This is commander of infamous Annihilator team of Red Hessian Army. Your instalation in Stutgart system present quite a problem for us.
Your production und distribution of geneticaly modified food aka Synth Food und Synth Paste in Rheinland leaves us with no choice but to act in the best interest of our people.
No more poisoned food herrs!
You have 24 hours to dismantle your instalation und stop all activities in Rheinland space before we do it ourself
Petter Stein signing out
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Ah, hello there! You must be the Captain of one of those battleships I saw combusting outside my office window. Good show, I must say. I think you made my coffee cup fall over.
Listen here, Hessians. We've dealt with your primary element before, we'll deal with you just the same. If you don't want the full force of the Rheinland Military, as well as the BDM, RFP, and even our own security ships tearing your sad excuses for warships into pieces outside of Stuttgart every day for the rest of your miserable life, you'll make the right decision and stop trying to tear down this installation.
And if you lack the brain capacity required to realize this fact, well...perhaps I should invest in the Hessian repair facilities. I hear they'll be quite busy this time of year.
Herr Stevens that was only a warning shoot, a warning for you und your personel to leave while you still can.
You have a chance to save your crew onboard the station our forces are commited und we will not stop until your instalation is dismantled.
We decided to spare the instalation so you would have enough time to evacuate entire crew. If we continued it would be gone by now, it was already faling apart aniway.
Und dont threat us with the Rheinland Military they are already in defensive mode in Dresden so ich doubt they would be able to stop our frontal asault in Stutgart.
Petter Stein signing out
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Guten Tag again herr Stevens.
Ich hope you managed to evacuate yourself from the station together with the rest of the crew.
If you did than you will enyoj the spectacular view from one of our warships.
Afther all we are not animals we are civiliased people but if we said we gonna do it, than we realy gonna do it.
No military, no police or security wings can stop us it's only mather of time before we knock at the gates of New Berlin und ich hope we whont find you there herr Stevens, or the things might turn very ugly for you.
Leave the Rheinland while you still can.
Petter Stein signing out
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