How can this happen? Someone knows. They know of what I am doing, though not to the point where they would have to get involved.
No. They have no idea what is going on. They can not know.
It's all going as it should. Looking forward to see the possibilities of myself. To further Gallia, to expand the will of the Crown. Oui, that is what I am doing. I do this for my house. I do this to help my people and my men. I cannot change my path now, I'm close to understanding what little there is to understand. I can finally see a bit of the light at the end of this twisted tunnel.
No I can't. I'm blind. What am I talking about? I see nothing of what I must. It's getting to a point where I can't even describe what is going on. I'm just spewing nonsense. There is no point for me to continue this log until I get somewhere.
I need more connections. I need to talk to more people. I know what I seek is out there, I just know it.
I have gotten more supplies thanks to a few suppliers. With this stuff I can continue my work. Perhaps I can draw in some knowledge with this if I work with it.
I have not seen Gallia in weeks, and with the Prince on board, I can hardly work. I'll be dropping him off soon, then I can truly get to work. He'll be doing the paperwork like the King's dog he is. I must continue. I must. Someone is watching me, I know it. They are waiting for me to slip or press on. If only this wasn't such a laborious act.
They know, damn it they know! Someone leaked. Someone knows what I'm planning. It has to me my crew. I can't trust any of them. Most of them being criminals, who wouldn't see that coming? I should root out who it is. Not now though, I'm in formation with Le Riche and a full on investigation of this isn't what I want. Give it a week and I'll start asking around.
What am I talking about? No one knows. There is no way. I haven't even been reporting my complete actions in my logs. I even wiped my old logs and started this one.
This all started by that damnable message. It's nothing. Searching for what I seek? Omicrons? It has to be a scare message and nothing more. One way or another, I'm going to keep eye on the Omicrons. Something is there and someone wants me to figure out, trap or not.
I'm planning on going closed operations for a while. I'm going to be looking into this. Screw regulations for a bit. Joseph can run things while I am away. I need to move soon. I need to figure out what I am doing. No, I need to stop freaking out.
I was planning to start proper logs today, but I have work today. Also, I started my new coffee mixture. The outcast sure know their stuff, wonder why they never made coffee with it. Oh how I wish I could see the face of whoever reads this in the future.
No. It's not the crew. A second message came in. This man, he knows. There is nothing to show what I do yet he knows. He knows I know. How does he freaking know?
Non. I will keep this professional, for at least as long as I can. The RPC Vatan will enter Operration de Fermeture status as soon as it leaves formation with Le Riche.
Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Captain: Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Helmsmen: Anton Giles
Operation status: OF
Ship crew: 43
Total population: 43
Fuel: 100% (Fueling)
Supplies: 100%
All I hear are bloody voices. I thought it takes months before people go insane from being out on some mission for so long. All I hear is voices. The crew can't hear it, and it isn't them. Sacre bleu, I just might tear my ears out.
They scream at night. It's nightmares from my duty and too many long hours at the desk. Rather, that's what I tell myself. It's an inhuman scream I'm heard only twice. Once when we interrogated a poor wretch, and once when I saw 5,000 men and women scream together when a Maquis raid took down a building.
I also have a feeling this was a terrible idea. Good thing I brought enough coffee and baguettes to work through this.
Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Captain: Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Helmsmen: Anton Giles
Operation status: OF, Kyushu
Ship crew: 43
Total population: 43
Fuel: 98%
Supplies: 97%
I have sent a message to the Outcasts to see if I can get through their systems safely. I doubt they will let me pass, but one can dream.
Our supplies are running low, and with them so are my men. Some don't believe I am capable to lead this mission. Surely, this is for a greater cause then they will ever be. At least they will not be a bother anymore. I just wait for the next person to speak up to talk behind my back. They will learn.
I'm also becoming a bit ill in the head. I feel an unnatural drive to these omicron systems. I wish I could just get there to be over with this madness. My head hurts, and my mind is racked with odd visions. I wish I could go back to Gallia.
Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Captain: Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Helmsmen: Anton Giles
Operation status: OF, Tau- 37
Ship crew: 40
Total population: 40
Fuel: 88%
Supplies: 85%
I just sent information to the Outcasts. The Out. Casts.
Gallia, I am sorry. For you, I do this. I will never forget what you have done to get me this far, just give me the chance to earn my goal and the powers to go with it. If something is to happen, I will save you, my dearest love.
Directeur Lucas Gerald
[color=#00CCCC]Ship Captain: Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Helmsmen: Anton Giles
Operation status: OF, Tau- 37
Ship crew: 35
Total population: 37
Fuel: 80%
Supplies: 82%
[color=#FFFFFF]Never again will I look upon the worlds the same.
I have broken Gallia laws, murdered, smuggled. And now I have been escorted by a wing of Outcasts and met the Guardians, and the one I've been seeking who's name I now know. I don't believe I can go back to Gallia anymore. My sweet home-space isn't a place for me. I have no place.
Foster's words hit home on something I've been struggling with for a long time now. Everything we humans do is pointless. Utterly pointless. The Guardians seem to understand more than we know. Now people have listened to them, like Monsieur Foster. I believe I am the next to listen. They make sense. More sense than the King has ever made, than any Sirian or Gaul has made.
Curse us for being this stupid. We ruin ourselves by ourselves, and we ruin all around us. My mission is not lost. I have Gallia to think of, but not what I saw it as.
Before I saw the great jumpgates and tradelanes, the space ports and stations. The populated worlds and thriving people. Now I see what Gallia is. It's the beautiful space, the suns and stars, the nebula and moons. All of the latter is plagued by us. This is my new mission, or rather my old mission redefined.
Gallia, I still do this for you.
Lucas Gerald
[color=#00CCCC]Ship Captain: Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Helmsmen: Anton Giles
Operation status: OF, Orkney
Ship crew: 35
Total population: 35
Fuel: 68%
Supplies: 73%
[color=#FFFFFF]This planet and that star. They are both dead and raped of it's resources like a butchered animal. The star feeds everything around it, and we take this energy and kill it's children. We swarm them like lice, change them to fit our needs, and damage it.
The vast empty space is cluttered with useless trash. Smog clouds, debris fields, and worse. How could we let this happen? This is terrible. None of it should be here.
I'm in distress. I should not be willing to let this happen. We do not allow this.
We do not allow this.
We do not allow this.
Lucas Gerald
[color=#00CCCC]Ship Captain: Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Helmsmen: Anton Giles
Operation status: OF, Kyushu
Ship crew: 35
Total population: 35
Fuel: 85%
Supplies: 89%
Done was the deed, the start. The actions are done, and the wheel is rolling. My Gallia will be it's former glory soon enough.
How I was confused before. Whispers? No, it's My Gallia speaking to me. I can not believe I am the only one to listen to her. The words started to form, connecting my thoughts and helping me understand. I now know what I have gone to learn from meeting Foster and the Tundra. I learned the truth about what is wrong.
Humans. We are united in death pain, but we do not share it. Truly we are individuals and cannot unite under one being, one banner. How I miss the days when I thought the Royal Police was a fit, clean organized group of officers. How I was wrong about that as I am wrong about every other person alive other than those who open their eyes and listen to the stars around them.
People do not listen though. They destroy and remove it as they wish. I believe I hear it calling out, its distress as it sees it's children slain before it. It's an unbearable noise, which hits my heart strong. I feel the pain of it, and know what I must do. My task is clear.
Listen to the Stars. Listen to My Gallia. Listen to the Children.
I found it distressing to listen, but they gave me no reason to doubt them. They were being harmed, I had to do what was asked by them. When they call upon be again, I will be ready to do as I am asked.
Let me reach out my heart to them, feel my tasks done. Pray I did as you wished.
Lucas Gerald
[color=#00CCCC]Ship Captain: Directeur Lucas Gerald
Ship Helmsmen: Anton Giles
Operation status: OF, Kyushu
Ship crew: 35
Total population: 35
Fuel: 72%
Supplies: 73%