This is coming straight from Lou, our Maestro. He's busy talkin' with the high-up folks since we're all getting ready to move out from Pecos, as you may know, so I'm here to send you his message.
Right, well - since we want to get things rollin', it seems we'll need a lot, and i repeat "a lot", of materials brought to Sabah. What we have to do is start moving ASAP. You'll see here the full manifesto of what we need to bring in.
Carmine here. I'm not sure if any of the messages by me or Skalski or anyone else are reaching you, therefore I'm sending this one onboard a ship. Now, before you start being all judgmental about how things are being done in the Taus by what's left of a demolished rearguard fleet - I would like to point out, that were we to go rogue - we would have done that right after G-day.
Some of the assets we managed to salvage are a number of fleet tenders and supply ships such as the Mauritius or Copernicus. Invaluable for me, liquefying any goods we acquire over the course of our operations and essentially keeping the not-so-makeshift flotilla in good shape. I will risk sending them to Coronado periodically, laden with equipment I hear will be more useful to the state, than just to me. Should either or ideally both of them make it back to me - I expect them not to be carrying disciplinary notices. if they do, I will most certainly do my best to live up to whatever accusations they might contain. On the other hand, if they carry spare parts and sensible orders...
At any rate, hope the goods prove useful. I might have some more soon.
Greetings, as as ordered, we have been reassigned back to the Movers. It's look like the Gauls are simply don't moving any of the requested materials on Leeds. Hell, we couldn't even get some of their wine lately.
Anyway, we have completed our first delivery of Industrial Materials from Trentont outpost with virtualy no problems. Our beloved Celestra could be smaller than a Atlas class transport but a delivery is a delivery.
I am pleased to announce from InterstellaColonial Mover ship (type: Atlas) we finished the first part of delivery mission. This part contained five successful delivery, without any threat, from Trenton to Sabah Shipyard with Industrial Materials. Totaly 18825 piece of Industrial Materials.
I will check the visual evidences about deliverys:
**** INCOMING FROM: Michael Hamilton, Economic Division ****
**** TO: Colonial Movers ****
Hi guys,
Just reporting I've flown a couple of trial runs from Lancaster Trade Centre in the Newcastle system transporting Industrial Materials to Sabah Shipyard and to say I'm rather impressed. It's a relatively quick and safe run so rest assured I will be pursuing this further and I will be encouraging my brothers to do the same.
As I said, I've flown two runs now and the evidence is below:
**** INCOMING FROM: Michael Hamilton, Economic Division ****
**** TO: Colonial Movers ****
Hi guys,
After the trial runs of early this morning I took the opportunity to do a few more this afternoon. After completing two uneventful solo runs I bumped into Marli Evanz who had started doing the same thing so we started flying together and completed two further runs, four in total.
As I said, I've flown two runs now and the evidence is below:
Alright, we did some flights today and found an unexpected shortcut. A system labelled Drake. There were like a dozen warning attached to that route, but we tried and it worked.
Had a big security team, so it seemed possible, yet there undeniably is danger, and we can never use this without security. I almost got my Shishapangma wrecked when I tried.
I think these were these Scorpion class Wilde gunships that we sometimes saw in the Omegas a year or more ago. The rest seemed crazed Bretonian fighters and other ships, often of civilian origin.
After spotting 3 gunship class boats we requested reinforcements from Coronado and a Zephyr class Carrier responded. It was quite a fight when we jumped in and it was clearing the surrounding.
I do not trust the scanners when it comes to Friend&Foe ID there. It was all pretty messed up.
Furthermore the infrastructure looked different. The gates were neither close to Sirian nor Gallic ones. But that's something for R&D to figure out.
Anyway, that was not our job.
So, let's cut that stuff.
We flew Industrial Materials. A lot of them.
We decided to drop the Industrial Materials off at Camp Lister as the IMG logistic department told us they could redistribute it easily. Sabah shipyard was much further away, and we needed to move fast.
Here are the reports:
Seems we are getting things done here. This looks better than expected!
**** INCOMING FROM: Michael Hamilton, Economic Division ****
**** TO: Colonial Movers ****
So just to recap that's four runs, with four cargo ships full of Industrial Materials that Julia Morrow led, each with a hold of 3915 being a shipment total of 62640.
**** INCOMING FROM: Michael Hamilton, Economic Division ****
**** TO: Colonial Movers ****
So after Julia's suicide mission (albeit successful) with mass numbers of haulers and security, I decided they've got it all in hand and can carry on as they like.
I decided my little Nanga Parbat, tough as it may be, would be minced in seconds by those wierd... "things" if I took that route on my own. I went for the required superconductors, which for the sake of profit, I decided to get from Pueblo Station in Colorado. It's only a small shipment so wouldn't be too tasking. I heard the Liberty Police have been pretty lax of late protecting the trade lanes through California, New York and Colorado. So I decided to take the shorter route via Ontario.
Another perfectly uneventful run. Just the way I like it. But unlike those half-jobs in the Shish-kebabs. I'll continue to take my shipment all the way to Sabah Shipyard.