Dab,May 21 2006, 05:50 PM Wrote:All new official clans need approval. Not just groups like PLH. If they want to be officially they need approval. Maybe he should put a message saying "Any new factions wanting to become official must register on the forums and make a post about themselves."
Or something like that.
Yea that would help. BTW should we put notices like " For the full experience of the discovery mod please regester on our forums *link*"?
Met2085,May 21 2006, 01:13 PM Wrote:Well I think Igiss should put in the console msgs the all new clans need to be approved by him. Just a thought
On the last server our clan was on, it was required that a clan had 5 verifiable active members for official recognition as a clan. I think that is fair for official clan recognition. :yes:
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