I'm Mildra Marte from the Watchers. I will keep this brief. I told one of your pilots some time ago that I don't like your base's location. You did nothing to make things right so I'm going to need something from you if you want to continue operating there.
You must send us a report that will show the impact of your base and your operations on the Manchester system. I want to see how is your operation not disrupting the natural balance of the system, how do you get rid of your industrial waste, how your ships don't influence the microorganisms that are supposed to exist on Planet Wights surface. That and several other data concerning the environment and system balance is to be sent to us.
This is me trying to help. Don't refuse my efforts.
it is very nice to get a direct message from our neighbours, with which we life in peaceful coexistence for such a long time already. Greetings to some of your pilots, like Flora, Fauna and Impact, I hope they are ok and I hope our emplyees can have more interresting discussions with them again in the future.
Perhaps you should boost your signal when sending it with such a low energy level, or your message otherwise will possibly be lost and not received.
*Video stream initialized*
Madam, I am going to try to send you all demanded not confidental information as soon as possible but please, grant me some time for the incredible work to get all the answers like environment, natural and system balance as well as waste disposal in detail. I am not talking about minutes, hours or days madam.
Also may I kindly ask you to check your database about that microorganisms on Planet Wight please? My current information are that it is "A frozen planet locked in a deep crust of ice. Scientists theorize that Wight might once have supported life until its atmosphere was ripped away during an ancient catastrophe."
We are talking about the same planet?
*Transferring a picture of Planet Wight*
I am going to let our scientists check that "microorganism" thing immediately. But anyways, we do not touch Planet Wight in any way, especially if you imply terraforming. However to research a new lifeform would be very interresting.
Ah, I was talking about "terraforming" and now I am going to talk about "base construction". We built Fortitudine in an asteroidfield with newest construction techniques and technologies and with the use of special biodegradable materials. We did not destroy any asteroid during the construction and we did not even move one. If you do not mind, I have a question about that, just because I am curious, how did you build your stations?
Holmfirth Base for example, I never had been near your base, but our FortiSec patrols told me it is a base built into an asteroid, correct? How did you manage not to hurt Gaia with that intrusion, excavation and terraformation of a very huge asteroid or nearly planetoid?
I really would like to know something about your technologies and perhaps we can arrange a knowledge transfer to our scientists and education of our technicians?
Sincerely yours,
Lord Duncan MacRae
//It is not like everyone can sit in front of a computer every day all around the clock just to wait to see a thread directed at him, you surely will understand that.
Ah, finally, a reply. I knew that my last message will make you pick up the comms.
So, I'll answer some of your inquiries even if I'm not the one that must do the answering this time.
I imagine that you, being a business man specialized in mining and trading, do not know of the fact that Wight is currently being researched by the a group of professors and students from Cambridge University... Trust me, I know, and don't ask for my sources. Their latest results tell us that some organisms may have survived in the planetary crust. They found organic tissue and traces of DNA... it's a matter of time till they find life. Nature has its way and can rise from a disaster caused by itself.
May I ask what sort of metal you find to be biodegradable in space? As far as I know, this is what happens to all the metals that are considered space waste: they form scrap fields. So... as soon as your installation is destroyed or abandoned it will start to break into millions of tiny pieces becoming a danger for space travel - and I know most of the ships have shields these days but there are some that don't, mainly small crafts that don't do inter-system travels. The ones that are supposed to travel just a few clicks and on the surface of a planet. Soooo... what materials did your scientists discover that just vanish and don't leave any trace. I'm sure that the scientific community Sirius-wide will be thrilled to know.
Now, about our bases and Holmfirth, in particular, you do realize that I won't share any details that could threaten our security, right? But I can tell you that... You know what, I'll help you figure it out yourself. Take your shuttle and take a good look at our base and the rest of the asteroids that surround it. See it? Same texture, same composition. We did not touch the exterior except for the docking and observation points. To clarify it even more, we did not use any terraforming on this asteroid. Yes, it's big but not big enough to be called a planetoid and therefore not suitable for terraforming. Yes, we did excavate and we did take out our trash. We did not disrupt it's trajectory and we certainly didn't alter this asteroid field with some sort of material that doesn't belong here.
You got two weeks to present your full report and I don't want to hear from you before these two weeks pass, unless you finish it ahead of schedule.
First Madam, thank you for the time and your abundance of patience.
*Video stream initialized*
Well, lets start with the "you find to be biodegradable in space? As far as I know, this is what happens to all the metals that are considered space waste: they form scrap fields."
Madam, I do not know how to explain it properly but .... well ..... metal needs oxygen to degenerate. As there is no oxygen in the universe's vacuum, metal will stay as it is in space. That is exactly the reason why Junkers exist becuase metal in space forms scrap fields and stays there until someone scavenges it. It will not just degenerate and be gone in some time.
That is why we investigated and created a sunray active additive. It is added to the base materials and just needs sunlight for its reaction ... I believe you already know the answer to what materials.... Reinforced Alloy for example.
The amount of material for repairs needed is much higher, I admit that, but in the end the environment will not be harmed in any way.
Now I have mor questions about "Yes, it's big but not big enough to be called a planetoid and therefore not suitable for terraforming."
A terraforming can also be done inside of something, uncluding liefe support systems. I am curious now, how do you breathe inside of the asteroid? How do you manage not to freeze to death? Kind of terraforming, to create a habitable environment for yourselves, isn't it?
What would Gaia think about about excavation of something, about your docking gate, about the other non natural things visible on the surface? Would Gaia disagree with "Yes, we did excavate and we did take out our trash. We did not disrupt it's trajectory and we certainly didn't alter this asteroid field with some sort of material that doesn't belong here."? Digging into an asteroid is more invasive than construct something in the the ... endless nothing ...? Oh and yes, I took that picture after I took a shuttle while taking a good look at our base.
You kindly asked for "how do you get rid of your industrial waste". We use an ore extraction technique in that every single waste molecule can be stored. The storage has a magnetic field in that every bit of waste is secure and can not even touch the hull. As the technique is very efficient, we have to handle only very small amounts, about 500 every month. Every month the waste storage is transported to waste experts who recycle and eprocess the waste, named ALG waste disposal. Here you can find more information of the transportation.
Now to the last information, a very sad one. You are right about that Cambridge Professors and their students, but you are wrong in any supposed life on Planet Wight. All is dead there .... even ... the students and professors. I hope they rest in peace. I send you now every byte of data my team of scientists memorized during their mission. *transmitting data*
To be honest I kind of hoped that you are right and something .... organic .... something ... alive ... finally returned to that planet after the ancient catastrophe.
Madam, do you have any further questions? The answers should be sufficient.
But anyways, such a good looking young lady, would you like to join me for a drink perhaps? I know a very good Bar on a near neutral Freeport.
Oh God! I'm going to tear you and your little science team apart. Let's get to work:
First lie! Your sunray additive. Implying that someone would believe your crap about a thing that you throw on something and melts when it meets sunlight. Thing is you're throwing that bullcrap on reinforced alloys!
Material composition and industrial chemistry 101: Reinforced alloy uses Tungsten (also known as Wolfram) and Cobalt to create stronger and durable alloys of steel.
Wolfram is among others somewhat toxic to animal life so any waste containing that would be a problem. Also, the free element is remarkable for its robustness, especially the fact that it has the highest melting point of all the elements. Say again how is sunlight going to melt that?
Because tungsten is rare and its compounds are generally inert, the effects of tungsten on the environment are limited. The median lethal dose depends strongly on the animal and the method of administration and varies between 59 mg/kg (intravenous, rabbits) and 5000 mg/kg (tungsten metal powder, intraperitoneal, rats). That's poison right there.
But let's check the next point, shall we? Are you really telling me that digging inside an asteroid is terraforming? Really? Well, it's not. Paraterraforming, maybe... Oh, you have no idea what that is? It's something that does less or no harm to the natural environment. By using a solid envelope, even bodies which would otherwise be unable to retain an atmosphere at all (such as asteroids) could be given a habitable environment. The environment under an artificial worldhouse roof would also likely be more amenable to artificial manipulation. Paraterraforming is also less likely to cause harm to any native lifeforms that may hypothetically inhabit the planet or asteroid, as the parts of the it outside the enclosure will not normally be affected unlike terraforming which affects the entire planet. And I can assure you that this body had no lifeforms... unlike Wight! That's right, you heard me. I'll get back to this issue when the time comes.
Next point, waste processing. Yeah, ok. You take out your trash but that ship has no escort. If a wannabe pirate decides to blow it up, we have your crap all over the place. But an escort costs money, right?
Next in line was one of our supporters feeding us information. It appears that he took his role very serious and discovered something that we didn't know and probably you didn't know either but it's another reason why we don't want you here. Your mining operation is emitting radiation. The guy in question explained it pretty well: The small asteroids contain levels of radiation. When you process them, that radiation is set free, creating radiation fields. Long term exposure can cause health problems. I'm sure not all the asteroids cause this but and radiation is being released over time via natural events (collisions between rocks) but your operation is accelerating the process. We don't want radiation around Holmfirth. You could ask him... he's one of your business partners from USI. You'll have to guess who he is. He asked us that he remains anonymous. I wonder why... If you don't believe me, here's a neural-net certified conversation log. Of course, the names and any information that could put his identity at risk have been edited out.
[*USI*]███████[¿]: Right - I must admit that the task you gave me wasn't easy especialy with my limited knowledge on such mining facilities.
[*USI*]███████[¿]: But.
<G>MiIdra.Marte: Go on...
[*USI*]███████[¿]: I have gathered as many information I could since my current possition in the USI ranks is high enough allows me to enter
[*USI*]███████[¿]: certain areas.
[*USI*]███████[¿]: Right so I believe this might disapoint you
[*USI*]███████[¿]: but as far as all the mesearments say and possible data I could download from the main computers hardrive It says
[*USI*]███████[¿]: that the radiation field around the base
[*USI*]███████[¿]: is not caused by the factories and all machinery working onboard
<G>MiIdra.Marte: No?
[*USI*]███████[¿]: BUT the radiation is a side effect released by setting the hydrocarbons free from the rocks
<G>MiIdra.Marte: I see...
[*USI*]███████[¿]: That radiation is simply being held inside the rocks
[*USI*]███████[¿]: and by mining operation done there that radiation is released.
<G>MiIdra.Marte: So, the asteroids work like a container.
[*USI*]███████[¿]: Indeed.
<G>MiIdra.Marte: Break the container, you get radiation. I got it.
[*USI*]███████[¿]: Exacly - thus I believe it's not like the workers polute the area by their work
[*USI*]███████[¿]: they simply change the enviroment by it.
[*USI*]███████[¿]: since the radiation is there anyway just being blocked.
<G>MiIdra.Marte: That's valuable information, you got there.
[*USI*]███████[¿]: Well...I am a ███████ after all.
And now, the cherry on top. I don't know what expedition you found but the one I'm talking about lived to tell the story. Of course, I will pray for the souls of the ones you found. May Gaia receive them! For their bodies are now part of Her.
You may be familiar or not with the name: Peter Shelby. He was but a student when he went to Wight. He was working on a larger project and this planet was his part. He spent months digging through the thick ice until he finally found traces of molecules coming from microbes. He even wrote an article for Innovio - Science Magazine. You can find a fragment of that in here (//your char only has access to the quoted part).
So, darling, you're done here. And no, we won't meet. I want both your bases melting in Manchester's star.
Of course, there is a way around. You fund the gaian movement and especially, the Watchers. You only keep the credits needed to pay your men and upkeep the installations and ships. FortiSec gets disbanded. We will be your protectors. You will pay us a monthly operations fee and a monthly protection fee. Totaling 500.000.000 per base (That's if you decide to keep FortiSec HQ for whatever reason) You will dismantle your defensive platforms. You will ensure <G> tagged ships and pilots get to dock, rest, eat, drink, have sex on your base. You will cut any ties you have with Bretonia and especially with BMM. You will become an independent freelance corporation.
I'm already starting to gather my siege equipment. You should respond soon if you want the second option. Oh and... nothing is negotiable.
I am sorry it took me so long to answer but ... well ... I was indisposed lately. I was waiting at the Freeport for you and after some days I met this beautiful and courteous .... hm ... they tell me they are Gaian girls too.
*Initializing Video Stream*
So let me answer to your last message quick ..... *Yeah, sure, Myladies of course I would like to have some champagne in bed, please give me a sec ...*
Quote:Next in line was one of our supporters feeding us information. It appears that he took his role very serious and discovered something that we didn't know and probably you didn't know either but it's another reason why we don't want you here. Your mining operation is emitting radiation. The guy in question explained it pretty well: The small asteroids contain levels of radiation. When you process them, that radiation is set free, creating radiation fields. Long term exposure can cause health problems. I'm sure not all the asteroids cause this but and radiation is being released over time via natural events (collisions between rocks) but your operation is accelerating the process. We don't want radiation around Holmfirth. You could ask him... he's one of your business partners from USI. You'll have to guess who he is. He asked us that he remains anonymous. I wonder why... If you don't believe me, here's a neural-net certified conversation log. Of course, the names and any information that could put his identity at risk have been edited out.
And miraculously bigger Asteroids don't?
Quote:Material composition and industrial chemistry 101: Reinforced alloy uses Tungsten (also known as Wolfram) and Cobalt to create stronger and durable alloys of steel.
Wolfram is among others somewhat toxic to animal life so any waste containing that would be a problem. Also, the free element is remarkable for its robustness, especially the fact that it has the highest melting point of all the elements. Say again how is sunlight going to melt that?
Because tungsten is rare and its compounds are generally inert, the effects of tungsten on the environment are limited. The median lethal dose depends strongly on the animal and the method of administration and varies between 59 mg/kg (intravenous, rabbits) and 5000 mg/kg (tungsten metal powder, intraperitoneal, rats). That's poison right there.
And you don't have any metals inside your asteroid?
And how were your ships built? Out of non radiated rocks perhaps?
Quote:Next point, waste processing. Yeah, ok. You take out your trash but that ship has no escort. If a wannabe pirate decides to blow it up, we have your crap all over the place. But an escort costs money, right?
And you don't blow up ships and pollute the area?
Quote:I'm already starting to gather my siege equipment. You should respond soon if you want the second option. Oh and... nothing is negotiable.
And somehow this won't cause any pollution?
Your arguments, as per most treehuggers, is flawed. You accuse me to lie but ....
*Incoming transmission, superimposing current connection*
Ah yes, Lord? Hello, you hear me sir?
I have problems here, yes. I was on my toxic waste tour and ....
oh yes, I met that cardamine smuggler ... you hear me Mylord?
He gave me that 100% pure ... oh no, I woke up in .... in Edinburgh in a that cloud ......
Sir ... can you hear me? I .... please believe me ... I do not know how that could happen but .... but ......... I checked the navigation logs and the external camera recordings and somehow ......
I dropped that toxic waste directly on the surface of that Gaian Asteroid Base. Please believe me, I did not want to do that ... it was a blackout ... I can not even remember ... like a gap in my memory ......
And .... no .... that was not ..... do you hear me? Yes?
The video claims that ... really I can not remember ... I did not do that ... no ... YES GAIA!
It exploded in the atmosphere and ... yes .... dispensed all over the planet.
You hear me Sir? I have to get a drink now ...... I did not do that ..... I did not want that .... I DID IT .......
*Signal lost*
What the hell! What did that drunken weirdo do!
Anyways, I have to get back to that Gaian girls and discipline them a little.