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*Bret groans hard, flaring his teeth in pain as he sits up fully.....He turns his head slowly as he looks at Vixen, his eyes slowly starting to tear...*

Bret:....My ship is wrecked.....My body damaged.....And a group of once proud people, are scattering...I fear...That we may be targeted to.....But as long as you and the baby are safe....That's all the matters to me...

*Bret begins to shed deeper tears as he wraps his arm around Vixen, letting loose his sadness and pain at once...*
Vixen held Bret close, his tears running across her fur as she closed her eyes, forcing back her own tears.
"It will all be alright, Bret...everything will be fine..."
A single tear dropped from one eye, running down her cheek, and she whispers.."I promise..."
==DATE--October 1, 818 AS==

*Bret closes his eyes and breathes hard as he turns his body out of bed, finally coming to his feet in over two weeks...*

Bret:...Date..October 1st....818 AS...Days in space....352....Well...Not much has happened....I'm finally able to walk again....God I feel thin...I'll be putting out another request to rebuild my biotic arm again....Things are starting to move again....I've contacted a Zoner repair ship to help tow what remains of the V here to Islay...I've gotten ahold of of the others...Jenson...Ilo...and Miki...Stuck in Sigma 13 till some sort of...Lawsuit I think gets resolved....

*Bret slowly walks over to the small view port in the room, sighing deeply as he rubs the bracket on his arm..*

Bret:...Other then that...I've had both Evyn and Feya visit me the other day when they dropped of some supplies here to Islay...It was good to see those two again, even in my condition...But things are going well for them from what they've told me...All and all they've been taking time off from the BAF and staying as traders on some ship they had rebuilt from some scrapyard...I just hope they stay safe out there...Its dangerous enough....

*Bret staggers around as he turns back towards his bed, causing him to fall to the cold floor...*

Bret:...Great....Being in bed for so long....Here goes nothing....

*Bret rolls back onto his chest as he presses his paw to the floor, shaking as he pushes himself upwards...*


==DATE--OCTOBER 22, 818 AS==

**Bret stands atop of his vessel, putting a piece of fabricated ship plating ontop of a small hole in the hull with his one arm, fully dressed in coveralls and cradling a plasma welder under his left shoulder...With a deep grunt, he secures the plate with his one arm, holding it down with his legs as he takes the welder from his shoulder....Dropping his goggles back across his eyes, he ignites the torch, applying the flame to the metal in a ball of sparks**

**In his mind**

Bret:...Date....October 22nd...818 AS....Days in space...373.....It seems the life of a junker has come back up to me once again, for here I am, welding ship hulls together with my bare hands...Erm...Hand....*Sigh*...Oh well...My health has gotten better after getting to my feet once again, I can thank Vixen for the "Enjoyable Workouts" we have when she's in system...Hehe...She's getting bigger I can say that, But we still don't know when the little one may be born...

**With a deep lash of fire, Bret moves back as the sparks from the torch spray into his face, causing him him to let a yelp out of pain as the metal burns his fur**

Bret:....Damn those Bretonian Ships who almost destroyed my home!....Damn them!...By the creator, can't a hybrid get a break from the fighting?!...

**With a discontented grunt, he tosses the torch to the side, the flame going out as it hits the ships hull....With a heavy heart he sits back, laying on the hull as a blue orb starts to float near him**

Bret:..Well I see they got you fixed now...
Naoko:..//Sir...The technicians, despite being poorly stocked in items needed for my repair, did well to bring me back up to operations Sir... Vessel repairs stand at 38% Sir...Shall I make a request for additional parts to be sent to Islay from our sister ship Sir?\\...

**Bret takes a deep sigh as he moves his goggles from his muzzle, laying them to the sigh as he turns to look at Naoko**

Bret:..Yeah...Also...Send a message to Evyn and Feya as well...We need them to pic up a few things too...But it will be good to send the others...I hope Agatha is all right looking for Charlie in my stead...
Naoko:...//Sir...I will proceed to transmit your request immediately\\...

**With a deep hum, Naoko floats off, but Bret sits up and yells to Naoko**

Bret:..And send a message to Loreley on Manhattan!...Tell her she should stop by and help with cleaning the mess up inside the ship's interior!...

**With a deep sigh, Bret falls back to onto the ship's hull, moving his arm behind his head as he stares up to the stations interior gridworking**

Bret:....Oh what a bloody week it's been....I hope I can get this old bird back up and flying once again...

**Bret turns his gaze back to the plasma torch lying on the hull, simply staring at it for a moment before sitting back up...Taking a deep sigh, he reaches out for it and ignites it, looking into the white flame for a moment before shutting it off again.**

Bret:...Well...Better get back to work...

==DATE--NOVEMBER 7, 818 AS==

*Bret smiles as he walks his paws across the paneling shining on the bridge of the V, enjoying each feel against his pads till he looks out into the space of the Edinburgh System..He takes a deep breath as he simply looks upon Planet Gaia from a distance*

Bret:...Date...November 7th...818 AS.....Days in space...389....It took more then a month!...But the Maverick.V is back in space!....I have to thank the Engineers and Technicians of Islay and all the Gaians who helped to re-build it, plus My sisters and friends on the Maverick.IV...And what a reception when we undocked...

*Bret opens up a screen and reveiws a snapshot taken by one of the ship's exterior cameras, giving a deeper smile as he looks at it*

[Image: ayu73n.jpg]

Bret:...I'm glad to have such companions as the Gaians...As I told them, I may pilot a vessel of the Zoners, but I have a heart like a Gaian...May Gaia herself bless the ship and steer it clear from harm...With a full heart and clear mind I pilot once again, even if I don't have my left arm...Naoko makes up for it as well, and I hope that this go well from now on...

*Bret smacks himself in the side of the head as he remembers a thought*

Bret:...I almost forgot!...Feya and Evyn found Daneil!!...I can't believe it but that brute flies with the Rhienland Millitary!...God I hope they have a leash on him...*Bret lets out a small laugh*....He may not be the best pilot but he sure knows loyalty...They said that there was a fight in Omega 3 in which the RM and BAF joined forces to combat a Corsair wolfpack...A hell of a fight too from what Evyn said...I'm going to have to make sure I head to Rhienland and see him myself...I can't believe how long its been since the escape from Alaska but almost everyone's back together...I hope we all find our place in Sirius...And at this rate we just might...

==DATE--NOVEMBER 13, 818 AS==

*Bret lays quietly as he looks up to the ceiling of his cabin, breathing slowly as he listens to Vixen sleeping next to him...He keeps his eyes fixed on the paneling in the darkness as another sleepless night begins to pass again*

Bret:...Date...November 13....818 AS...Days in space....395....I went to the Chester system....I wasn't expecting much aside from a mostly empty sector of Bretonia....God I wish it had stayed that way...I....I took the ship into a nearby cloud...God I keep getting nightmares from the damned thing...

*Bret rolls to the side as his mind races back to that single image still showing in his mind, keeping him awake as he replays the events over and over*

[Image: 10hruq1.jpg]

*Bret shudders suddenly as the image continues to disturb him, causing him to toss again in his bed*

Bret:..That damned thing...It was as if the past tried to come back on me again...and in of all places so close to home...Feya says due to the Government not wanting civilians to know of such things...They only allow certain groups of the Armed Forces know of its existance...I'm surprised they haven't taken a fleet and obliterated it...It's best that they do so and soon...I don't want to see Vixen hurt like that ever again...

*Bret turns over and cuddles up to Vixen, holding her close as he lays his paw on her belly, feeling the little one give a kick against his paw....Bret smiles as he tries to close his eyes, breathing slowly for a time as he recalls the past few days...*

Bret:...Things are going well here in Bretonia as well as with the NLH...Today we decided to take a few runs....One was to their base in Newcastle...The other.....Well Vixen would kill me if she knew, but we went to Omicron Gamma....I was hoping that none of the corsairs thought of me as hostile...And thank goodness they weren't....Evyn stopped by earlier today...Say's things happened to Daniel....Seems they kicked him off the Millitary and landed a job in the Rhienland Federal Poliezi...Which is alright I guess...I hope to talk to him face to face soon...It would be good to do that since its been so long since I last saw him...

*With a final deep sigh, Bret tries to get some sleep as the hum from the ship starts to drown his thoughts....Falling into a deep sleep for the first time in a few days...*

==DATE--DECEMBER 11, 818 AS==

*Bret smiles as he opens his arms, standing a little in shock as a familiar face enters the ship from the docked shuttle....And in the background, Evyn and Feya hold their breaths while Loreley holds onto Naoko's mobile sphere*
Bret: Its been far to long Agatha...Come over here and give us a little compassion...
*Bret simply shakes his head as he watches Agatha drop her duffle bag to the ground, walking up to the group at a slow pace**
Agatha: Hug me Bret...And I'll kill you...
Feya: That still wont stop us!
Evyn: You got that right!

*With a leap, both Feya and Evyn take Agatha to the ground, holding her there as they hug her...Bret facepaws as Loreley runs up, trying to pry the pile apart with her small hands...As the commotion ensues in the background, Bret begins to think of the events leading up to this day...*

Bret: Date...December 11, 818 AS....Days in space...423...Its moments like this in which I am glad to have others like me around once again....In the past few weeks....Things are going well for our little family....News from Daniel is that things in the Police force there is far better then working with the military...I think he said something about being drafted into a SEK unit...But I haven't a clue on it...Either way he seems very happy with his job....I still can't believe that Feya was able to convince a Major of the Order to let Agatha come from the fronts in the Omicrons to be with us...We are none the less glad she's back with us...Now if we can get Daniel here then were almost compl....
*Bret cuts his thoughts as he thinks of the one person still not with them, a small tear falling down his cheek as he continues his thoughts*

Bret: With all of us here...I think that I shall be returning to my duty to find Charlie..He has to be somewhere and even Major Ravenov thinks that he might be in Kusari space...I just hope that we find him...alive as well....
*As Bret continues to speak to himself, Loreley finally gets the small pile of fur apart and begins to dust them off...All four of them laughing a bit in their silliness*
Loreley:..Let's get you all up into the Mess Hall...I had to leave Vixen up there and...Oh goodness!...I forgot she was cooking by herself!...
Agatha: You got that right...Now get going!...
*With a gentle shove, Agatha pushes Loreley in the direction of the lift...Naoko floating with her as they take off...With a quick pause, Naoko hovers next to Bret a moment, giving off a faint pulse before fling after Loreley...As the rest get back to their feet, Feya and Evyn begin to pull Agatha behind them, smiling and laughing as she cries out in defiance...
Agatha: I can walk myseEEELLFF!!....

*All four of them head over to the lift, smiling and having a good laugh as the lift takes them up a short ways...The doors slide apart as the Mess Hall comes into view...Vixen in the background in the kitchen, making what appears to be a meal...
Vixen: It would be nice to have some help you know...A pregnant Feline can't do all this work alone...
Loreley: I'm coming!...I hope nothing burned!...
*As Loreley runs into the kitchen, noticable smack can be heard along with a sharp moan of pain from Loreley...Vixen continues to kindly yell at her as the rest of the group begins to take a seat at the table...*
Agatha: I still can;t believe what you did to Major Ravenov Feya...As an officer of Bretonia, you yourself should know better then to do so...Plus it wasn't very professional...
Feya: I did what I thought was best...Nothing more...Maybe I should have thought otherwise...
Evyn: Sis even so...You're here...And out of that place...
Agatha: It doesn't matter...I'm here while the Order work alongside the NLH in their investigation of Chester...And hopefully with it I'll be able to make life in Bretonia a little safer with my help...
Feya: Is it true you command a Carrier sis?...What did you do to get to let them pilot it?...
Evyn: Even I have to admit she does have a point..They don't just give out Vessels of that stature you know...
Agatha: All right..I'll tell you.....A while ago....The BHG decided to assault the zoners under some problem over Nomadic technology etc etc...One day when they attacked...I was on my bomber, granted I wasn't doing so well but none the less....We had received notification of a Geb in the docks in Omicron 100, but no one was in the area to command its crew...I took it as my chance to prove my worth to the Order and...well that's it in a nutshell...
*All three simply stare in wonder as Agatha finishes her talk*
Feya: So no juicy love affairs?
Agatha: Nope...
Evyn: You didn't kill anyone?
Agatha: No one in the Order...

==Beginning of Part 2==

*A few hours had passed since the encounter with everyone in the mess hall, Each of them enjoying each others company while a small meal was beset before them...As the time passed, each one continued to bring forth story after story of their past and how they all came to be....Each one full of happiness and hardships...As the evening fell upon the group, each one began to retire to their quarters, weary from the day and grasping for rest...However, in the main window, Bret stands facing out, the sight of Gaia shining through the ice cloud...As the lights begin to dim in the room, Vixen walks slowly through the dim light to him, holding two small cups of tea in her hands*

Vixen: Hun...You know its still gonna be there right?...
*Bret gives out a deep sigh as he turns his head, extending his paw out and taking a hold of one of the cups*
Bret: Yeah...I know...I wish Daniel and Charles were here though...They would have enjoyed the company....I'm getting a strange feeling...
Vixen: What kind of feeling?...
Bret: That things are going to be changing here....Real soon...Even as I hold this warm cup, my body still feels cold...Its as if a part of me....Is so close and yet behind it lies something so cold...

*As Bret ends his small talk, they both stand in the in the quiet of the room,slowly drinking their tea till none remains...The room grows darker as the evening continues to pass on in silence...With a soft sigh, Vixen pulls up a chair next to the window, resting herself for a moment as she strokes the large bulge her waist has become*
Vixen: Somethings troubling you...I know this...Am I right?...
*Bret simply turns and gets to his knees, laying his head into her lap as his tail slowly swishes across the floor*
Bret: The Lane Hackers denied my ship request...I'm not sure how I'll be able to get into Sigma space now...And I wont be moving this vessel into that place with the increase of Corsair activity that Daniel has reported to me...How he's keeping safe still surprises me...But still...
*Vixen simply listens as she starts to stroke Bret's long blonde hair, softly digging her claws into his scalp as she continues to listen to him*
Vixen: I know...And I know you're only doing the best you can...And what you think is right...But right now I just want you to focus on all those who we have found...I am sure that somewhere...Charlie is safe and waiting for all of us...Now you simply relax...

*An hour passes as the two simply enjoy each others company....Vixen giggling now and then as she feels the baby kick, Bret giving a few good laughs of his own...After a time, Naoko begins to enter the room, the glow from his circutry illuminating the room in a blue light*

Naoko: //Sir...Legion ships have been detected in the Lewis system sir\\

*The words from Naoko grip Bret like a sheet of ice across his pelt, his eyes wide as he gets to his feet....Bret simply takes a hold of Vixen's hand as he begins to look at Naoko*

Bret: The day I feared to never come...Has come...

==Beginning of Part 3==

**Three hours later--Islay Observation Deck**

*The ice of the cloud slowly passes by as Bret simply looks out into the vast wonder known as the Islay Ice field...With each moment passing, he thinks to himself on the coming storm before him....Out of the corner of his eye, he watches as three Brigand ships leave the docks of Islay, passing by the observation window with a thuderous rumble*

Bret: One...Two...Three....Wait..Wasn't there four ships?...

*Within that moment, the door of the darkened room slides open revealing a dark shadow draped across the floor...

Vulpe: Oui...Right here...

*The sound of each word refuses to make Bret turn as Vulpe begins to head for the window, each step sounding off the sharpened claws against the hard steel of the floor*

Bret: I'm surprised that you decided to seek me out...What made you go against your..."Lord's "...orders?
Vulpe: I wanted to see if the records of my creation were true...Looks as if the data was correct...

*Vulpe continues his walk toward Bret, however strangely enough, he simply stands beside him, looking out the window with folded arms*

Vulpe: Sirius has its wonders non?...Even this field of ice has its mysteries...
Bret: Why the hell did you come here?...
Vulpe: You know...A kusarian once told me a strange poem..."The tiger's eyes are like moi own"...Then I ended up killing him before he finished...

*With a low growl, Bret raises his arm cannon to the side of Vulpe's face, a deep glimmer of hatred in his eyes as the barrel begins to charge*

Bret: You should be dead right now if it wasn't for your damned Lord talking all nice with the Gaians...And you shouldn't even exist in the first place if I hadn't gone to that hell hole called Gallia...

*Bret looks behind him as he feels a sharp pinch in the back of his neck, his eyes turning for a moment as he notices a blade from Vulpe's tail clutched against him...A few moment pass as they both stare at each other, neither one backing down from what could be their last moments alive*

Vulpe: Don take me for a jester in the Royalist courts...I knew very well the risks in to coming here...As did you when you entered Gallia...And I am very well prepared to die right now to ease the trouble of my Lord in the future...

*With a deep breath, Bret begins to lower his arm, turning off the power from his cannon as Vulpe returns the favor, removing the blade from his neck

Bret: Unfortunately I do have something to live for...My child will be in this world soon and I'm afraid that having it grow up without a father is not acceptable to me...And my wife would never forgive me for dying to something like you...
Vulpe: I see....Iet seems that I did not inherit the comfortable likeness of you when iet comes to women...I suppose I shall 'ave to try harder then...
Bret: I feel sorry for the woman that ever has your spawn....
Vulpe: You 'onor moi...

*With a bow, Vulpe begins to turn and face back towards the door, pausing a moment as he keeps his back to Bret*

Vulpe: Pray that the next time we see each other, iet goes as well as our meeting here...

*Bret simply keeps quiet as Vulpe leaves, the room once again becoming dark and filled with the previous silence*

Bret: I assure you...It wont...

==DATE--JANUARY 15, 819 AS==

*Bret keeps a vigilant eye on the few passing ships moving through the omega's...Each one making him tired as he looks out for possible threats to the station*
Bret: Date...January 15...819 AS....Days in space...438...Gosh...The days just keep passing by as my life goes one way to another...
Naoko: //Sir...I have Madame Vixen on the line...She says it's urgent sir\\
Bret: Put her on...

*Bret turns his attention to the viewscreen, Vixen appearing to be in pain as she talks*
Vixen: Hun...I...I think its time...Get here...Now....
Bret: All..Allright...I'll leave immediately....Naoko...Inform Freeport One we have to go...Get us to Edinburgh...
Naoko: //Aye Sir...Plotting a course and engaging main engines...Time of arrival...42 minutes...
*Bret begins to move frantically at the controls, moving the ship out of the mooring area of the station as he tries to assist Naoko*
Bret: Hold on love...I'm coming...I'll let the others know...
Vixen: Please...Hurry...It hurts...

==End of Part 1==
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