Attention! The following transports, captains and crew are hereby delivered a subpoena requiring them to to surrender themselves to New Paris within the next seven days, beginning from the point in which it can reasonably be assumed they received this message.
The proprietors of these vessels are suspected of various crimes against the Laws of Gallia. The charges are as follows: Treason, cooperation with conspirators and criminals, smuggling, participation and preparation of acts of terrorism, disrespect of nobility, disobeying law enforcers' orders, shipping goods without permit, and trespassing.
The accused are to respond to this transmissions once they surrendered themselves into the custody of the Crown on Planet New Paris to be trialled for their innocence or guilt. Visual evidence of location and the ship are mandatory.
Failure to do so will result in eviction from the Kingdom and the immediate termination on sight of the aforementioned vessels.
The official deadline is now over. The Roi does not tolerate smugglers, especially those that disregard him completely. With confirmed guilt, the aforementioned vessels, their crew and captains are barred from entering the Kingdom of Gallia.
The ships that refused to listen to the summons have been put on the shoot-on-sight list of all Gallic Royal Navy personnel. The known captains of these vessels are put on the execution list.