The Civilian Crime Reporting Hotline (CCRH) is a hot-line open to all citizens who wish to report suspected criminal behavior or conduct that might be contrary to the laws of the Kusari Legal Codex within Kusari territory, or behavior by entities that might endanger Kusari national security.
Reports are submitted by entities that are not law agents, and are required to be taken up by law agencies. Civilian reports only confer a “suspect” status on the reported entities, and it is the duty of law agents to evaluate the accusations and raise it to criminal status. Law agents should also investigate the veracity of submitted witness reports, to prevent harmful and hampering abuse of the justice and bureaucratic system.
The CCRH is open to all civilians who have neutral or friendly relations with Kusari institutions, and wish to report suspects of criminal actions according to the Kusari Law Codex in effect.
Witnesses should provide their own identification (Name and affiliation), Suspect name and affiliation, the crimes the suspect is accused of and visual or textual evidence of those crimes, as well a small statement of the event.
Law agents should use the reports to evaluate the likability of a criminal case, and proceed with investigations with the suspect and witnesses as soon as possible.
Should the suspect be found guilty of said crimes, or show unsubstantiated lack of cooperation with the investigations, it is the role of the agent to report said person to the LER for widespread notification of the criminal actions.
It is also the duty of the law enforcement to verify the veracity of the citizen reports, and should there be any evidence of false statements, or reporting of innocents to cause deliberate harm or slander, appropriate action will be taken against the reporter, such has denial of access to the CCRH, or other penalties applicable by law.
All citizen reports are confidential and viewable only by members of the Law Enforcement Agencies of Kusari (KNF, KSP, and affiliated individuals and organizations).
Example of a CCRH report:
Quote:Witness ID and affiliation: Keitaro.Kobayashi - freelancer
Suspect Identification: Eiga.Dorobo - Junker
Crimes: Smuggling of Hypnotainment Bands (Codex 3-1-1) - [Visual and textual proof links]
Comment: Found him with a large shipment of shady goods, even tried to sell me some, claiming that the government was censoring unwanted material from the open markets.
Witness ID and affiliation: [write here]
Suspect Identification: [write here]
Crimes: [write accused crimes] [Visual and textual proof links]
Comment: [provide a short statement for the law enforcement agents to have a better understanding of your report. Location, details, other pilots present are relevant for the celerity of the case process]
Witness ID and affiliation: Nobus Yashida, Leader of Yashida defence devision - Yashida Holding (Samura) Suspect Identification:Timinator - Liberty Navy Crimes: Liberty Military in Kusari Core space (Codex: 5-3) Screenshot Comment: One of our employees found this litlle spy in Kusari.
Caught some very interesting view you might want to raise a few question on.
Witness ID and affiliation: Bob Clamor, Cryer Technologies
Suspect Identification: {AFC}-Beaming.Fury[P]
Quote:5.5 The following ship types are not welcome in Kusari and will be considered hostile targets if encountered:
Pirate Train
8.11 Supplying vessels caught carrying the commodities listed in section 3.1.5 and not registered against the Bases regulation database will be considered as guilty of the smuggling violation, and will therefore expose themselves to fines, cargo confiscation or destruction.
Comment: Near New Tokyo, I spotted an {AFC} ship with an illegal ship and carrying base commodities. I looked in your list if they were registered and they weren't.
Witness ID and affiliation: GMG|Keiji"Namura, Gas Miners Guild
Suspect Identification: Kruger|Xi-51, Kruger Minerals
Crimes: Illegal cloaking device, 3-1, 3-1-1
Comment: This ship was detected with a cloaking device and the partially depleted fuel required to operate it, while in orbit of Planet Honshu. The ship in question promptly decided to land on the planet.