Identification:Director Claus Amsel Receiver:The Captain of the RNS-Eglantine, and Only Them Subject:Encounter
Herr Captain,
We toyed with the idea of contacting the Gallic Crown, but felt it would be more beneficial if we talked to you first.
One of our agents has spotted your ship in rather suspect company. A note was made that discussion was going forth about the nomad threat. It seems you have learned about some of Sirus's problems.
Nomad threats are, indeed, the Buro's top priority. The security of Rheinland and the security of Sirius go hand in hand in this regard. Thus, we are willing to cooperate with you if you cooperate with us.
May we inquire as to what exactly might be going on?
>>>|Sender: Lelouch D'Aramis
>>>|Location: Fallen Grace Flagship Eglantine
>>>|Encryption: Better then yours.
So, Rheinland has come to play. yourselves, are with Gallia. Trade Pacts are fun, non? But now you come, asking a highly publicised rebel, a murderer, and wish to cooperate?
Monsieur Amsel, to cooperate, you must leave Gallia behind. Your entire nation must cease their trade pact.
But on the word of a professional liar?
What is going on, monsieur, is the infection of Gallia by the Nomads.
Now that you know, what is your next step?
Lelouch smirks
Cry to papa Charles, saying Lelouch lives? I trusted you with my name and face. Now will you turn your back on the Sirius you say you're helping, and contact the Royal Navy, and help the Nomads?
Or will you side with me, and cease the quarrel with help the Sirius you say you also defend?
Since, the security of Rheinland from the Nomads works hand in hand with the security of Sirius go hand in hand...non?
Identification:Director Claus Amsel Receiver:The Captain of the RNS-Eglantine, and Only Them Subject:Encounter
Herr Captain,
Your accusations are serious and you are by no means in a position to gain any leverage over us.
The Buro, however, takes all threats seriously. What you say may very well be true. Do not forget for an instant what Rheinland went through at the turn of the century, for neither do we.
Do you have any information on how widespread this infection is?
Do you have any proof to back up your harsh words?
>>>|Sender: Lelouch D'Aramis
>>>|Location: Fallen Grace Flagship Eglantine
>>>|Encryption: Better then yours.
I have the bod of an infected, the incubi, as well as video and eyewitness accounts of Charles doing his glowing eyes and such.
I also have multiple officers I personally knew as anti-war suddenly want to destroy Bretonia. I also have seen an ex-Marechal's eye glow as he proposed igniting Leeds' atmosphere.
I am not a man who lies when his fiance is indoctrinated by lavalamps from hell, monsieur.
I was once the Directeur of Naval Intelligence, akin to your position.
I tend to bullcrap people who don't do a job I know is hard and a pain.