COMM ID: Commander Augustus Howe TARGET ID: Director Eva Adenauer SUBJECT: Disharmony ENCRYPTION: HIGH PRIORITY: HIGH
Director Adenauer,
We were both there in New York and Alaska just now. The Klaxon has managed to escape to Colorado, and though I know not the fate of the Harmony nor any of the other vessels or personnel who took up arms in its defense, I find myself fearing what might happen next for us. I presume a court martial might be in order. Have you had further communication with Knight or the Harmony? Can the LSF ensure the safety of personnel who took up arms against the First and Fifth fleets today? What fate was met by those in Alaska?
Augustus Howe
Commander, LNS Klaxon
Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
"Ich cannot guarantee anything, Commander. Zhe Freedom is in a less zhan stellar state. A number of Security Force Gunships engaged zhe remaining Navy in Alaska, und zhe Navy vessels were destroyed by zhe timely arrival of a few... Friends. All we can rely on at zhis point is a statement from zhe President. Ich wish you the best of luck."
Eva Adenauer, Executive Director, Liberty Security Force.
COMM ID: Commander Augustus Howe TARGET ID: Director Eva Adenauer SUBJECT: Disharmony ENCRYPTION: HIGH PRIORITY: HIGH
Director Adenauer,
I apologize in advance for the disjointedness of this message; the Klaxon ran out of coffee yesterday and I have a bit of a problem. It hasn't been good for the crew's morale, either. I do understand that you are an exceedingly busy woman right now, but I need an update on the situation. The Klaxon is still holding in Colorado, heavily damaged from the first engagement in Zone 21, and, despite my best efforts, I've had little luck in contacting Knight.
However, my communications officer did receive a message from a Primary Fleet operative identifying themselves as "Sentinel". An implication that further violence will not be used against my vessel or its crew; I suspect probably just to draw us out of hiding. Do you have any knowledge of this operative? As an officer of the Secondary Fleet, I was never privy to such classified information, but perhaps the LSF has eyes within the Navy where I do not.
Lastly, were the Klaxon somehow to find its way into Alaska, would there be safe harbor for us to repair? Obviously, this somewhere cannot be Juneau, and certainly Norfolk and Virginia are out of the question now; this leaves only the LSF for us to turn to.
I eagerly await your response.
Still anxiously,
Augustus Howe
Commander, LNS Klaxon
Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
"Ich am afraid zhat I do not possess knowledge of zhe Navy's operations when it comes to you or zhe other 'traitorous' Naval vessels.
What Ich can assure you of, however, ist zhat zhe Security Force will welcome you und any supplies you may bring with open arms at Dartmouth Station, in zhe New Hampshire system. We are in dire need of food, water, und medical supplies, if we are to continue our operations against zhe infected menace. In addition, we intend to... gain possession of a station with zhe capability of repairing our capital vessels, especially considering our outstanding success in our most recent operation in Minnesota.
Do feel free to stop by and visit. Perhaps Ich would be willing to share my own supply of coffee."
Eva Adenauer, Executive Director, Liberty Security Force.