Guildkeepers and Guildmaster of the Core.
Let's clear up our differences. You want conquest and control of the Omicrons, we just want development and containment of technology. Some of us once were a part of you - but we have evolved beyond individuals who were of mutinous origin - we're a new face now, a new association, leaving behind our ties from the days of the Core. Bar the ships - albeit outdated, of course.
Though, even if our interests have split, there's still one thing we have in common. It's related to a particular nuisance that we both know as the Order.
The Order are nothing more than degenerates to this universe, they lost all of their meaning when Orillion was lost, they're nothing more than greedy, arrogant, fools. I'm sure you can agree with me on that - as I do recall from my older days in the Core and them... using the Zoners. Bah.
Moving on.
I have something that may interest you, something that may beneficially work out for both of us.
You see, The Order has found themselves in Coronado, working together with the Crayterians to rescue Jeremy Hunter - of the Order Overwatch - family relative. His mother.
These idiots have loitered long enough in the Independant Worlds, it's been more than two weeks, which is the minimum time for infestation to fully occur. What is even more interesting is that the "Grand Admiral" himself is down here - along with four other capital vessels of the Order's fleet, including the so-called 'advanced cruiser' Tombstone. This is a brilliant opportunity to wipe out the flagvessel and their pathetic little 'rescue' attempt.
The current vessels that are down here are: |O|-Amenhotep - an Osiris, recently damaged - our patrol was intercepted in Pennsylyvania, escorted back to Coronado to repair at Sabah - or so I overheard and speculated. It also has a cloaking device.
Order|CV-Oathkeeper - Admiral Jeremy Hunter's vessel. Osiris. Has a cloaking reactor.The delusional idiot thinks they can save their mother from infestation. Boo hoo. Time to show them the consequences of carelessness.
Order|P-Tombstone - Resheph Recon Cruiser. Has a cloaking reactor. They 'claim' it's one of the ''advanced'' prototypes of the Order. How foolish and naive of them to bring it down here. It's usually commanded by Kelly Hellion or Aelita Stone - also known as the infested partner and spy that was known as the codename "Grand Petal Rose" in the Core.
Order|CV-Fedayeen - The flagship of the Order. It is a Geb class vessel with cloaking capabilities. It's the 'throne' of the Grand Adm- ... Admiral - so to speak. Another mistake bringing it down here.
There are several other fighters with the squadron, maybe more - but that goes unreported. It's been a long time - as mentioned, so I may not be surprised if they plan to move back sometime soon, especially under the care of the Crayterians. If they do, they'll take the route through the Taus to Kusari. Or even the borders of Bretonia, through the Omegas, up the Omicrons. But - for now, they loiter around in Coronado.
There's a problem. And there's a solution. How about we do something about it, hrm?
Oh so that's where they went, been looking around for them. Dabadoru is silent as is Omicron Delta which is weird even for me. That's not say I'm gonna be best friends with you on all terms but I'm willing to send some ships down there including the Nemesis to kill the bastards. I've notified Lyell, she'll coordinate the specific amount of forces.
As already announced by the Exalted Guildmaster, I have been entrusted with handling the logistical matters of our little endeavour. It seems the Exalted Guildmaster has a rather peculiar bond with your person, and thus seems to trust your proposal. I myself would have been a little more sceptical, but that is not my task right now.
Indeed, it has been strangely quiet in the Omicrons lately, and thanks to you, we know why. I must admit that I had a good chuckle at the motivations of the dearest Admiral Hunter — how delusional. Before I go into specifics, I want to make one thing crystal clear: Our objective should be the apprehension, capture, subsequent torture, and public execution of Golanski, Hunter, Stone and Hellion. If we can agree on that point, then let us continue.
As the Exalted Guildmaster already stated, the Nemesis will move to Coronado to assist Auxesian assets against the Order. No further battleships will be made available, but a small contingency of Bullheads, plus my own person on the late Guildmaster's flagship the Herschel, shall accompany the Nemesis, as well as two snubcraft wings of bombers and fighters respectively manned by Arcani pilots. Note that we care little for the Colonial Remnants in the sector, as they have made themselves guilty of treason by harboring dangerous degenerate elements best purged for the betterment of mankind. In addition: I hereby offer Auxesian capital vessels access to Alabama Shipyards in Omicron Rho for the purposes of repairs, under the auspice that no crew member leave the vessel unaccompanied and that any refits of armament be discussed and approved by myself prior to implementation. This offer expires after our cooperation. In case there is a demand for further smaller ships from your side, I am sure we can come to a profitable agreement on both ends as well.
This would be all for now. Expect the arrival of Core assets within the next three days. Do not abuse the Exalted Guildmaster's apparent trust in your bare word, Keeper.
-C. Lyell
Guildkeeper, The Core Attachments: <None>