I am here on behalf of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee, a paramilitary of the Bundschuh of Rheinland. Some time ago our members came to democratic vote to open up diplomatic relations between the Government of Liberty and our own organization. While I believe the Bundschuh were given the rights to land on Planet Houston, that was a long time ago and further attempts at communication were not returned.
Please confirm whether this message is received. There is a fair bit that we may offer to one another.
COMM ID:Vice Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Kommandant Erich Klugmann SUBJECT:Your Inquiry ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Greetings, Herr Klugmann.
Your transmission has been received. I'm not personally aware of the status of your rights to access Houston right now, but I'll raise the issue amongst the rest of command. I have reports that one of your pilots reached out to one of ours a few days ago as well, though the full details of the matter haven't crossed my desk yet. I expect we'll get the details of that, and of your request to access Houston, sorted out quickly though.
As with my comrade Klugmann, I am a Kommandant in the VWA but come to you as a Bundschuh. Although it was initially the struggles between houses that made me leave Rheinland, my time away has driven me to do something about it and the state of Rheinland once again. This is not a task that I nor the Bundschuh can do alone, and the Republic of Liberty may be one such entity who may wish to cooperate with us.
Perhaps to save you having to search through the piles of paperwork that appear to have delayed any response, I have appended the frequencies of the original transmission from the Rheinlandische Volksfreiheitspartei and an attempted re-affirmation of contact by Frau Ratzenberger. Despite the previous granted permission, things appear to have been 'reduced' to our people being allowed into Liberty, just not to dock.
What I would suggest is a meeting between Liberty and the Bundschuh to discuss in more detail what we may offer each other. Perhaps somewhere on your side of the lines would be best, perhaps New Hampshire if it is suitable.
ENCRYPTION: Moderate PRIORITY: High TARGET ID: "Frederich Gauss", CC: Authorized Listeners. SUBJECT:Diplomacy. SENDER ID: ADMIRAL, Rachel A. Baker.
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Good evening, members of the Bundschuh.
I am Acting Fleet Admiral Rachel Alexis Baker, I served under Fleet Admiral David Hale, and I like to think that I learned many things from him, hopefully you will find me to be agreeable.
Firstly, I apologize for the delay in our response to your transmissions.
Secondly, I have reviewed what information we possess regarding your past attempts to open up a dialogue between your organization and The Republic of Liberty, and after such review I find myself prepared to do what failed to be done in the past.
My predecessor, David Hale, seemed inclined to see a warming in relations, and in trusting his judgement, I am willing to meet in person, with representatives of the Bundschuch, in a neutral territory, at a time of your choosing.
I will of course, be accompanied by a security detail consisting of Marines and several spacecraft, hopefully you can understand my need for security.
I would very much like to see in what way improved relations could be mutually beneficial.
Acting Fleet Admiral Rachel A. Baker, Signing Off.
In the time since the last entry along this transmission, several spaceborne meetings between our respective parties have been conducted; chiefly, a meeting within the New Hampshire system, and my own guidance of a joint-recon-mission to breach Munster Research Station's minefield. Both meetings involved the presence of Vizeadmiral Polstari; he presently has the most "experience" in dealing with us.
My scheduling is fairly flexible, and I am more than willing to meet with you either personally or in-space; I would recommend such a meeting to be conducted out of Rheinlandic space, however. The VWA's transponders are rotated and altered frequently enough so as not to attract undue attention from the Rheinswehr; I doubt the same could be said for any Libertonian incursion into the same space.
In addition, I would also advise caution in conducting such a meeting near or in Freeport 2. It no doubt is host to Buro agents who would leap at the opportunity to spin the VWA as "traitors to Rheinland's people". At present time it is vital that Rheinland's public is not aware of our current non-aggressive aims to the Liberty Navy, for fear of cost to the Bundschuh's quiet public support. Rheinlandic propaganda has quite obviously created a lasting emnity towards all things Libertonian.
At present it would appear that either New Hampshire or areas farther within Liberty are the best bet for a quiet meeting. The time is yours to choose; most would be agreeable to me.
ENCRYPTION: Maximum PRIORITY: High TARGET ID: "Erich Klugmann" SUBJECT:Diplomacy. SENDER ID: ADMIRAL, Rachel A. Baker.
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Gute Abend, mister Klugmann.
Allow me once again to apologize for my delay in transmitting a response. I've taken your concerns for security and safety into consideration, and as such, I believe that the California system would serve as an adequate location for a diplomatic meeting.
The system is relatively easy for Rheinlanders to access -- as has been proven in the past... and we could make use of Fort Bragg Naval Spaceport, on Planet Los Angeles, to ensure complete security with minimal interruption.
If this is acceptable to you, then we can move these preparations along.
I accept your proposal of the use of Planet Los Angeles to meet and discuss future plans at.
I plan to come from Rheinland in a 204-ARKM-B10 Armored Transport, commonly known as a "Ragnar". I will be joined by a small security detail for precautionary reasons, headed by Aktivist Helmut Von Stierlitz. They will be armed, but may be designated to wait elsewhere whilst the meeting takes place.
While there, we may discuss such matters as what in particular we have to offer the other, and more than a dozen hypothetical scenarios. I recognize that our own respective goals will likely differ to some extent, and I hope we can balance them out between our parties.
Propose a date and we will prepare the VWA|Gesandte to venture to Liberty.