Secondly, pardon my ignorance, but what is it that the Widerstandsarmee - Whew. Can't believe I wrapped my tongue around that - normally do? I'm not too up to date on my Rheinish politics, it's not a place I visit frequently.
Regardless, if you are interested, I'm sure your Sabre would be welcome. As to what it is we'll be doing... Well... I suppose it's a raid, of sorts. My employer's a little vague on the details on my end as well, but I suppose that's what you get without clearances. As far as I know, I'll be aboard the Contents May Differ, dropping some cargo in Gallia that they're not going to like in a place they're not going to like it.
You'll need to be on hand to either stop my ship from getting spaced once the Gallics catch on or, ideally, prevent them from getting close enough to get more then a glimpse. How you do that's pretty much up to you. I'm sure that you've got plenty of ideas there, so I won't tell you how to do your job. It's possible the region'll be heavily policed, but we should be gone before anything more then a handful of fighters turns up. You'll probably be flying alongside some other Freelancers who'll make up our fighter wing, so I can't see too many troubles flaring up between you.
Easy in, easy out, right?
Oh, and one last thing. Since I'm running this little jaunt, I'll need your word that you'll follow my directions, and refrain from attacking any other member of our little group without my express permission, or until we're all safely back in Bretonia, and payments have been distributed. Functionally, from the moment we leave to the moment we come home, you'll be flying as a member of my company, and my crew. You've got obligations to your organisation, I get that, but the mission has to come first here. Everything else can wait until we're all home, and safely out of my hair, okay?
Gallia? I... Do not know how this was sent to us, in that case.
The Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee (or "United Resistance Army" if you prefer) is the current foremost paramilitary of the Bundschuh movement of Rheinland. If you have never heard of us before... We seek to overthrow the autocracy that is the Federal Republic of Rheinland and replace it with a social democratic system, parliamentary if possible.
Obviously with your object of interest being Gallia, there is little I or any others of our number could do to aid your vague goals. Perhaps it is better that I do not know of them. I fear that the Widerstandsarmee will be unable to aid you in your endeavor.
That stated... If you succeed in your Gallian task and see our cause as just (and further, have a desire to aid it), the Widerstandsarmee may consider enlisting the aid of Freelancers more commonly. The need is not urgent and your own goals may take precedence over making any kind of decision here first.
Sorry to hear you can't join us. It would've been a nice change of scenery to have a Rheinlander along for the ride. Still, it's your call, and trans-Sirius flights can really cramp the legs.
The Rheinland Government and I haven't exactly seen eye to eye over a few matters, the BDM in particular, but I'm not exactly prepared to go up against them openly, as I'm sure you understand. I'm one Freelancer, and an unarmed one at that. Getting on the wrong side of a Sirian Government isn't exactly going to make my life easy. Gallia's a little different, they don't have a much of a presence out in regional Sirius, and with the Liberty Navy helping the Bretonians out, I doubt they'll push much further.
Still, if you ever need someone to organize some other 'lancers for you, or ferry some of your people from one place to another, I'm certain the Contents would be more then ready to help. So, yeah. If you're ever in need of a hand, drop me a line and I'm certain I can work something out for you.
Nice meeting you, Erich. Sorry it couldn't be in person this time.