There's a certain base that's been interfering with local Artifact smuggling operations in New York through Alaska and the Zone 21 minefield.
I want it to disappear.
If you want the job, post in this channel in advance with the name and affiliation of your vessel. I will keep your anonymity.
150 million paid by me. 200 million paid by an associate of mine. 350 by yet another associate.
If you want the full story (for the sake of the Bounty Board Administrators, who apparently want to know everything about my personal story leading up to this bounty or else cancel it)...
It all started back when I was a small child growing up on the mean, impoverished streets of Planet Houston. We had our dreams back then, but nobody could afford to spend much time pursuing them. Those were poor times, times where a twelve-hour shift in the toilet paper factory might buy you a loaf of bread and half a day's worth of rent, if you were lucky.
When my father managed to scrape enough money together for a one-way ticket to Sugarland as a prison guard, we were relieved- the man was an alcoholic and the beatings left as many mental scars as physical on our family. When the first paycheck came in the mail, we were in heaven. But we never heard from him again after that. Perhaps it was for the better.
Growing up without a father, I fell into a bad crowd, and by the time I should have been trying out for the varsity lo-grav football team and worrying about who to ask to prom, I was raking in a couple hundred credits a night selling cardamine on the street corner. I ran into some shady characters but the money was good. Maybe I'd be able to save up enough to leave the business, maybe go back to school and get a solid 9 to 5 as a mechanic or terrestrial train conductor.
But fate had other plans. When my best friend died in a deal gone bad, I knew I couldn't stay on Houston. I talked to my supplier, who hooked me up with a recruiter for the Rogues. I didn't know jack about flying spacecraft but worked my hands to the bone trying to learn as quickly as possible to get off of that godforsaken rock. Before I knew it, I was in space with a mule full of who-knows-what and a starmap, running odd transport missions for some higher-ups based out of Buffalo. As before, the work was risky, maybe even riskier than it was before, but the money was a little better- on a good run I could pull down a few grand and be home in time for dinner. I was also making new friends- powerful friends, maybe not with a lot of cash themselves, but who knew people with heavy pockets. And as anyone who's been in this business long enough knows- if you want to survive, you've got to make connections with the shot-callers.
One night after a run I got called over to the table of one of those shot-callers at the bar on Buffalo. He needed a new lieutenant to manage his artifact-moving operations in Southeast New York after the former one found himself on the wrong side of an LABC's guns. The pay was good so I took the job. I won't tell you exactly how good but suffice it to say that I can pay the bounty.
Things started getting rough for me when my freighter pilots started disappearing on half the runs, the others reporting a new military base by the minefield. I checked it out myself in my false-papered LSF fighter and sure enough, there was a base there, hosting multiple navy capital ship fleets. Needless to say, I'm in trouble if this base stays in place.
I have a dog that I like to carry around with me- it's a small dog but he has the attitude of a 250-pound Rottweiler. My bosses threatened to release it out the airlock if I didn't get this issue sorted out. I don't want that to happen. The dog is very friendly. It's black and white and fuzzy and cute and friendly and awesome and likes to play fetch and eat my food and chew on bones and dig holes and it would probably stick its head out my window when I fly through space except for the fact that if it did that it would probably die immediately due to the inconvenient fact that space is a cold, cold vacuum. Sometimes it sits in my lap when I fly or when I'm in my office and sometimes it just likes to look out the window at whatever's outside, usually space rocks and other ships. Thankfully I've never had to fly in a scrap but if I did I'd be worried because my personal ship isn't equipped with a doggie escape pod although I plan to get one installed soon but it's just been really busy recently with the whole base-blocking-my-route thing that's gotten me really stressed and eaten up all my time and energy and I just haven't been able to get around to it quite yet but as soon as this whole thing is over I will get it installed so I don't have to worry about my dog flying with me as much anymore.
In addition to the installation of the doggy escape pod, I also need this base to disappear because just last week I found out that one of my elementary school classmates, Bob Bobberson, is working as a cafeteria employee on the station and I really hate that guy's guts even though I haven't seen him since first grade because he was really mean and he hurt my feelings and also my friend's feelings because one time we were playing kick the can and he picked up the can and ran away with it and he probably brought it to the recycling center and got a nickel for it and bought himself a soda but he didn't share the soda with me or my friend and that was selfish of him and also that can was a present from my aunt for my birthday and it was really special because my aunt had just died in a terrible toilet paper-pressing accident at the toilet paper factory and she was my favorite relative because she baked the best sawdust-and-synth-paste cookies. So when I found out that Bobby Bobberson was working on the station as a line cook, this was the last nail on the coffin of the station as far as I was concerned. That guy was a bully and I hate him and he deserves to die and so does anyone he's ever interacted with on that station and I hope to see his cold corpse floating through space the next time I'm training one of my pilots on how to run through the minefield I'll try to find it and maybe I'll even tractor him in and defrost him and give him to some Corsairs as food or something I don't know if they're really cannibals but I've heard rumors so maybe it's worth a try.
Well, it looks like I'm not the only one who's style has been cramped these days by the base.
Another benefactor has thrown his hat in the ring, too. A hat worth 350 million credits.
So yea, make the base disappear and you'll get 700 million.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.