To:Adm. BAKER, Rachel ; [CC: LN HIGH COMMAND] Source: Cdr. DRAPER, Jeffrey Encryption:Standard Navy Priority:Low
Dear Admiral Baker:
At the request of Navy High Command, I have conducted a psychological evalutation of Lieutenant James Lambert in order to assist in determining his ability to resume duty as an officer of the Liberty Navy.
After reviewing Lieutenant James Lambert's case file, conducting personal interviews, and completing a full battery of psychological tests, it is clear that Lt. Lambert exhibits mild to moderate symptoms of several different disorders, including acute stress disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and a developing alcohol dependance.
It is my professional opinion that Lt. Lambert has developed all of these conditions recently and as a direct result of his experience as a prisoner of war and several exposures to a powerful non-human mental force. As such his condition is likely treatable with time and regular sessions with a Navy psychologist.
Because of the irregular circumstances of this case, I do not feel comfortable offering you a clear recommendation at this time, but it is my hope that the Navy can come to a decision based on my diagnosis. Regardless, please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Commander Jeffrey Draper, Medical Corps, Liberty Navy
Naval Center for Combat and Operational Stress Control
Fort Bragg, Los Angeles
After having reviewed your report on the matter, we have decided to reinstate James Lambert at the rank of Ensign subject to ongoing psychological evaluation and performance reviews. I am assigning you to be his primary psychologist, and you are to make regular reports on this channel with respect to his mental well being and fitness for duty. It is my expectation that with long term care, and a sense of purpose from active duty, that we will see these issues fade away. I look forward to your progress reports, Commander.
To:VAdm. POLSTARI, Alan ; [CC: LN HIGH COMMAND] Source: Cdr. DRAPER, Jeffrey Encryption:Standard Navy Priority:Low
Dear Admiral Polstari:
Thank you for the response on behalf of High Command. With your approval, I'm sure Mr. Lambert will be through the final stages of clearance and ready for duty shortly.
I'll work with my team to get him scheduled for weekly evaluations here at Ft. Bragg, and will be certain to update you on any further developments or breakthroughs that we may have during our sessions. I'll make a note to keep this channel open for future reports.
Commander Jeffrey Draper, Medical Corps, Liberty Navy
Naval Center for Combat and Operational Stress Control
Fort Bragg, Los Angeles
To:NAVY HIGH COMMAND Source: Cdr. DRAPER, Jeffrey Encryption:Standard Navy Priority:Normal
I am writing to update you regarding my sessions with Ensign James Lambert, as requested by Admiral Polstari.
Ens. Lambert and I have met weekly for a total of five sessions, and on the whole I have been very impressed with his ongoing development of a positive outlook, as well as good results from the treatments I prescribed.
For our first several meetings, the ensign was stand-offish and borderline disrespectful towards me, as he clearly did not see the purpose of our sessions. However, starting three weeks ago, he abruptly opened up to me, and we began rapidly making progress. In addition, the drugs I prescribed him to assist in sleeping seem to be doing an excellent job. These are very positive signs, enough that I felt confident in reducing the frequency of our meetings to semi-weekly.
The Ensign has expressed a desire to focus on his work with the Primary Fleet as a means of coping with the various problems he has faced in the past, and I believe steadily increasing his level of responsibility will be a good way to facilitate that. Thus, my professional opinion is that High Command should strongly consider reinstating him to his previous rank.
I have also taken the liberty of attaching my notes from our sessions in case you wish to view them.
I will update you again in another month or so. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any clarification.
Commander Jeffrey Draper, Medical Corps, Liberty Navy
Naval Center for Combat and Operational Stress Control
Fort Bragg, Los Angeles
Thank you for your update on Ensign Lambert's progress. We will bear your reports in mind during any discussion of advancement we have for him.
Additionally, you have my personal thanks for working as diligently on this case as you have. I have high hopes you'll be able to restore him to the man I knew him as before his absence.