To: Daihyo Nora Samura
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Kurile Planet
Priority: Top
Message reads:
Konban-wa Samura-sama,
I was just looking over our logs before contacting you, it appears that it has been a long time since a GMG hands has opened this channel. A long time indeed. Where do the years go? How long has it been since we were standing at your family's side supporting you? Those were glorious days weren't they? How has Samura's business been since we've parted ways?
Oh, please forgive me, so much catching up to do and so many questions.
I'm fortunate enough to report that GMG has been enjoying some great strides with demand higher then ever, infrastructure developed at a pace to match as venturing or solidifying our hold on new commodities like Plutonium and Alien Organisms. Oh I guess with all your spies I wouldn't doubt you know all the details just as I'm sure you don't doubt I know the answers to the questions I asked earlier. We've gotten long into the habit of keeping tabs on each that I might as well get right to the point.
Despite our less then desirable pace of development in the Beta system we have every intention of staying on target and meeting our projections. We feel it's absolutely paramount that we expand and broaden our operations in harvesting the organisms. This brings us to the planet that our predecessors had allowed you to setup a little operation on in good faith, Planet Kurile.
Regretfully we must inform you that your tenancy at Kurile must now come to an end. Kurile Planet has now been marked by the GMG for complete development and harvesting of it's Alien Organisms for the benefit of the GMG and it's clients. Until now, when we began our venture into Alien Organism in Beta, we were content to continue to overlook Kurile and allow that small crew you set there to eke out a scratching on the surface. But as it currently stands we are continuing our expansion outward from house space.
In effect, yes, this is an eviction notice. We at GMG expect that the score or two crew you have on Kurile to kindly and respectfully have their personal belongings packed by the end of Saturday this week. This should provide enough time to gather their things before we come to settle in. Don't worry we'll clean up the mess left behind and reimburse you for any of the minor bits you can't bring along.
Arigato for your patronage and we hope you enjoyed your stay out here in our Sigmas,
Guild Master Raikoke
From the desk of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Jien Kogen of Kusari
Konnichiwa Honorable Guildmaster.
I am sorry that we talk again under such strained circumstances. My communication today is meant to make clear to the Guild that the Kusari government considers Planet Kurile sovereign Kusari space, all rights to which belong to Samura. While the GMG may have discovered the planet, all rights of ownership were given to Samura over 100 years ago. Samura has been the sole operator and occupant of Kurile for over 100 years. Kurile belongs to Samura, and Samura is Kusari. Any attempt to forcibly remove or hinder the operation of Planet Kurile will be seen by the Kusari government as an act of aggression by the GMG.
I implore the GMG to take a different course. I am sure that we can come up with a solution that is mutual beneficial to the GMG and Kusari, but this type of blind aggression will not be accepted by Kusari.
From: Okada Kazuya, Chief of Human Relations
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Konnichiwa Guild Master Raikoke.
How are you on this fine day?
I have received your message and will of course relay it through the proper channels.
I must warn you however that I think I already know what the answer will be.
You see the planet Kurile and everything upon it's surface is rightfully the property of the Kusari Empire.
As such I am afraid that I believe it will be impossible to hand it over to some civilians outside of the Empire's borders.
I do understand your desire to obtain this asset but I am afraid you will have to make do with your current, inferior source in Omicron Beta.
Please do not make the assumption that because you happened to see this planet first and decide that you had no use for it, that it somehow means you have some form of ownership.
I would further ask that in future you show the respect towards this organization to at least consider some form of negotiation before you move along to the ultimatums.
It really is quite rude.
I see that the Emperor has responded to this communication already, his words hold much weight with this company.
Pleased to meet you Teno Haika Jien Kogen, it's an honour to hear from you again. Oh and I see Okada Kazuya, Director of Samura's Security is here as well, glad to meet you. How's the Human Resource Management Dept.?
While I am not surprised of your concern I also do not believe it is necessary for you to be troubled by this trifling of an affair, Tenno Kaika Jien Kogen. Surely this cannot be considered a matter of Kusari state, from our side we are most certain of it. The memory of sitting at the table with you in the signing of the Treaty of Aomori still runs fresh. It is clear and signed that Kurile is not listed as part of the Kusari territory to be recognized by GMG. Not that this is surprising, you noted that we too have paid it little heed for over hundred yrs after it's discovery, I can admit to this and to even understanding why. The sparse efforts and little attention Kurile has received by Samura over these years along with it's political ommission from recognition also shows Kusari is guilty of the same thing.
Now we also can see on the Treaty of Aomori that Kurile is also not recognized by the state of Kusari as sovereign GMG territory either. In effect open territory ready for proper exploitation under no proper current recognition of ownership. Now the Treaty of Aomori explicitly says that Kusari may not send it's navy or police into GMG space, which is in-between Kusari and Kurile I may add, without our express permission. This creates a situation in which we feel it's not only a necessity, due to new ventures into Alien Organism harvesting, but a responsibilty in securing a resource node necessary for Sirius's economy. We know first hand the golden rule of Sigma sovereignty; use it or lose it.
Now we don't want to be made out as the bad guys. Sure in matters of industrial competition it might seem so but such occurances are the breathes of fresh air in the economy. Poor Kurile has not only been neglected by GMG but it has been neglected by Samura as well. Her resources have been barely touched upon by Samura's conservative methods. That small platform is only drawing enough to provide efforts for Junyp Planet but Kurile can do so much more. By the end of Saturday GMG, being the sole organized military/industrial power in the area, will make a proper military and industrial claim on Junyo so that she can now shine in today's new market that is enjoying a boom in the terraforming industry. Junyo will still be well supplied but with out less then conservative harvesting methods and perhaps Kishiro's new modernized efforts in terraforming the state of Kusari may find themselves housing leaders in an industry once dominated by the sole company, Planetform.
I implore the few Samura on Kurile, there is no need to drag this out into a fuss, let the nature of economics take it's course. Step aside, we will bring you back to the safety of house space, and allow us to do what we do best; harvest.
From: Okada Kazuya, Chief of Human Relations
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Konbanwa Guild Master Raikoke.
This message is to inform you of Samura's answer to your "request" for Samura to vacate planet Kurile for infestation by GMG forces.
The board has voted unanimously to deny your request due to concerns on several grounds.
It was a hard deliberation which took at least two minutes to complete.
Listed below are some of the reasons, for your understanding of our stance.
Planet Kurile holds vast potential for the Kusari economy, not only now, but in the future as well.
To move so many people off planet which you like to refer to as "the score or two", would take longer than the time that was mentioned by the GMG as the deadline date.
If Samura were to cease operations on planet Kurile, it would still remain the property of the Empire of Kusari and as such would not be available to the GMG regardless.
Studies have shown that the Gas Miners Guild lack the experience to make use of the product exported from Kurile to the same level of efficiency as Samura Heavy Industries.
We don't want to.
I hope that in the spirit of cooperation that we are in a position to better understand the position we find ourselves in now.
Samura Heavy Industries is willing to include the GMG to our list of clients for sale of this product if they wish.
We are also quite happy to provide training to your staff as to increase their understanding regarding Alien Organisms, so as to increase the efficiency of their meager operations in this field.
As always we are looking forward to hearing from you again and hopefully moving forward with our relationship.
Okada Kazuya.
From: Okada Kazuya, Chief of Human Relations
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Konbanwa again Guild Master Raikoke.
Allow me to make a direct response to your last communication as my previous was a pre-recorded answer to an earlier communication you made.
Do not assume that by trying to make our operation sound smaller than it is, that it will affect Kusari's need of this planet and resources.
The amount of workers and equipment we have on Kurile is the exact amount we need to do the job as always.
As Shinjuku Station has more personnel on board than the combined population of all of the Guilds stations throughout Sirius, it would be a mistake to state that we are not capable of using Kurile to a much greater ability than the Guild is capable of.
It matters not how the Guild sees the ownership of Kurile, as it is owned outright by the Empire of Kusari.
We do hope you will drop this attempt to claim the property of the Empire of Kusari.
It would be a shame for things to degrade to a level that we would find unacceptable.
Samura is, and has always been about conducting fair business and promoting the welfare of Kusari, this will not change.
Now I suggest we drop this and instead just concentrate on being friendly neighbors.
As was stated, you may of course purchase Alien Organisms from Samura Heavy Industries if you need them.
Our door is always open to your business needs.
I'm glad to see that Samura also hasn't lost it's fine art on condescension as well. It's good to hear coming from the director of the family's security, they chose well. I'm certain our paramilitary commander would enjoy meeting a man of your bravery. He has great respect for those with strong heart.
But please, to keep this moving further, let us be perfectly frank about our intentions and our reasonings. Without having to spend too much time observing Kurile, one can't help but draw the conclusion that the current claim on her is a hollow one. While you may claim Kurile as a possession and thus part of the state may I remind you that she is not in Kusari space. Quite far away, in fact. She's outside of the reach of the Kusari state itself and can only be defended by your irregulars. It was made clear in the Treaty of Aomori that GMG space is not the passageway of Kusari military and will remain as such. It is irrational to maintain a claim without the means to defend it from a third party source. In our hands Kurile will remain secure and it's bounty will pour into Kusari like the precipitation in a rain forest. Our caravan is nearly prepared for "infestation" as you so nearly accurately put it. This shouldn't take long and there will only be a brief delay in AOs as we get set up.
From: Okada Kazuya, Chief of Human Relations
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Konnichiwa again Guild Master Raikoke.
I see that you are indeed set on making aggressive moves against the Kusari Empire, this is very saddening but it seems you have made your minds up on this issue.
As always we will make no aggressive moves against others and will instead only act in a defensive matter until it is clear that diplomacy has failed.
When your aggressive moves do come to being brought out in the public light and you dissolve the Aomori Treaty with your blind aggression towards the members of Samura and the Kusari Naval Forces that have now taken up a defensive position on planet, please do not try and implicate any fault to us.
You choose how you will move forward with your actions and I do hope you have a clear conscience on the path you are choosing to make for your people.
I would of preferred that you chose the way of peace and commerce instead of this brutality you chose to subject both sides to.
Now if you will excuse me I have some important matters to attend to.
But Okada-san, my advisors have reviewed the signed treaty yet again and confirm to me that we aren't invading Kusari territory and are not breaking the treaty. There is no mention in the document signed by the Emporer of Kusari that Kurile or any part of Sigma 17 is off limits from GMG expansion. There is however a very specific part about Kusari militart ships coming into GMG space, which surely they did if they slipped through our clouds and reinforced Kurile, and that would mean the Kusari state and not GMG are the one's at fault in breaking the treaty.
Hai, I know, a bit devious in it's legality but where in the past might we have come across such deviousness ourselves? And now I see you managed to rally the state you usurped long ago to come at your call. I'm dissappointed that you would lead your house's young warriors into yet another foreign matter. This is a matter of industrial competition, let go of your stubborness and return back to the safety of your house. Don't waste the efforts of Kusari on something trivial as keeping GMG from expanding reasonably.
As I had mentioned in the first transmission, we aren't coming to just being a few tools to Kurile, we are coming to take full effective control of the area. There is still time to agree to a peaceful ride home.
From: Okada Kazuya, Chief of Human Relations
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Guild Master Raikoke.
I shall endeavor to take the time to answer your last communication as you have made a few mistakes that must be answered.
First to your point about Samura usurping the previous government, that was a popular revolt by the people of Kusari, would you really expect Samura to stand against the wishes of the majority of Kusari citizens?
Next about the treaty, I would ask that you send your advisers back to reading the treaty and taking note of specific clauses in it that might refer to this exact situation and the breaking of it that you are choosing to make.
It is after all written in there plainly for all to see, I can send you a copy if you do not have one at hand.
The Naval personnel came to planet Kurile under purely legal means as defined by the treaty and they have every right to stay under our hospitality.
You see the truth of the matter is that you are the one who will be breaking your very own agreement, I am sure that is a nice message to put forth to your other neighbors.
Samura and Kusari have acted lawfully and will continue to do so in regards to this treaty and all treatise that we have been party to.
Now if you intend to move forward with your illegal aggression against Kusari and the free flow of trade then there is nothing more I can say on this matter.