The message is transmitted from Bathlihem and spread out through a number of stations under Zoner control as a personal ad of sorts. The message reads as follows:
The appearance of a man in a black coat, dark hair and dark eyes appears on the screen. He's obviously in his mid twenties and seems to be either ok with, or ignorant of, how many people would be possibly viewing this message.
"Hello. My name is Vorandril and I pilot The Mantarok. Currently a cargo freighter. Recently I was waylayed and forced to give up a few million credits worth of cargo. Money I'd been saving to buy an exploratory vessel to try and help expansionism efforts. I'll cut to the point.
I'm putting out a public broadcast to other zoners in an attempt to change my line of work. We may be neutral with all factions and parties, but that's a poor way to keep groups who focus on the efforts of individuals from attacking our vessels. To that end I wish to come into posession of a gunboat so that I might escort Zoners and ensure the safety or not only our cargo but our personnel. Why does this matter to you?
I'm a proud man, and asking for charity does nothing to appeal to me. I'm instead asking for an investment from a fellow zoner, or a few. Enough to purchase and outfit a Conference class vessel so that I may begin security operations for Zoners and our allies.
If you wish to respond to this, send a message to Vorandril of The Mantarok to Bethlehem station in the Pennsylvania system. Thank you for your time, Zoner. And may your travels be safe.
[Message complete.]
[Returning to Bulletin Menu]
Fighting to your last breath is a benchmark, not a goal.
[Sending of one message file to Sarah.Mcfarlan]
(I apologize if it's the wrong name! You know who you are though.)
The appearance of Vorandril within the cockpit of the Mantarok comes up on the screen, and it's somewhat apparent he's talking as he pilots the vessel in attempt to dodge something or another The flash of red across the interior being a fairly tell-tale sign that hisship just took hit from a weapon of some kind, but the lack of any sound proving it nly hit the shields.
Despite being fired on, his tone was fairly mellow as he spoke, "Ok, once the cruise kicks in this won't be an issue. Ahshi-*boomf* the recording already started. ANyway. Umm. Hi. So just as you were heading off I got a little distracted. I wanted to let you know I appreciate the help and you should keep in mind you've got an IOU for that. I'll let you pick how I repay you for it, once I get the rest of the credits for this ship either I'll fly with you somewhere or maybe I'll take ya to a nice dinner. Hehehe."
The main raises his hand to his forehead and taps it with just his index finger extended, Stay safe and I really appreciate the help."
[Recording ended.]
Fighting to your last breath is a benchmark, not a goal.
Not until you're definitely not getting shot at anyway. We good? Okay then. Really, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal.
Um.. But if you do get that Conference up and going, would you mind if maybe I took a look on board sometime? I mean, even if you can't get it working, I might be able to help out. I've haven't worked on a properly designed ship before, at least not of that size, so that'd be pretty cool. I mean, if it's not too much trouble.
In the meantime, you stay safe too, Cap'n. *Fingers tapped her forehead, the girl returning the salute.*
Oh, and with that flight. I might just take you up on that.
The bulliten will be taken off of the network from the Zoner research station in Kepler by the captain of GW2, The Mantarok conference class gunboat.
[Transmission to Sarah Mcfarlen]
[Identity Confirmation Complete]
[Decryption complete: Unpackaging data.]
Vorandril is seen sitting in the pilot seat of a decently sized bridge now, rather than a cockpit and again gives that half hearted little salute. "Thanks for the help Ms. Mcfarlan. Let me know when I can meet up with you to return the favor. Hope to hear from you soon, and I'll be around. She needs some armor work and a few improvements to her systems, but she's armed and ready for work."
The man smiled to the screen rather widely. He was obviously excited to get things started.
"Hope to hear from you soon."
[End of Message.]
[Ending transmission]
Fighting to your last breath is a benchmark, not a goal.