received at my desk, it seems you have been able to repay the loan, as per the details, within 10 days. I am impressed that you did it in very short time, but its just my personal favouritism for employees who are eager to prove their dedication through hard work.
With this, the Loan details are scratched that remained aside your profile. Good luck.
Do have a look at the scratched receipt : -
Employee's Name: - Lukas Kramer Request: - Company's Loan Loan amount: - 200 million S.C. Purpose: - Purchasing of new Transport. Repay time: - 10 days Category: - Company's asset Interest (according to category): - 0% Total amount to be paid back and time: - 200 millions in 10 days.