From: Jackson Stone
To: Thing
Location: Planet Malta
Encryption: HIGH
Dear Thing,
Please send my -best and most warm- wishes to Moka for his most creative way to try to get me killed. Please let him know that that has not happened yet either, as much as he may wish it would (its so sad isn't it?) and let him also know that we can be 110% certain that the Nomads do not like him.
I'd tell you all about it... but I bet you'd rather see me dead too anyway.
Not in your life. My ship is now fully equipped and I killed a nomad. I'm not going anywhere.
So now I got some loot I don't know what to do with after I went inside there.. three times?
Now if you don't mind. I might as well 'die' in O-99.
I need to get rid of this headache... *hic*
Incoming Video Recording...
Transmission received...
Sender: Jackson Stone
Location: Planet Malta
Encryption: High
Home... What does 'home' even mean anymore?
Is it somewhere where I feel safe, rest, and sleep?
Is it somewhere where I can feel the companion of others?
Is it somewhere where I feel I belong in?
Ha... I have no home then. Pitty.
All I have is what I can take with me. Most of my crew I left behind.. 'xcept 3.
The rest are looking after the gear I left on a Junker Station.
Funny huh? Can't even leave my things on friendlier bases now.
*There is a slight pause and some footsteps and it looks to be he is at a hanger around his ship.*
So here's a question... If I don't have a home... then where can it be.
What does it feel like... Pleasant? Warm?
Its cold on the Barghest ... especially in Omicron-90. A different type of cold...
I had shivers the first second I went in there.... but when I left... the cold seemed as if... addicting... I wanted more...
So am I stupid? Probably. And why should I care now?
The odds are right now that sooner or later I'm gonna die from this while damned 'assignment'.
The odds are quite high in fact.
At least if I die in O-99 then no one can find me...
At least if I die there... then it wasn't by a human that I died.
What does my crew think? You ask them. They are the ones that are stupid if you ask me.
Oh sure... we will get through this... righttt....
Whats gotten into me?
Whats gotten into everyone else? The hell if I know and to hell with it all if I care a single bit.
I have no home anymore. I was locked out of it. Taken.
I kept on saying 'Once a Rogue, always a Rogue.'
I laugh now about it... am I still one... if so then I'm wild...
And I wonder whats more dangerous... a Rogue that has a home to run to... or a wild one that doesn't have a home.
*He takes a cigar and lights it. He spits and tosses the cigar away as if it was distasteful now to his liking.*
After I entered that forbidden space... I felt the cold that was there growing in me...
As if it is making a home in my heart...
Some say 'home is where the heart is'.
I have yet to find my heart again.
And even if I did... what then?
I swear to....
I'm telling you Jackson, its time to come back to Padua.
You are a Rogue. You can't get out of it that easily.
As much as I wish it were possible, it isn't.
Rogues belong here.
Not out in Omicron-90.
What are you thinking.....
You will get yourself killed out there without any support.
What 'assignment' are you talking about?
And who gave it to you....
If you get hurt.... Just, don't.
I don't want to think about that.
If this was Moka...
He can count himself lucky he's missing.....
And for his sake, you better be home before he is.
Warlord or not, you don't send a brother out alone on a mission like this.
Incoming Video Recording...
Transmission received...
Sender: Jackson Stone
Location: Planet Malta
Encryption: High
Moka is missing? Hold on.... let me just take a moment... *He takes a sip of the whiskey he has in front of him and then spits it out in laughter.*
You mean that old man got himself lost? HA! What?! That's priceless! HAHAAAA!
Who's the last one standing now? *He leans back in his chair and sips some more. It is quite clear hes been drinking a bit.*
Until hes pronounced DEAD though. I'm... not coming back... until the assignment is done...*hic*... and I can rub it in his face or gravestone that I didn't die on his STUPID mission. Yeah he gave it to me. Kicked me out like a dog and said not to come back until I finish.
Brother? Please... I'm more of a hound to him playing fetch!
Screw him and screw everything.
Am I a Rogue if I get kicked out and sent to my death? HA....
If I get back now even, there is bound to be someone that will wana shoot me down.
There is still so much to do... visit... finish on the checklist.
And I'm not dead yet...*hic*... and seems like I'm getting some decent luck...
I still can't believe what I saw a few days ago either...
And you probably wont believe it if I told you... So I'll just make sure you will... I took some HD images.... and if these get into some LSF hands or Order hands... hehe... I might become... 'popular'.
...Don't even think about giving it out though...
*Sips and presses a button. Images start flowing onto the screen.*
See that Zeta Jump Hole?
I'm going through that next... and finding someplace other than here on Malta.
I'm getting sick of it here. Not my place anyway, right?
At least alone is much better than with cardi-puffing idiots... *He swings the rest of the drink and reaches for the bottle.*
I swear to.....
You really need to think about what your doing here....
Stop playing this stupid game and get back to Padua, now.
This is just getting stupid, you will get yourself hurt - or worse - killed.
Was it Moka who sent you out on this?
You need to tell me.
Forget it.... I have to go.
You are going to kill me, Jackson.
A few hours later a second transmission was sent.
Hey.... It's me... Tori.
Yeah, probably the last person you want to hear from, But it's kinda a necessity.
Just hoping you get this before things get too out of hand.
Things gone....
Said something about you and some mission?
Said don't expect her back...
To make things better, she's not answering my attempts to get in contact with her.
I don't know if you have anything that'll help, but I figured you'd be a good place to start.
She's a good kid, Jackson.
She really is trying.
Give her a break, and help us get her home alive.
Incoming Video Live Recording Feed...
Transmission received...
Sender: Jackson Stone
Location: Freeport 11
Encryption: High
Why Hello there Tori.
Fancy hearing from you at this time.
What? You are asking me for help?
Jackson takes a long drink and looks at the camera for a while.
You guys are really sick... thinking I'm gonna drag her back to your base.
I know the type of trap well. Sure. Try to ambush.
Other -life-forms- have tried. Now they are sitting in pieces in my cargo.
He rolls his eyes.
Well IF this is actually true... notify your Outcast buddies at Malta to be on the look out for her.
They wont probably.
They are high as %$#@
He sighs, sounding annoyed.
I know you guys are trying to get me killed.
But sending me on a wild goose chase in Omicron Iota is low.
Screw it.
Screw everything.
I'll find her.
I can't promise anything more.
Don't expect anything more.
Just don't expect me to die in this death game you all are playing with me.
Jackson.... Stop being so paranoid.
I have no interest in hunting you....
Or ambushing you.....
or doing whatever it is you are convinced we will do.
Just find her.
Let me know when you do.
If you are that worried about what we are going to do...
Just send her on her way.
Do what it is you need to do,
Just let me know where I can collect her from.
She's worth more to us then you are at the moment, Jackson.
I can't afford to have her going missing, or killed.
The video feed showed her trying to regain her thoughts, to plan the next step. This seemingly failed for her. After some time she eventually spoke.
You better hope for your sake you are just playing with us, Jackson.
At the very least..... I hope you realize what you've done.
She was the leader of the Padua Rogues while Moka is.... Absent.
Actually... Forget it... What good is it gunna do anyway.
I don't know what you're playing at....
I just.... Don't know.