So, so. What came across my table. Two bases called 'Fortiudine' and 'FortiSec', eh? Within the territory of our King... those bases seem to blockade our supply routes to the front, did you knew that? So, I will give you two options. One of those two doesn't look good for you. The first one would be, that you deconstruct both your installations. And the second one would be, that we come across with our big guns and shoot your ass right out of your hangar bay. Did you understood me?
We will give you 72 hours. And not a second more. Our fleet is already stepping up, I just hope for you I can hold my gunners back until the timeline is over, so hurry up now. Every second counts for you.
Also, a third option just opened. You can transfer us a one time charge of 250 million Sirius Credits and we would let you alone. (Per Base for sure...) Transferred to our offshore account ; Black.Water ; Otherwise things will get rollin'.
Time's running guys. I still don't see any deconstruction process on either of your installations. We are disappointed of you putting no effort into this. We gave you a chance to rescue your bases by a one-time-fee of 250 million sirius credits per installation.
[DATABASE UPDATE -- END OF FILE..............]
The next time I have to contact you, your bases will start burning. I hope this is understable for you all? If not, well... probably some guns and marines will do the job.
[DATABASE UPDATE -- END OF FILE..............]
whenever I find some time to have a few enjoying weeks with my ladies - you know relaxing a little - another weirdo thinks it would be cool or honorable to destroy the home of some friendly and courteous miners.
You can not just fly around that little bases? Perhaps you should hire a professional skilled steersman!
We already live here for about 2 Sirian years and Mr. Royalist - who is not even providing a name with his agressions - noone here ever saw any of your ships, even not hanging around in front of the bases with it's captain scratching his head "The hell why did that bases suddenly appear here in the expressway and forced me to stop?!" as well as "How do I get through that bases now as I am not able to fly around them?".
I have to admit even Gallics seem to live some kind of Bretonian gentleman's habbits, as the given period of time for the message to reach me during my ... let's not name it holidays but investigations ... was more or less fair. Hm, but thinking twice about gentleman's habbits perhaps I was wrong with my prior statement as threatening civilians is definetly not that style.
Well, to make it short, as I have to get back into the whirlpool and the champagne is getting warm ...
If you do not want that everyone in whole Sirius makes fun of you, because of you getting your a... - oh pardon - "derrière" kicked by some fortitude miners and their wifes, children, babies and grandparents ... ok, hopefully as well as from FAZE, some HMS ships, [FL-ER], BAF and BPA ...
.... then think about navigating your fleet directly into planet Wight.
Exactly, also something to be mucked about a lot, but in comparison not that upsetting.
Or perhaps you prefer to join us here to relieve tension in a more pleasant way?
Good. We will consider your last and very first transmission as a strict no to any of our offers to you and your group. Every of our previous offers is now, expired.
"Our fleet will lurk in the dark until it is time to deconstruct your installations by force."
This Com-Frequency is closed until the deconstruction has finished.
Impolite? I choked on that champagne so bad as I had to laugh that hard.
Sir, I even used verbiage like bid farewell or some honest and nice advises. Instead, your language consists of verbal attacks, demands and commands only.
What reaction do you normally expect after threatening someone to kill all his people? If you like I can send you an award, some flowers and Bretonian gin if you like, just send me the address.
Did you ever hear about responsibility of actions? Well, if you can live your life knowing that you killed innocent children and wiped out families. Hm, a hard burden you have to carry in the future.
Where did you understand a "strict no"?
I assume there a strange genetic enhancements in your family to be able to extraordinary read between the lines? Or in your language an advise is equivalent to a command ..... not that I am interested to know.
While being a lure in the dark, what are you going to do when it is in your way? Exactly, you try to deconstruct it. I hope your genetic enhancemet really works as this was a though one.
*crackling and rasping sounds, like an ellbow or part of a woman's body scratching over a communication device and over its on/off switch*
... ah Susanna it was so relaxing here in that bathtub with you but I have to send another message to that aggressor. I really would prefer to stay here with you for another round but that ... well he wants to murder my ladies .... mmmh its incredible how good that champagne tastes ...
*the Lord standing up, presenting his built body to the girls in the room, stepping out of the whirlpool, heading over to the closet*
Ah, Katherine please I just dressed up to be ready for that transmission. Please do not disctract me, I really have to send that putz another message. Well, but I have to admit that your arguments are really good .... ooooh do not touch me like that or you have to fear the consequences ..... allright that guy has to wait for a while .....
*minutes passing with strange sounds echoing over the communications channel, someone could imagine that apes are fighting for a banana*
.... oh Lord that was good .... oh Lord I am the Lord!!!
Mmmmh does anyone of you beauties know where that communication device is? I still had it in ... hm ... in bed ... in the jaccuzi? Anyways, I am dressed up again and I do that transmission now ..... or ... mmmh Justine perhaps I should help you taking that clothes of? I really do not know for what purpose you girls need those fabrics.
But, sorry Justine, please forgive me and look over there who is entering our joy arena ...
... its Aayana and she is back from her wellness holiday she spent at the Luxury Liner Shetland spa in Newcastle. She looks soooo love-starved .. I have to help her immediately! Aayana do not forsake, your Lord is coming to rescue you!
So, hello again my lovely lady, I nearly forgot how beautiful you are! Let your Lord handle that situation and Justine please bring some champagne for us, the bottle is already empty again. Can someone explain me why I have that strange feeling to be watched .... a forget it and let's get it on ...
*minutes passing, sound was more than a squeal with glee, noone will ever know why MacRae is suddenly in bed with Julie*
But Julie, please do not make fun about me as I want to make about that Royalist for about 3 hours .... you really felt nothing?
Perhaps there was something blockading you and you were not able to reach the front because of that? Or I came across with my big gun too fast and shot your hangar bay .... why does that remind me of that Gallic? ... or Julie, the timeline of 72 hours between our first encounter and this was not enough? I am sorry my dear, I am going to transfer you 250 millions and you can buy some shoes and clothes ok?
*Miranda calling for the Lord to help her to find something pricking her back*
Ah yeah Miranda you now how to do the trick to get me away from other women and ... mmmh delicious ... you smell like honey ... I want to taste you immediately ... ouch .... what was that ... something hard hit my ankle .... and why is that activity indicator lamp of the communications device over there blinking???
I have to find that thing .... thanks Sandra for helping me to find it .... nooo Sandra no time for this right now .... please Sandra .... why do you push me over you .... aaaaahhh there it is, the hell why is that thing activated???
Ahem ... damn it ..... since when is that thing set to record .....
Hello Mr. Noname,
I am sure you can hear me and I am not amused that you declare an attack and then do not show up for already three days. I sat here anxious, crying, shivering, awaiting to die and then ... nothing? Or is your intend to let that base run dry on champagne and then to kill the champagne delivery guy to finish the bases easily? That is a rude habbit, not even a pirate would deny someone his champagne!