[Communications ID: Admiral Mark Ferguson Liberty Navy Third Fleet
[Recipient ID: Battlegroup Harmony --
[Subject: Package
[Priority: Theta - Normal
[Encryption: Omega v1 - Unbreakable
I'll keep this brief.
My name is Admiral Mark Ferguson, commanding officer of the Navy's Third Fleet. Recently, my XO was found to be in possession of these documents. While I can imagine how she acquired them, her decision to act upon them is still something I cannot fathom. On top of that, how she's acted has not only threatened the integrity of my entire fleet, but no doubt the whole of the Navy as well.
If someone from your end would kindly explain any plot holes I'm missing, feel free. Until then, I'm going to do you lot a favor and have logistics restricted from running down south, as well as my ships kept on our end of the Bering/Texas gate connection until further notice. Consider my interest piqued, whether it was intended or not.
.. and no, I'm not jailing her.
Regards, Admiral Mark Ferguson
Battlegroup Enterprise
Liberty Navy Third Fleet Commanding.