As we've been receiving a lot of complaints from players about having high lag/loss on the server and especially during larger fights, we'd like to ask the community to provide us with a bit of info regarding their connection to the server as done once before already.
Please post the following in this thread:
Screenshot of /ping data taken ingame, with no ships around. Preferably followed by a /time stamp.
Screenshot of /ping data taken ingame, during a group fight or fleet battle. Preferably followed by a /time stamp.
One WinMTR test results. Preferably when at least 80 players are online. Check Post #2 for more details on this step.
With this, we'll hopefully be able to pinpoint the exact cause of the recent lags and take any measures possible to provide players with a more stable connection to the server.
(03-07-2011, 09:36 AM)Cannon Wrote: This tutorial shows one technique to try to find the problem. [It is based on a tutorial written by Danny @ that I googled].
Go to the directory where you extracted the .zip file and start WinMTR (WinMTR.exe). If you're using Vista or Windows 7 you need to run this as Administrator.
WinMTR should look like this:
This is the startup screen of WinMTR, now we are going to make a trace route.
Enter into the "Host" field in the place where the is shown. Click "Start"
Wait until the "Sent" column shows at least 100 messages have been sent. Click "Stop" and take either a screen shot of the screen or click "copy text to clipboard" and paste the text into a forum post.
If due to security or privacy reasons you do not feel comfortable posting your IP or ISP publicly, feel free to remove the IPs listed in the first 2 to 3 lines, but leave rest of the data from those lines (sent, received, loss, etc) intact.
(02-17-2014, 02:27 AM)Papa Oomaumau Wrote: Either way - when you let go, and stop holding on so tightly, life can actually be fun - you can't steer a train, but you can RIDE it!
I have always had a constant 250ms to the server and believe me, it was very playable and it would work nicely if I didn't have other stuff running in the back using my connection. So anything higher than that is not normal for me.
I'll edit the rest into this post later in the evening. Going to find some large battle first. I'll also post another one where I left it running for about an hour.
//edit - If the servers are still in Germany then I'm rather close to those. The problem ingame is not really the average ping, but that while ingame there sometimes are huge lagspikes.