(To learn how to counter boxing, see Sliding).
Boxing, as one of the 2 main PvP mechanics in Freelancer, is widely used and represents a big step towards learning how to fight properly, often creating a feel of growth in the player himself. Most newbies in snubs will stand still and strafe in all four directions with a pattern that is comfortable to them (whether it’s W A S D or W D S A). However, this is not boxing, but simple strafing. In order to properly box, follow these steps: 1) Reverse until you’re at -15 speed. 2) Press engine kill and release reverse. Your speed will be locked at -15. (Can be canceled when hit by a CD or by pressing engine kill/thrusting). 3) Use your non dominant hand to press the strafe keys in either of the 2 patterns possible while focusing on your aim. Training boxing will develop muscle memory, which will allow you to focus entirely on hitting the opponent and becoming comfortable with the mechanic.
Notethat while strafing, you want to hold the key long enough so that your crosshair (the one the opponent sees) moves away from your ship, but fast enough so that he can’t retarget and hit you. Pressing strafes too quickly will lead to having more than 1 key pressed at a time, breaking your pattern, while also making your crosshair stay on you most of the time, making it as useless as standing still.
The difference between boxing and simple strafing is the reverse speed. This allows you to: 1) Create more distance between the opponent and you (allowing you to shoot at him for a longer period of time). 2) Increase the amount of time you have to react to mines dropped by the enemy. 3) Punish players who earlyturn in an angle that allows you to keep up with them (see Sliding- Earlyturning).
Uses for boxing:
Boxing, as a simple mechanic, has simple and generally easy counters. For this reason, it is important not to overuse it. Generally, you should box when you feel that you can deal a huge amount of damage to the opponent (for example, to punish an engine kill). Other uses are reloading energy (using boxing defensively) or countering an opponent who boxes, forcing him to be the one rushing forward. Again, it’s important not to use boxing in every situation or as main mechanic when fighting.
Counters when boxing and how to defend:
As a non-agressive stance, boxing will lead to the enemy taking the innitiative and generally provoking him to rush forward. This will most often lead to 2 dangerous situations: 1) The opponent earlyturns, getting behind you. 2) The opponent drops a nuclear mine in front of you.
In case 1, defending against wide earlyturns (the cases when you’re able to keep the enemy on your screen) is simple. Hold the strafe that is opposite to the direction that the enemy is taking (A if towards the right hand side, D if towards the left hand side) and pull the mouse to the side where the enemy is coming from. This combined with your reverse will give you -21/-24 speed and will allow you to keep up with the earlyturn. Inmediatly resume your previous pattern when the opponent starts circling around you, as you won’t need the extra strafe speed. If he’s able to get out of your screen, thrust forward and turn to the opposite side opposite of where he left the screen (if the opponent leaves by the right, thrust and turn to the left). This will resume jousting positions.
If the enemy manages to do a sharp earlyturn (leaving your screen entirely), thrust forward, hold reverse while turning towards the oppponet and thrust again, passing him. Engine kill again. This will resume jousting positions.
For more experienced players: strafe to the opposite side of where the enemy dissapeared from while still reversing, then thrust forward and engine kill. Generally, you’ll be able to pass by the opponent and engine kill safely, resuming jousting positions.
In case 2, strafe to the opposite side of where the mine is coming from while still reversing (moving away from the mine). Then, once you have an angle wide enough not to collide with it, thrust and leave the mine behind. If done perfectly, you’ll leave the blast radius before a CD hits you. DO NOT thrust inmediatly when the opponent passes you, you’ll run into it. While this mechanic will allow you to avoid the bast majority of nuclear mines, the reaction must be on point, and that’s assuming lag won’t be involved, hiding the mine. To help with this, always expect the enemy to drop a nuclear mine in front of you when he passes by. If you start countering before it happens and the mechanic is done perfectly, you won’t get hit. This also helps players who, just like me and other XTF captains, were born with the reflexes of a turtle and connections from 2003.
Note that there are more situations that can occur when boxing. These are only the main ones that properly counter boxing, along the safer and easier reactions for recruits.
This has been an in-depth look at boxing. Additional ingame footage may be provided by the senate on demand.
I sure wish tab was working. Goddamit.
(06-19-2016, 12:06 PM)Mao Wrote: inb4 Sirius gets renamed to XTF.
I'm going to publish one of these every day until I'm done with the guides provided to the XTF recruits. Late merry christmas. Support will be prioritized for XTF players, but you can still post here if you want to.
(06-19-2016, 12:06 PM)Mao Wrote: inb4 Sirius gets renamed to XTF.