Glad to hear you're in. I'd swear I'd heard of your group somewhere before. I can't recall exactly what I heard, but I certainly hope that, whatever it was, it was good.
Anyway, what we'll be doing is hitting up the Gallics, dropping some cargo they don't want on their heads, and legging it. I'll need your guys in bombers ready to cause some damage when the flares go off and the local forces figure out what's going on. If you're up for it, you can even get started beforehand to draw their forces away. However; it's important that you be in range of my ship to cover Content's withdrawal, if the situation gets bad. Hopefully it won't, and we'll all be gone before they can so much as bat an eyelid. I'm sure you've done this sort of thing before, so I'll leave the exact details up to you.
Actually, owing to that experience, I'd like to have you heading up our bomber wing, if you're game. They'll be a half-million credit bonus in it for you. You'll be heading up a wing of three to five ships, depending on what I can rustle up. Plenty enough to cause some general anarchy, I'd say.
Oh, and one last clause. Since I'm running this little jaunt, I'll need your word that you'll follow my directions, and refrain from attacking any other member of our little group without my express permission, or until we're all safely back in Bretonia, and payments have been distributed. You might be raiders in Sirius, but here, from the moment we leave to the moment we come home, you'll be flying as a member of my company, and my crew. You'll have the freedom to make calls for your wing, in terms of targets and systems, but it'll be within the confines of... Well, as soon as I know exactly where we're going, I'll get back to you. Basically, I'll let you know what to do, and you can figure out the how.
Well, if by done before you mean escorting a ship through a highly hostile environment where everyone wants to destroy your ship, and submit you to the horrible torture of smelly cheese and horrible accents the like of which should have been stayed in Sol, not exactly. But escorting a ship through hostile space, no big deal.
As for running the bomber wing, Im up for it. I would like to get to know the people that I will be flying with that are not Raiders. You know, before we are thrown into the fire. All in the interest of coordination, of course.
Last thing, mostly administrative. Is there a specific time frame for this...operation? Also, where is the staging point?
Also, you have my word that during this operation, we will not go after any other contractor, period. No if, and's or but's.
-Blain Spike
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
I can tell you that we'll be based out of Bretonia for this little sightseeing trip, but the specifics of time and place are still up in the air on my end. The operation's likely to be going down within a week, but it's hard for me to say for certain. I'm pretty much just the middle man in this, but as soon as my employer gets back to me with specifics, I'll pass the details right on to you.
It's a similar deal with our bomber wing. At the moment, the only one that's confirmed is a Freelancer by the name of Elise Pennybrooke. I've had some dealings with her family before, and if she takes after her siblings I'm sure you won't have any troubles. We'll also be fielding one each of offensive and defensive fighter wings, but they'll be staying out of your way unless you need them, so I wouldn't worry too much on that count.
Glad to hear we won't have any troubles. Didn't think we would anyway, but you can never be too sure in this business, right?
Very well, I guess I will deal with what I have once we start this trip. We will be waiting in Bretonia for your call to arms, if you want to call it that.
I look forward to working with you.
-Blain Spike
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.