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Grubozaboyschikov - The Lane Hackers - 06-21-2015

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Dossier #1459-318 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Liberty Police, Security Division, Intelligence Branch


Alias: Grubozaboyschikov
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Level 4
Status: Inactive
Joined: 822-01-13 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 163 cm
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Age: 33, born 799 A.S.

Personal Background

Code word Grubozaboyschikov. Several suspects have been identified leading to this identification phrase. It is suspected that all but one are false targets as the suspect has been reported using different IP addresses and locations to hack into their targets. The main suspect is [DATA CORRUPTED], though not enough evidence has been gathered to confirm or has gone missing due to attacks from Grubozaboyschikov, known only know after the data has vanished.

The main suspect was born and raised on Planet Denver and completed her high school schooling. She attended classes in computer engineering at the local university, though records show she did not attend all of her classes but only ones related more to coding. Her grades showed outstanding performance despite her attendance record.

The residence of the main suspect was tracked down after a successful attempt to infiltrate the Ageira database by Grubozaboyschikov. Specialized SWAT teams were dispatched to the area but found only the remains of what was there, including hard-drives, software, and other computer software with most of the data lost. From the small evidence recovered from the site, some evidence has been found of virus programing, traces of hacking into private networks, as well as hacking into the school's and universities databases and changing grades. Parental gardeins of the main suspect know nothing of Grubozaboyschikov and say the main suspect was repairing computers at the time and had to leave to a friends house. The main suspect has since then not returned home and has vanished.

Known Crimes

6 Accounts of Breaking and entering. 1 account of Corruption.
• Breaking and entering: Hacking into the Agerian Technology's database and attempting to retrieve classified data.
• Breaking and entering: Hacking into public school board net.
• Breaking and entering: Hacking private addresses and intercoms of individuals.
• Breaking and entering + Corruption: Development and release of dangerous/harmful viruses.
• Breaking and entering: Hacking other corporation worker's private information and exposing it.
• Breaking and entering: Leaking of private information and images to the public net.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as minimal level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Liberty Police properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Liberty Police security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Liberty Police image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate the subject using standard operational techniques and procedures. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.


Wolfgang Weisen - The Lane Hackers - 06-21-2015

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Dossier #5019-512 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Interspace Commerce, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Wolfgang Weisen

Alias: Wolfgang Weisen
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Emissary
Specialization: Influence
Status: Inactive
Joined: 822-05-10 AS
Background: Interspace Commerce
Height: 179 cm
Hair: light brown
Eyes: blue
Age: 58, born 774 A.S.

Personal Background

Subject is a former Interspace Commerce employee. Joseph Baumann worked for 21 consecutive years in Bonn Station as part of the Rheinland branch of Interspace. After the Rheinland branch was shut down, the subject also lost his job. His Rheinland Federal Police file shows that eight months later he was divorced and a restrictive order was placed from seeing his family. Based on records collected from several Rheinland-based companies, it seems that the subject was unsuccessfully trying to find a new job for at least six months. Before he went off the grid, traffic records lead to the hypothesis that the subject had met multiple times some of his former colleagues. After bribing some officers of the local RFP department, we were allowed to interrogate those colleagues with the SRI technique. However we arrived too late since their memories had already been modified.

The subject worked as an economic analyst in several think-tank groups of Interspace Commerce. He possesses a MBA in Macroeconomics, Applied Statistics and Market Psychology and has published several papers during his career. His new affiliation became known after assuming responsibility for leaking sensitive information about the severe economic status of a small business in Los Angeles which was recently acquired by Interspace. In light of this, most shareholders abandoned the company which resulted in its bankruptcy. Despite that, the subject is not expected to possess any hacking skills. Furthermore, the subject has no extensive space combat experience as he has only attended the mandatory freighter and transport flying courses which were conducted by Interspace Commerce on a yearly basis.

Known Crimes

Numerous interceptions and extortions of corporate transports. Abduction and torture of several high-profile civilians including sexual harassment on females. Vandalism on Interspace Commerce property. Publication of private corporate information. Multiple attempts to bribe law enforcement and corporate security.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Interspace Commerce properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as minimal level threat in terms of potential damage to Interspace Commerce security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Interspace Commerce image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to terminate the subject under a stealthy and highly classified operation exercising an element of surprise.


Nick Nack - The Lane Hackers - 08-27-2016

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Dossier #9342-089 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Nick Nack

Alias: Nick Nack
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Level 4
Status: Inactive
Joined: 821-12-30 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 188 cm
Hair: Dark blonde
Eyes: Blue
Age: 40, born 792 A.S.

Personal Background

Born and raised in Planet Manhattan into a foster family, subject was interested in space research since childhood...


Subject has joined Ageira in 817 A.S. where he worked as a programmer for 3 years, even though he had more experience and knowledge in space research, the subject has never been promoted to a more senior position. Eventually, the subject received access to classified information which was needed as part of a new project in which he was assigned on. Normally, he also signed the legal binding document not to reveal to anyone the aforementioned classified files.

A few months late the subject started missing from work, a formal investigation was started which revealed that he was sympathizing with Lane Hackers. He was successfully tracked down in Planet Los Angeles and captured by LSF special agents, then he was temporarily moved into a nearby Ageira facility before his transfer into Police's custody. Once there, the subject was scheduled to be transferred to Fort Bush where specialized personnel from Ageira Security Division were arranged to participate in a private interrogation and debriefing. However, the subject managed to escape before the police arrived, presumably with help from another Ageira employee. During escape the subject killed two Ageira security personnel and stole a Stargazer.

According to witnesses, the stargazer was last seen entering Ontario system.

Known Crimes

Participation in a terrorist organization. At least to murders of Ageira employees, several hacks into Ageira neural net databases. Possible leak of classified documents.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate at all costs the subject through the usage of overwhelming force under the assumption that it is well armed and extremely dangerous. If captured the target is to be secured in the nearest facility where it will await transfer to the headquarters for further processing. No preliminary interrogation of the subject is allowed.


Le Gérant - The Lane Hackers - 10-03-2016

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Dossier #1619-181 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Liberty Police, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Le Gérant

Alias: Le Gérant
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Level 3
Title: Ambassador
Status: Inactive
Joined: 823-08-19 AS
Background: Lane Hackers
Height: 183 cm
Hair: black
Eyes: blue
Age: 49, born 783 A.S.

Personal Background

Not much intel is known about Le Gérant's current dealings with the Lane Hackers outside of the fact that he is in cahoots with them. His past is something else entirely however, many records of him readily available but nothing incriminating. However, with those records, we are able to assume certain things that might give us a clearer picture of who this man might be and what he will become.

He is of Gallic descent, ex-politician, exiled to Liberty for certain extreme views of his that disagreed with Gallia's higher ups, their expansionism policy being the main culprit. However, just like his Gallic counterparts, the subject shares an equal amount of animosity for the Republic of Liberty.

As an ex-politician from Gallia, many things are unknown about him, who he was with, who he knows. But there is no doubt that this man still possesses valuable intel and connections to other politicians or other powerful public figures around Sirius.

As an ex-Gallic citizen who also worked in the industry outside of his political duties, the subject has an extremely unusual background compared to the majority of the Lane Hackers which makes him considerably unpredictable and dangerous. We have reasons to believe that his knowledge of Gallic Trade Rings and Jump Gates might bring a lot of valuable knowledge to the terrorist organization. All agents are to maintain constant surveillance status for any sightings of this individual.

Known Crimes

Physical violence against multiple Ageira employees and Liberty Police Officers, Theft, Murder of two unaffiliated traders, illegal use of Ageira security codes, destruction of corporate and Police property, robbery and aggravated assault in multiple cases, hacking the Ageira database in order to delete and alter files and passwords, trespassing restricted space and carrying contraband.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Liberty Police properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Liberty Police security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Liberty Police image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture at all costs the subject under a stealthy and highly classified operation exercising an element of surprise. If captured the target is to be secured in the nearest facility where it will await transfer to the headquarters for further processing. No preliminary interrogation of the subject is allowed.


Norman Bates - The Lane Hackers - 11-22-2016

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Dossier #1842-863 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Liberty Security Force, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Norman Bates

Alias: Norman Bates
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Master Assassin
Specialization: Warfare
Status: Inactive
Background: Liberty Security Force
Height: 175 cm
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Age: 47, born 785 A.S.

Personal Background

Subject is an orphan of unknown parents born around 785 A.S. on Pittsburgh. Up until 799 A.S. the subject was a foster child at Allegheny District Orphanage before going through several foster families around the planet. He was described by his foster parents as a typical introvert - shy, quiet and attuned. It is believed that for these characteristics he was considered an easy target for older boys. A number of incidents in which the subject was a victim of both physical and mental violence were reported throughout the years. It is worth noting that two subject's molesters died shortly after the subject was moved to different foster family. According to LPI reports Sam Turner died in an anaphylactic shock caused by hyper-allergic reaction to synth paste, while Jim Garret broke his neck after falling from a window. Preliminary investigation did not reveal any links between two accidents and the subject.

At the age of 17 the subject received a military stipend at West Point, but failed yearly psychological tests. The subject...

...due to aforementioned series of incidents after 4 years in Omicron Black Ops Section the subject was transferred to West Point to take a role of training officer in new LSF recruitment program. The subject was described by his superiors as despite being largely uncharismatic still a competent and meticulous officer. After two years at West Point the subject disappeared. An investigation launched after the subject did not return from the leave revealed a series of transfers worth in total over ten million credits from his personal neural-net accounts of unknown origins. No hard proofs were found but based on available circumstantial evidence it was believed that the subject lived a double life of LSF instructor and a contract killer.

Known Crimes

Suspected of multiple assassinations.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Liberty Security Force properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Liberty Security Force security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as minimal level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Liberty Security Force image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to terminate at all costs the subject through the usage of overwhelming force under the assumption that it is well armed and extremely dangerous.


Huracan - The Lane Hackers - 12-19-2016

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Dossier #6335-102 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch


Alias: Huracan
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Level 4
Status: Inactive
Joined: 823-11-26 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 175 cm
Hair: none
Eyes: Brown
Age: 32, born 800 A.S.

Personal Background

Subject born at year 800 A.S. on Planet Manhattan. Parents are unknown as the baby was left at the shelter. Grew up in foster care with a family who were unable to have their own children. The subject was an average student and showed little motivation to strive for anything beyond mediocre results. After finishing high school he chose to study quantum engineering and showed good promise. Numerous minor incidents with fellow students occurred throughout the years. According to counselor, the subject was easily angered resulting in physical alterations. After completing the course and applied to position at Pueblo Station as low-level engineering overseeing the manufacturing process of Ageira products. During the last two years, the subject was promoted two times. There were no known incidents until the subject was involved in incident regarding one manufacturing machinery. According to his supervisor, the subject was always complaining about low salary and hard conditions at the plant. Multiple unreported verbal threats were issued but the supervisor claimed to have solved them on their own accord. During the incident subject received third-degree burns on the face rendering it unrecognizable. During police investigation evidence was found implicating intentional sabotage with aim to collude with fellow employees to get rid of their supervisor. During police arrest in infirmary his colleagues helped him escape and steal a small craft. The subject's whereabouts are unknown at this time. High possibility that subject joined the Lane Hackers.

Known Crimes

According to his criminal record, the subject has collected the following felonies and misdemeanors:
- Nine charges for minor assaults of fellow students.
- Five charges for speeding.
- Two charges for hiring prostitute below legal age.
- One charge for using Synthetic Marijuana in public place.
- Unconfirmed charge with intentional sabotage of manufacturing plant on Pueblo Station.
- One charge for resisting and evading arrest.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to terminate the subject using standard operational techniques and procedures.


Gustav Graves - The Lane Hackers - 02-20-2017

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Dossier #1814-714 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Liberty Police, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Gustav Graves

Alias: Gustav Graves
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Level 3
Status: Inactive
Joined: 823-09-28 AS
Background: Other
Height: 188 cm
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Age: 50, born 782 A.S.

Personal Background

The subject first appeared in LPI records around the year of 807 A.S. in connection with a few apprehended Cardamine dealers on the streets of Manhattan's low-class urban areas. When questioned for whom they worked, the apprehended dealers mentioned the name Navarro, which is, as the investigators later found out, the subject's real family name. For lack of further leads, the issue was put to rest and the petty criminals sentenced to three years in Huntsville. For the longest time, nothing else would reveal itself to warrant re-opening the case file until a fairly large Cardamine and Nox shipment was seized in 817 A.S..

A Clydesdale filled to the brim with the two substances had been reported by a concerned citizen to be parked in a private hangar for suspiciously short intervals of time. Officers that arrived to interdict the freighter upon its next visit found the substances described above as well as the courier, who again identified his boss by the name of Navarro. Seeing the connection to a former case, the LPI re-opened both, deeming it necessary, as it seemed like we were dealing with a large-scale drug distribution network. Further investigation into the matter revealed a layer of drug crime that has so far been undetected due to the low priority of the areas affected. From what was recovered from the seized Clydesdale, it was possible for the LPI to root out a large drug distrubution network, though its head eluded us.

The interrogated suspects in the case revealed enough information to identify the subject as August Navarro, born on Denver in 782 A.S.. Attempts to locate potential relatives have proven futile, although it stands to reason that they did not leave voluntarily, if the status of their dwellings was taken into consideration. To this day, investigation into their whereabouts have been halted due to lack of potential leads and the file closed due to the subjects disappearance. It is believed he had advanced knowledge about the investigation and that he sought refuge with one of Liberty's criminal organisations.

Known Crimes

• Drug Trafficing
• Possible Abduction
• Forced Prostitution

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Liberty Police properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as minimal level threat in terms of potential damage to Liberty Police security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Liberty Police image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture the subject using standard operational techniques and procedures. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.


Chang - The Lane Hackers - 03-19-2017

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Dossier #5450-642 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch


Alias: Chang
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Deceiver
Specialization: Intelligence
Status: Inactive
Joined: 823-07-16 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 178 cm
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Age: 38, born 794 A.S.

Personal Background

The subject was born on Manhattan, parents are unknown. As a child subject showed inclination to programming and technologies. At age of 18 the subject received a scholarship and studied electronic warfare and encryption protocols at West Point Military Academy. Upon studies' completion his skills were rated high in cyber warfare, very high in intelligence gathering and average in combat.

After graduation he applied in Ageira's Security Division and received several promotions. During this time he received a bio-replacement eye after his own was irreversibly damaged during combat. The subject worked for Ageira for a total of 6 years till he was 29 years old when he was forcefully dismissed after having been traced though his communications and his work terminals while trying to sneak top secret technology blueprints and other classified data to the Lane Hackers. The subject refused to comply to armed LSF Agents shooting two of them down while attempting to hack Pueblo Station's launch bay terminal hunting for the launch codes of a vacant shuttle. Once the subject left the docking bay he powered up weapons and destroyed a wing of the Security Division's best pilots which was called to intercept him.

Extreme caution should be exercised as the subject is known to actively attacking Ageira assets. In the last report, the subject stole a large amount of Trade Lane parts after destroying two transports with all hands lost right after they exited Pueblo.

Known Crimes

• Destruction of civilian assets
• Destruction of Ageira Technologies' assets
• Four verified counts of murder
• Illegal theft of sensitive information
• Illegal theft of Trade Lane, Jump Gate parts and other Ageira-manufactured products

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate the subject with utmost caution and diligence under the assumption that it is extremely dangerous and resourceful. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.


Adrian Malprave - The Lane Hackers - 10-12-2017

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Dossier #1453-314 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Adrian Malprave

Alias: Adrian Malprave
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Deceiver
Specialization: Intelligence
Status: Active
Joined: 822-05-09 AS
Background: Interspace Commerce
Height: 172 cm
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Brown
Age: 52, born 780 A.S.

Personal Background

The subject is believed to be a professional impostor and a con artist who assumed multiple identities throughout his criminal career. The last known stolen identity belonged to Richard Fitzgerald, a senior security consultant at Interspace Commerce. In July 822 Fitzgerald was outsourced to Ageira Technologies to improve security of convoys traveling from Liberty to Kusari and to actively seek out disloyal employees planning to sell corporate secrets. It is believed that the subject captured the real Richard Fitzgerald during the transfer to Pueblo Station and then successfully used his identity for over three months.

Initially, it was thought that the subject was extremely efficient security specialist. However, after additional investigation it turned out that the subject fabricated evidence in over a dozen cases putting blame to random employees simply to distract the security auditors from his illegal operation. It is believed that during three months between July and September 822 he developed contacts with Liberty Rogues and Lane Hackers in the region and sold confidential security details concerning high-value transports of about 3 billion credits net worth in cargo.

On 4th September 822 03:22 a random malfunction in an airlock controller resulted in an emergency depressurizing of a component 3B-ZAA-N at Pueblo Station, resulting in an explosion of an entire compartment leaving 25 injured and 13 dead including the subject - identified by sufficient DNA samples. Body of Richard Fitzgerald was never found but he is presumed to be dead as well. An official inquiry had been sent to KSP and BPA in order to link the subject with possible previous identity thefts, but in the light of subject's death it was being cancelled.

Known Crimes

- murder with an intent of impersonation
- identity theft and impersonating security officer
- industrial espionage and sabotage
- selling sensitive secret information to unauthorized parties
- participation in cargo piracy

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate the subject using standard operational techniques and procedures. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.


Guy Thackeray - The Lane Hackers - 01-09-2018

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Dossier #7864-321 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Deep Space Engineering, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Guy Thackeray

Alias: Guy Thackeray
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Saboteur
Specialization: Sabotage
Status: Inactive
Joined: 824-12-27 AS
Background: Deep Space Engineering
Height: 182 cm
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue-Green
Age: 33, born 799 A.S.

Personal Background

Subject has deleted much of the information pertaining to him from company databases and as such a limited amount of information is available. What is known is that the subject originates from Planet Houston within the Texas system. His educational credentials are known to be in the field of Networking Security. Subject studied from 818 A.S. to 822 A.S. at University of Houston, graduated with honors in Neural Net Security. Subject's career with Deep Space Engineering began in 822 A.S. shortly after his graduation from the University of Houston. During his first weeks, he proved himself to be a hard-working programmer. His notable experiences included solving many vulnerabilities within the anti-intrusion software utilized in many products of Deep Space Engineering. Later, the subject was found to be in possession of classified documentation related to the encryption of secure data channels. It was later confirmed that the subject had released these documents to an unknown party. An arrest was attempted on the subject and was deemed to be initially successful. Unfortunately, the subject escaped a cellblock on board Toronto Station. The subject was never seen after his escape Subject is known to be armed and dangerous, approach with caution.

Known Crimes

Industrial Espionage
Computer Trespass
Wire Fraud
Grand Larceny
Multiple counts of attempted murder
Multiple counts of murder

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Deep Space Engineering properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of potential damage to Deep Space Engineering security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Deep Space Engineering image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to terminate at all costs the subject through the usage of overwhelming force under the assumption that it is well armed and extremely dangerous.
