Mister Graves,
I spent a bit of time tracking down the relevant information about that runaway Osiris. In fact, two of our undercover operatives managed to track him down and discern his current position with the Republic. He's a Lieutenant Commander in the Fifth Fleet now.
Attached to this you'll find all the relevant data you need.
[09.10.2016 21:55:06] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Freelance Pilots please keep your engines cut...
[09.10.2016 21:55:08] *********: It'll be done.
[09.10.2016 21:55:09] *********: *sighs, exhaling out a yawn, raising their head*
[09.10.2016 21:55:11] *********: Huh-
[09.10.2016 21:55:12] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: What are you both doing out here?
[09.10.2016 21:55:12] *********: Oh.
[09.10.2016 21:55:17] *********: That was...
[09.10.2016 21:55:19] *********: Sudden.
[09.10.2016 21:55:20] *********: Sitting. Enjoying the atmosphere.
[09.10.2016 21:55:28] *********: It's a nice view of the sun.
[09.10.2016 21:55:35] *********: Yes... very... nice...
[09.10.2016 21:55:39] *********: Less... Blinding.
[09.10.2016 21:55:43] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Hmm well you arent wrong about that...
[09.10.2016 21:56:01] *********: I think the better question is...
[09.10.2016 21:56:04] *********: What are you doing out here?
[09.10.2016 21:56:14] *********: Don't you know patrols go missing?
[09.10.2016 21:56:21] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Just a random patrol... The norm.
[09.10.2016 21:56:29] *********: [They briefly point their thumb towards the derelict wrecks]
[09.10.2016 21:56:53] ********* I've always admired the Badlands when they were still and quiet.
[09.10.2016 21:57:02] *********: Oh.
[09.10.2016 21:57:03] *********: Lovely.
[09.10.2016 21:57:15] *********: *yawn*
[09.10.2016 21:57:35] *********: And that... is why people don't patrol the unknown alone.
[09.10.2016 21:58:13] *********: So do tell me.
[09.10.2016 21:58:15] *********: Why Liberty?
[09.10.2016 21:58:20] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: How do you mean?
[09.10.2016 21:58:25] *********: You know.
[09.10.2016 21:58:29] *********: The big-big House.
[09.10.2016 21:58:31] *********: Big-big dreams.
[09.10.2016 21:58:32] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: We know eachother?
[09.10.2016 21:58:43] *********: Why the Navy? What's the inspiration behind it?
[09.10.2016 21:58:45] *********: Your name is on some newswires and has been tossed around.
[09.10.2016 21:59:05] *********: You must either be daring or stupid to come out this far.
[09.10.2016 21:59:27] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: I have nothing to fear... and back up is only moments away should i need it.
[09.10.2016 21:59:38] *********: Those moments are all it takes.
[09.10.2016 21:59:38] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Might i pester you on what has been tossed around as you claim?
[09.10.2016 21:59:40] *********: That's what 27 thought too.
[09.10.2016 22:00:16] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Well Sadly i cant speak for them..
[09.10.2016 22:00:21] *********: Come now, Captain. If a man plays a fool, than it's only fools he'll deceive. Your name is all over.
[09.10.2016 22:00:33] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Alright alright...
[09.10.2016 22:00:46] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Who sent you?
[09.10.2016 22:00:49] *********: No one.
[09.10.2016 22:00:55] *********: Absolutely no one.
[09.10.2016 22:01:03] *********: It's just kind of a hobby.
[09.10.2016 22:01:07] *********: Like bird watching.
[09.10.2016 22:01:08] *********: Heh.
[09.10.2016 22:01:13] *********: Yep.
[09.10.2016 22:01:15] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: That sounds oddly familier.
[09.10.2016 22:01:23] *********: I'm curious as to how you ended up turning coats.
[09.10.2016 22:01:41] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: You really want to know huh?
[09.10.2016 22:01:53] *********: From what I understand, you were wholeheartedly devoted to the cause of Humanity.
[09.10.2016 22:01:57] ********* So why the Republic?
[09.10.2016 22:01:59] *********: Watching from the sidelines is always interesting.
[09.10.2016 22:02:11] *********: Forget TV, this is live.
[09.10.2016 22:02:13] *********: This is now.
[09.10.2016 22:02:21] *********: Action packed, in the moment.
[09.10.2016 22:02:38] *********: And sometimes... you can alter the story.
[09.10.2016 22:02:45] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Look i came here with the mindset i could help everyone.
[09.10.2016 22:02:51] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: And for awhile it worked.
[09.10.2016 22:02:55] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: But...
[09.10.2016 22:02:59] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: all good things come to an end.
[09.10.2016 22:03:17] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: After my unfortunate incident with Auxesia which i regret.. they are not bad people
[09.10.2016 22:03:29] *********: Axe-sea-saw?
[09.10.2016 22:03:35] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: And the Order leaving me here with no support as they return tot he Omicron.
[09.10.2016 22:03:37] *********: Sounds weird to me.
[09.10.2016 22:03:46] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: //to the*
[09.10.2016 22:04:05] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: I decided to make this choice.
[09.10.2016 22:04:18] *********: Aren't the Axe people terrorists?
[09.10.2016 22:04:22] *********: Why are they not bad?
[09.10.2016 22:04:29] *********: I think they're pretty dull.
[09.10.2016 22:04:49] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: oh no they are... but some small aspects are not "to" Bad.
[09.10.2016 22:05:09] *********: So everyone has the good and the bad eh?
[09.10.2016 22:05:15] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Dont we all?
[09.10.2016 22:05:20] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: No one is perfect.
[09.10.2016 22:05:21] *********: And here's me thinking it was just the Core trying to spread their disease.
[09.10.2016 22:05:30] *********: *yawn*
[09.10.2016 22:05:59] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: I have not had much interactions with the Core.
[09.10.2016 22:06:06] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: i cant speak for or about them.
[09.10.2016 22:06:09] *********: Really?
[09.10.2016 22:06:10] *********: Hum.
[09.10.2016 22:06:15] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Dont get me wrong
[09.10.2016 22:06:20] *********: They're not exactly nice.
[09.10.2016 22:06:29] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: I have read the reports.
[09.10.2016 22:06:44] *********: Seeing it first hand is a different story.
[09.10.2016 22:07:00] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: I agree.
[09.10.2016 22:07:33] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: This is all the time i can spare... I am being.."asked" To return to Manhatten.
[09.10.2016 22:07:44] 5th|Jonathan.Kalh: Enjoy your View..
Do excuse my mirth, but you have to admit that this is really funny. Not even a week within the Fifth Fleet and already a Lieutenant Commander? Hilarious! It really does make me wonder just how desperate those people are if they allow a defector, a runaway, a fugitive to assume a position in their ranks' mid command. Things like this make me wonder what the thought process behind such action is, if any. Security risks, potential doubleplay. Well, that's not my beer.
Returning to the matter at hand lest I get lost on a tangent or die of a sudden aneurysm caused by the sheer ludicrousness of the entire situation, let me express my surprise about actually hearing back from you about this. I am not a man of petty insults, or at least I would fancy myself as such, and thus I would urge you not to take offence at that comment, but I didn't reckon you would keep your word. That you did goes to show that I may have laboured under preconceived notions associated to your group.
As promised, hereby the information that we are physically able to part with in return for what you shared with me. Judging by the times associated with your recordings, mine are a bit farther into the past — by two days, to be exact. It would almost seem as if I have captured perhaps a smidge of the last hours the captain in question was in the service of the Order, or at least flying their banner. If you are wondering about circumstances under which this was recorded, it was during a Unioner raid on Texas, during which the Amenhotep assailed the unwitting Rheinland invaders, uttering the recorded with a straight face.
Thank you again, Mr. Hunt. I shall be sure to make good use of what you have imparted on us and vice versa.
[07.10.2016 20:08:55] 5th|LNS-Jack.O'Neill: Sader:This isn't good. All hands to battlestations
[07.10.2016 20:09:06] |O|-Amenhotep: Kalh: Admiral Sader coming to your six.
[07.10.2016 20:09:16] |O|-Amenhotep: Kalh: Its time we push these Unioners back.
[07.10.2016 20:09:35] |O|-Amenhotep: Kalh: Liberty will not be tainted by them.
[07.10.2016 20:09:35] 5th|LNS-Jack.O'Neill: Sader:Fire at will if the enemy is too close
[07.10.2016 20:09:53] Susan.Ward:404: Well. That's a rather unexpected sight.
[07.10.2016 20:10:12] 5th|LNS-Jack.O'Neill: Sader:Enemy gunboat targeted
[07.10.2016 20:10:13] Anna.Sokoloff: "Seems I'll be able to pick up a few parts of premium scrap here in a second."
[07.10.2016 20:10:16] LH~Gustav.Graves: Mr. Kalh.
[07.10.2016 20:10:41] UN|Ostfriesland: Krause: Here their cavalry is, lets root them out
[07.10.2016 20:10:44] UN|-Ruhm.und.Ehre: Roehm: Getting in sniper range
[07.10.2016 20:10:46] |O|-Amenhotep: Kalh: All men, to Battlestations, OPEN FIRE, Defend Texas!
A week in a fleet at such a rank is no more than a status card. It's my understanding that it's kept such a way due to the nature of the warship he brought with him. Were I in their position I'd of confiscated the warship until he had proven himself.
But I'm not.
Frankly, I'm glad to see the ship out of the Order's hands. I'm not happy about where it ended up, but there may be hope for him yet. Maybe somewhere along the lines he'll see that his urge to help everyone is stemmed by the Republic's selfish nature. Only then will he have to seek outside help to run from a second force. Only time will tell.
As for your statement - I am a man who has done business with your organization in the past, and I have been punctual on all but one occasion, which I intend to rectify very shortly. Having negotiated terms with the Professorship for a mutual understanding, I hope now you and your associates can see the benefit of working with us, albeit at a distance and with an obvious modicum of discomfort due to past incidents, but I digress.
I once more thank you for the recorded data and I hope you put what I've given to as good of use as you can. I'd hate to see such wonderful logs go to waste, and - well, I'm sure I needn't repeat myself about their integrity. Two Osiris-Class ships lost to the Independent Worlds on a rescue operation that could've been dealt with had they kept to their ever-so-often preached 'hard decisions'.
For all we know, they've let loose an infectee back in to the ranks of the Republic in a significant position of power. Willingly? Speculated. Perhaps their Modus Operendi consists of allowing insurgencies to occur so they might appear as heroes, saving the day at a later date to keep up their image as the self-proclaimed Vanguards of Humanity, but was it not the Lane Hackers who had helped them in the past? Two decades ago the Order were declared terrorists. Now, we sit as the same. There's a pattern here, and it's one I intend to not let ourselves end up as the former, because in order to survive we can't rely on edgy rhetoric's and past glories. We can't cling to the hope that one individual can be captured by the Infectees and miraculously make it out unscathed and unaffected by a species known for its subversion, control and indoctrinating abilities.
We can't rely on the integrity of a group once dedicated to eradicating this threat that now declares laws and attempts to control the Edge Worlds like a pseudo-House.
Though, I'm ranting, and I have a deal with the professorship to complete.