Looks like your nickname, Greed, is pretty fitting in your case. Your own greed led into your Manta destroyed and yourself being captured... But then, I am man who keeps the given word. If you can read this message, it means you have been released on Freeport 2 in Bering System.
A drink is waiting for you in the bar - it's on me.
+ Sender: + Father O'Mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Reilly'O'Brian'O'Sullivan +
\/ My latest picture \/
Oh boy, thank you for the drink, how kind of you.
Anyway... ehmm.... ahem... if you are by any chance readin' this message boy... then you're alive... *laughs audibly*. Buuuut, as you can see... you're ehmm.... on ATKA, boy. HOW COOL IS THAT HA?! *dramatic laughter*
Touche. But I'm not falling for that, you know that Hackers have pods that cannot be captured due to their heavy ECM systems, so, uh, not sure if you follow up. So far, I'm doing fine, scratching rust from my old fighter and waiting for the next one. However, I do enjoy the fact you care for me. It's something.